Imam Ahmed Raza His Academic & ..

 Imam Ahmed Raza His Academic & Spiritual Services : New,
*[A5] Paperback - 148 pages,
by Muhammad Afthab Cassim Razvi Noori,
Published by Imam Mustafa Raza Centre, Durban, South Africa,
with Kutub Khana Amjadia, Delhi.

Description :

The personality of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan, may Allah be pleased with him, shines on this earth just as the sun shines with all of its splendour over the Horizon. When one closely examines the sun, it seems as if it only possesses a single colour, but if we examine it closely, we realise that it gives out rays of light, which show the colours of a rainbow or spectrum. The personality of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan, may Allah be pleased with him, can be understood in a very similar manner. Imam Ahmed Raza Khan was in reality, very much like the sun. He was a single person spreading his rays of knowledge and spiritualism throughout the earth.

In this present time, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan, may Allah be pleased with him, is not only the name of one individual, but is the name which demonstrates the "Movement of the Love of the Holy Prophet, ﷺ." In this present time, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan, is one of the major "Power Houses" of the Muslim World. His personality is one of the central points of attaining spiritual and academic knowledge. He is a personality who was proficient in more than fifty branches of learning. In his 65 years of physical life, he wrote approximately 1200 books and treatises.

Huzoor Muhaddith al-A'zam al-Hind, may Allah be pleased with him, said : "If all the past books of fiqh had to be destroyed, then the books of Imam Ahmed Raza would be sufficient up to Qiyaamah."

Table of Contents :

---Compilers Note,

Chapter [1]. Childhood,
---Imam Ahmed Raza's Blessed Birth,
---His Blessed Name,
---Illustrious Family History,
---Imam Ahmed Raza's Piety as a Child,
---Imam Ahmed Raza's First Lecture,
---His Intelligence as a Child,
---Astonishing Events of Childhood.

Chapter [2]. Primary and Tertiary Education,
---Commencement of Islamic Education,
---A'la Hazrat's First Fatwa,
---His Marriage and Blessed Children,
---Incident pointing to his Immense Knowledge,
---Branches of Knowledge studied by his Father's Feet,
---Branches of Knowledge attained without the Assistance of any Teacher,
---Other Branches of Knowledge attained from Various Ulama.

Chapter [3]. Academic Services,
---Proficiency in over fifty Branches of Knowledge,
---Translation and Commentary of the Holy Quran,
---Authority in the Field of Ahadith,
---A Great Jurist of his time,
---Imam Ahmed Raza's I'lm e Jafar,
---His Knowledge of Philosophy and Science,
---Knowledge of Astronomy and Astrology,
---A Mathematical Genius,
---Contribution to the Field of Poetry.

Chapter [4]. Spiritual Life,
---Bai'at and Khilafat,
---Imam Ahmed Raza's Mureeds and Khulafa,
---Imam Ahmed Raza's First Hajj,
---Imam Ahmed Raza's Second Hajj,
---In the Presence of the Holy Prophet, ﷺ,
---His Love for the Holy Prophet, ﷺ,
---Love and Respect for the Descendants of the Holy Prophet, ﷺ,
---Imam Ahmed Raza's Adherence to the Sunnah,
---Love for Sayyiduna Ghous al Azam, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
---His Contentment and Abstention from Worldly Activities.

Chapter [5]. Services as a Mujaddid,
---Imam Ahmed Raza as the Mujaddid of the 14th Century,
---A List of known Mujaddids from the first Century,
---Imam Ahmed Raza's Jihad against the Insulters of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah, ﷺ,
---A Few Fatawas of the Ulema-e-Haramain Sharifain,
---Some Titles bestowed upon him by the Noble Ulema of Makkatul Mukarramah,
---Some Titles bestowed upon him by the Noble Ulema of Madinatul Munawwarah,
---His Unique Memory.

Chapter [6]. Blessed Qualities,
---His Blessed Character,
---Obedience towards Parents,
---Respect for the Masjid,
---Love and Respect towards Pilgrims,
---A Few of Imam Ahmed Raza's Unique Habits,
---His Mystical Powers.

Chapter [7]. His Writings and Works
---Works of Imam Ahmed Raza,
---Organisations and Institutions Spiritually affiliated to Imam Ahmed Raza.

Chapter [8]. Comments by Supporters and Adversaries,
---Comments by the Noble Ulema of Makkatul Mukarramah,
---Comments by the Noble Ulema of Madinatul Munawwarah,
---Comments by the Noble Ulema of the Indo-Pak Sub-Continent,
---Imam Ahmed Raza in the Eyes of Others,
---Imam Ahmed Raza in the Eyes of the Opposition.

Chapter [9]. His Departure from this World,
---Imam Ahmed Raza's Final Advise before his Demise,
---Wisaal of Imam Ahmed Raza,
---Mazaar Shareef.

---Shajarah e Muqaddas of the Silsila Aliyah Qadiriyyah Barkatiyyah Ridawiyyah,
---Transliteration of the Shajarah,
---Fateha of the Silsila,
---Qaza e Hajaat : Wazifahs,
---Zikr : Remembrance of Allah The Almighty,
---Method of Reciting the Qur'an,
---Durood e Radawiyya,
---What to Pray before Sleeping,
---Important Advice,
---Special Advice for the Mureed,
---Importance of Pardah,
---Seek and You Shall Achieve,
---Tasawwur al-Shaykh : Visualising your Shaykh,

---Wisaal (Urs) Dates of the Masha'ikh of the Qadiriyyah,
---The Virtues of Reciting Your Shajarah,

---Alaa Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan : A Sign of Recognition for Allah's Deen,

Who is AlaHazrat ?
Also Highly Recommended ! New,

Other Works by / related to Imam Ahmad Rida Khan.

*Dimensions : 21.3 x 13.4cm.

Sub-continent print and translation quality!

  • Shipping Weight: 0.265 kgs
  • -1 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Allama Aftab Cassim Qadri Noori

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