Islamic Beliefs & Doctrine: Ahl al-Sunna

Islamic Beliefs & Doctrine : New,
According to Ahl al-Sunna, Vol 1,
A Repudiation of 'Salafi' Innovations,
*[A5] Paperback - 413 pages,
by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani,
Edited by Gibril Fouad al-Haddad,
Published by As-Sunna Foundation.

Back in Stock October 2023
Description :
"Two Imams have been severely tried because of their followers although they are innocent of them: Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal was tried with the Mujassima (anthropomorphsits), and Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq was tried with the rafida (rejectionists)." [Shaykh al-Hadith Ibn al-Salah [d.643h] as quoted by Taj al-Din al-Subki in his Qa'ida fi al-jarhi wa al-ta'dil, p.43].
We may add that in later times Islam itself was tried with Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab, who claimed to defend it and uphold its pure doctrine, when in fact they corrupted it and tore apart its community with their confusion.
Just as Imam Ahmad is clear of them, Islam and Muslims as a whole are also clear of them.
"I have seen among the followers of our school (Hanbalis) some who held unsound discourses on doctrine. Three in particular have applied themselves to write books in which they distort the Hanbali madhhab.  'Abu Abd Allah ibn Hamid, his friend al-Qadi (Abu Ya'la) and ibn al-Zaghuni." ---[Ibn al-Jawzi, Daf Shabah al-Tashbih bi akuff al-Tanzih. p.97 -101].
An investigation of ibn Tayymiya's views was conducted with several scholars in Cairo and a written statement was drawn, in which he said; " I am Ash'ari, and .... I believe that the Qur'an is a meaning which exists in Allah's Essence ... and that it is uncreated, and that it does not consist in the letter nor the voice, and that His saying; "The Merciful established Himself over the Throne" is not taken according to its external meaning (laysa 'ala zahirihi)' ... It was written by Ahmad ibn Taymiyya and they witnessed over him that he had repented of his own free will from all that contravened [Ash'ari 'aqida] ... and it was witnessed by a huge array of scholars and others." ---[Ibn Hajr, Al-Durar al-Kamina fi a'yan al-Mi'at al-Thamina. 1 : 148].
"The specifications of the Way of the Sufis are five :

   *** To keep the presence of Allah in your heart in public and in private,
   *** To follow the Sunnah of the Prophet?, by actions and speech,
   *** To keep away from people and from asking them,
   *** To be happy with what Allah have you, even if it is less,
   *** To always refer to your matters to Allah."
---[Imam al-Nawawi, al-Maqasid, p85-86].
Table of Contents :
Part [I]. Doctrine ('Aqida).
[A]. The Unity of Doctrine and Its Enemies,
------Who are the Ahl al-Sunna ?
------Imam al-Ashari and the Ash'ari School,
------Imam al-Maturidi,
------Imam al-Tahawi,
------Imam al-Tahawi's statement  of Islamic Doctrine (Aqida al-Tahawiyya),
------More definitions of the Ahl al-Sunna,
------Imam al-Nawawi on Ta'wil (figurative interpretation),
------Imam al-Subki on Ta'wil,
------Imam al-Ghazali on Ta'wil,
------Ahl al-Bida (The Innovators),
------The 'Salafi' Movement,
------Ibn Taymiyya's strife,
------Ibn Taymiyya & Ibn Qayyim's tajsim (anthropomorphism),
------Their maligning of Ash'aris and others of the Ahl al-Sunna,
------Ash'ari's of yesterday and today,
------Ibn Taymiyya's two tawhid's,
------His false repentance and pretense  of being Ash'ari,
------Ibn al-Jawzi on tashbih (likening Allah Almighty to creation),
------The prevalence of mujassima in the Hanbali madhhab,
------Ibn Taymiyya attacks Ash'aris for precluding a body,
------Ibn Hibban exiled by the mujassima for precluding limits,
------Imam al-Dhahabi's lack of commitment against tajsim,
------Imam ibn Hajar's rejection of Al-Dhahabi's reasoning,
------'Ala'is and al-Subki's denunciation of al-Dhahabi's bias,
------Excursus ; Nasir al-Din al-Albani's innovations,
------The sourcs of ibn Taymiyya's ideas,
----------'Uthman ibn Sa'id  al-Darimi,
----------'Abd Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal,
----------Ibn Khuzayma,
------Ibn Taymiyya's literal representation of Allah's descent,
------Ibn Taymiyya compares Allah Almighty to the Moon,
------Shaykh al-Haytami's scathing condemnation of Ibn Taymiyya.

[B]. The Method of the Ahl al-Sunna on The Attributes :
---The mutashabihat (ambiguities) in Qur'an and Hadith,
---Method of the true Salaf regarding ambiguities,
---The methodology of the khalaf,
---Al-Khattabi on the Salaf and Khalafs goal: avoiding tashbih,
---Shaykh al-'Izz ibn Abd al-Salam on the obligation of ta'wil,
---Shaykh al-Buti on the two ta'wils of the Salaf and the khalaf,

[C]. The Sayings of the Ahl al-Sunna On The Attributes :
[D]. The Aberrations of the Wahhabis and "Salafis" on The Attributes and their Refutation by the Ahl al-Sunna,
Conclusion : Salaf and Pseudo Salaf :
Part [II]. Purifying the Self (Tasawwuf).
[A]. What is tasawwuf ? Definition and Overview;
[B]. Is there evidence for tasawwuf in the Qur'an?
[C]. What are the proofs from Hadith on tasawwuf?
[D]. Sayings of the Imam's and Scholars on tasawwuf?
[E]. Conclusion.
Also see Islamic Creed.
Also see Refutation,
Also see Wahhabism.

*Dimensions : 21.5 x 14.2cm.
  • Shipping Weight: 0.599 kgs
  • 7 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Sh. Hisham Kabbani

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