Islamic Beliefs [Aqaa'id] Part 1,
[A5] Paperback - 64 pages,
Grades: 1, 2, 3 & 4.
by Mahomed Yunus Abdul Karrim.
Imam Ahmad Raza Academy, Durban South Africa.
Back in Stock October 2020
Description :
Preface : Al-hamdulilah, you now have before you, Islamic
Aqeeda (Beliefs)
Part 1, which discusses, with proofs, the correct beliefs that a Muslim must have with regards to a number of issues. It is hoped that by introducing such beliefs to our younger generation from an early age, they will grow up with the correct beliefs with certainty and thus be able to save their
Imaan from corrupt groups and sects.
This book is not only beneficial to the younger generation but also to every Muslim who wishes to learn about his or her correct beliefs with conviction. Thus, there is no excuse! Every single Muslim should familiarise himself with the contents of this book.
Contains 'Activity' sessions end of each Term.
Contents :
Grade One [ Class 1]Term 1---Almighty Allah,
-Almighty Allah is the Creator,
-Almighty Allah is the Helper,
Term 2---Almighty Allah,
-Almighty Allah is the Protector,
-Almighty Allah is the Provider,
Term 3---Our Beloved Nabi Muhammad,
Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
Term 4---Love for our Beloved Nabi Muhammad,
Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
Grade Two [ Class 2]
Term 1---The Special Powers Allah Almighty gave to our Nabi,
Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
Term 2---Almighty Allah will help us on the Day of
Term 3---
Meelad-un-Nabi, (
---A True Story,
Term 4---
The Awliya-Allah,
Grade Three [ Standard 1]Term 1
Awliya Allah that have left this world
Term 2
---The Prophets' & Messengers of Allah,
---The Books of Allah,
Term 3
Malaa'ikah (Angels),
---The Jinns,
Term 4
---Death and the Grave,
---What happens after Burial?
Grade Four [ Standard 2]
Term 1
--- The coming of Qiyamah and some signs,
---The coming of the Dajjal,
---Nabi 'Isa, alayhi salaam, coming down from the sky,
Term 2---The coming of Imam al-Mahdi,
---Yajooj & Majooj, (Gog and Magog),
---When and how will
Qiyaamah arrive ?
Term 3---The
Liwa' ul Hamd,
Term 4---
al-Jannah (Paradise),
Jahannam (Hell).