Heavenly Guide to the Beacon of Pure Light

Heavenly Guide to the Beacon of Pure Light, New,
A Commentary on the Names of the Prophet Muhammad,
from Imam al-Jazuli’s Dala?il al-Khayrat
[A5] Hardback - 176 pages,
Dalayl al-Khayrat by Imam al-Jazuli,
Translation by Idris Watts.


Back in Stock October 2023

Description :

A Commentary on the Names of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, from Imam al-Jazuli’s, 'alayhi ar-Rahman, Dala?il al-Khayrat.

Based on :

      ** Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Fasi's Matali 'al-masarrat bi-jala Dala'il al-Khayrat,
      ** Muhammad al-Zarqani's Sharh al-Zarqani's 'ala al-Mawahib al-ladunniyya,
      ** Ahmad al-Khafaji's Nasim al-Riyad fi sharh al-Shifa al-Qadi 'Iyad.

The Dala'il al-Khayrat has been a source of light for the Muslim community ever since its composition in the late 9th/15th century by Imam al-Jazuli, and it is probably the most oft-recited compilation of salawat in the Muslim world; it also contains 201 Names of the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, according to the collection of Abu ?Imran al-Zannati al-Fasi. These alongside the Dala'il itself are recited in many mosques and zawiya's (Sufi meeting-places) in Fes, Morocco, where the translator lived for over seven years.

Compilations of the Names of the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, have been a tradition of the scholars for centuries: Qadi Abu Bakr Ibn al-?Arab? relates in his commentary on Kitab al-Shama'il, the great Hadith compilation of Imam Tirmidhi, that some Sufis have said that the Prophet has a thousand names. Ibn al-Faris includes 2020 in his Tafs?r Asma' al-Rasul, while Abu al-?asan al-Subk?, may Allah be pleased with him, states that they number four thousand. Imam al-Qastallani, may Allah be pleased with him, relates just over five hundred in his work al-Mawahib al-Ladunniyya. Qadi ?Iyad, may Allah be pleased with him, in al-Shifa, his classic treatise on the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, limits himself only to those names ascribed clearly to him; he also says that the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, has thirty names which are also among the Names of Allah.

Idris Watts brings together in this work, the introduction of the Dala'il al-Khayrat and the Names as it’s recited in Fes today, directed by the head of the muqaddams, Hajj Isma?il al-Filali, who inherited the role from his father, one in a chain of narrators that goes back through the men of the Jazuli Order; including the full Arabic text, transliteration and a translation.

In Part Two of the book he has provided, for the first time in the English Language, a short-commentary on the Names of the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, bringing together a wealth of knowledge and benefit from a number of Arabic sources amongst them, Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Fasi’s Ma?ali? al-masarrat bi-jala' Dala'il al-Khayrat; Muhammad al-Zarqani’s Sharh al-Zarqani ?ala al-Mawahib al-Ladunniyya and Ahmad al-Khafaji’s Nasim al-Riyad f? sharh Shifa’ al-Qadi ?Iyad. This will give the English reader a taste of what the traditional scholars have written about his Names and give greater meaning to the recitals of the Names.


Table of Contents :

---About the Translator,
---Transliteration Key.

Part One :
---[1] Introduction to The Waymarks of Benefits,
---[2] Names of Our Master and Liegelord Muhammad, Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
---[3] Qasidat al-Salam.

Part Two :
---[4] What's in a Name ?
---[5] Commentary on the Names of Our Master and Liegelord Muhammad, Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
---[6] Biography of Imam Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli al-Hasani, rahmatullahi 'alayhi.

---Works Cited.

'' Exceptional quality cover, binding and print.'' 

By purchasing this book you are supporting the Abu Zahra, Zawiyya Project.




NB: Book does not come with Audio CD.
Hardback : 210 x 154 x 22 mm.



  • Shipping Weight: 0.545 kgs
  • 14 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Imam al-Jazuli

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