The Glorious Caliphate,
[A5] Hardback - 296 pages,
by S. Athar Husain
Published by Zia ul-Qur'an (Pakistan).
Description :
Writing about the first four Caliphs and their reign is not an easy task. He alone can do justice to it who is free from prejudice as well as excessive adulation and is not given in to overstatement. He should be capable of seeking out unity in this diversity and of unearthing reality from a mass of facts and distortions, of not only himself observing the greatness of their achievements but also showing it to others.
Table of Contents :
Part 1 : Life and Achievements,
---[1].The Advent of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and Grant him peace,
-Effulgence of Islam,
---[2]. Hadrat Abu Bakr,
------[3]. Commencement of the Caliphate,
------[4]. Personal Life,
---[5]. Hadrat Umar,
------[6]. The Battles in Retrospect,
------[7]. Personal Life,
---[8]. Hadrat Uthman,
------[9]. Personal Life,
---[10]. Hadrat Ali,
------[11]. Accession to Caliphate,
------[12]. Personal Life.
Part II : Administration and Reforms,
---[13]. System of Government,
------ Khilafat-e-Rashida,
---[14]. Civil Administration,
---[15]. Economic System,
---[16]. Judicial System,
---[17]. Public Works,
---[18]. Military System,
---[19]. Summing Up: Conclusion.
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