Honey : Real Food & Medicine

 Honey : Real Food and Medicine,
[A5] Paperback - 116 pages, 2nd Edition, 2009,
by M. Hathurani,
Edited by Dr. I. Keeka and R. Lasania,
Published by Natura-Cure.

Back in Stock February 2019

Description :

A clear and comprehensive book on the scientific aspects of Honey as well as bringing in the special qualities of the Honeybee.
Both the Holy Qur'an and Hadith (Prophetic traditions) refer to honey as a healer of disease.

Read in this book about :

     ***Bees, Bee Sting and Bee Venom,
     ***Honey Remedies for Specific Ailments,
     ***Beauty Therapies with Honey,
     ***Honey in the Kitchen,
     ***Meat Sauces and Garnishes,
     ***Baking with Honey.

The miraculous healing properties of honey are extensively covered in this book and the many recipes you'll find at the end, I am sure will, entice you to keep two bottles of honey in your home, one in the medicine chest and the other, in the kitchen.

Table of Contents


---All about Bees,
---Bees and their Families,
---Anatomy of the Worker Bee,
---Who's Who in the Hive.
-----The Queen Bee,
-----The Drones,
-----The Worker Bees,
------How Bees gather Nectar and Pollen,
------The Honey Stomach,

---[1]. About Bees Sting and Bee Venom,
------What to do when you are stung?
------Remedies and Relief,
------A Word of Caution.

---[2]. All About Honey,
------Why Bees produce Honey,
------How Bees make Honey,
------Other sources of Honey,
------The Hive,
------From Nectar to Honey,
------Sugars in Honey,
------Honey verses Sugar,
------Minerals and Protein,
------Colour, Flavour and Aroma of Honey,
------How to store Honey,
------Assorted forms of Honey,
------Testing Honey for Purity,
------Royal Jelly - A Wonder Substance,
------Uses of Honey,
------Honey as Food and Medicine.

---[3]. Honey Remedies for Specific Ailments,
-------Migraine, Coughs, Colds and Flu,
-------Postnasal Drip,
-------Tiredness, Fatigue, Physical and Mental Exhaustion,
-------Eye and Ear disorders,
-------Fever, Measles,
-------Nausea, Ulcer,
-------Constipation, Diarrhoea,
-------Stomach Ache,
-------''Morning Sickness,''
-------Dental Care,
-------Teething Babies,
-------Mouth Ulcers,
-------Bad Breath,
-------Sore Throat and Throat Irritation,
-------Hoarseness & Excessive Phlegm,
-------Chest Congestion and Brochial Catarrh,
-------Pneumonia and Asthma,
-------Chilblains, Burns, Cuts and Wounds,
-------Insomnia, Nervousness and for Improving Memory,
-------Liver Disorders and Jaundice,
-------Kidney and Bladder problems,
-------Cardiac Dosorders and Angina,
-------High & Low Blood Pressure,
-------Reproductive weakness,
-------Sterility, Frigidity and Infertility,
-------Premature ejaculation,
-------Delayed menstruation,
-------Easy Delivery in Childbirth,
-------Diabetes and Obesity,
-------Hiccups in Children and Adults,
-------Body Odour,
-------Alcohol Addiction,
-------Artritis, Gout and Rheumatism,
-------Old Age, Senility,
-------Twitching and Cramps,
-------Bed-wetting and Laxatives,
-------Honey Balm for Sores.

---[4]. Beauty Therapies with Honey,
------Facial Cream.
------Honey-Almond Cleanser,
------Firming Face Mask,
------Lustre to Face,
------Facial Toner & Mositurising Mask,
------Skin Smoothener and Softener,
------Skin Lotion and Complexion Enhancer.

---[5]. Honey in the Kitchen,
------Honey for Breakfast and Snacks,
----------Honey Spread,
----------Cereals with Honey,
----------Honey Omelette,
----------Sweet-Sour Beans.
------Salad Dressings,
----------Instant Salad Dressings,
----------Carrot Salad with Honey Dressing,
----------Lemon-Honey Salad Dressing.
------Sweet Dishes and Desserts,
----------Honey Sause,
----------Glazed Sweet Potatoes,
----------Browned Sweet Potatoes,
----------Baked Bananas,
----------Honey-Egg Custard,
----------Fruit Cup,
----------Honey Topping.
----------Fruit Punch,
----------Ginger Drink,
----------Honey Lemon Drink,
----------Spiced Apple and Grapefruit Appetiser,
----------Apricot Milk Shade.
------Meat Sauces and Garnishes,
----------Mexican Sauce,
----------Sweet and Sour Sauce,
----------Honey-Raisin Sauce,
----------More Recipes with Honey Glazes.
------Baking with Honey,
----------Honey Crackers,
----------Honey-Date Bread with Nuts,
----------Honey-Maize Bread,
----------Honey-Date Muffins,
----------Honey and Date Pudding.


''A Must for Every Household''!

Our Honey Range!

Also see Natural Remedies and Medicine of the Prophet, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam.

Recommended : Black Seed Products (Kalonji (Habba Sawda) or Nigella Sativa).

  • Shipping Weight: 0.325 kgs
  • 7 Units in Stock

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