Songs of the Wayfarer : CD
Audio CD
by Talib al-Habib
Produced by Nur al-Habib.
Description :
Talib al-Habib's eagerly awaited new release, Song of the Wayfarer is an epic album based around the concept of the journey to Allah. With the anthemic '
al-Habib', classic '
Qasida Burda' and the heartwarming 'Songs of Experience' (written as a response to 'Songs of Innocence'), it is sure to become as widely loved as Talib's other releases.
Disc Contents :
---[1]. al-Habib,
---[2]. Heartsong,
---[3]. The Ascension,
---[4]. Travelling Light,
---[5]. Songs
of Experience,
---[6]. al-Burda - the chapter of the Mi'raj,
---[7]. The Return,