The Sublime Revelation -
Al-Fath ar-Rabbani,
[A5+] Glossy Paperback - 512 pages,
by Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani,
Translated by Muhtar Holland,
Published by Al-Baz, USA.
Description :
62 Discourses [Majalis] by Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, May Allah be pleased with him, in the guesthouse [ribat] and the schoolhouse [madrasa] in Baghdad, between the years AH 545 and AH 546.
Longer than the discourses of Revelations of the Unseen, these profoundly moving lectures used to be attended by crowds of more than seventy thousand people. As we have been told in the Shaykh's biography, Necklaces of Gems, more than 400 inkwells would be used in one session by the scribes recording his every word. Treasured for centuries by those fortunate enough to have a handwritten copy, the entire 62 discourses are available in English for the first time.
'' Woe unto you! Do not be too hasty, because someone who is in a hurry
will miss the mark, or almost do so, whereas one who takes his time will
hit the target, or almost do so (that is to say, he will get close to hitting it.)
Haste is from the devil, while steadiness is from the All-Merciful [al-'ajala
mina'sh-shaitan wa't-tu' ada mina'r-Rahman].''
These discourses cover every aspect of the spiritual path necessary for those who aspire to attain to the nearness of Allah Almighty.
Table of Contents :
---Publishers Preface,
---Translator's Introduction,
---Genealogy of Shaykh Muhyi'd-Din [Abd al-Qadir],
---Author's Prologue,
---Al-Fath ar-Rabbani : The Sublime Revelation,
------The Sixty-two Discourses : Pages 9 - 463,
---Concerning the Author, Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani,
---About the Translator.
A scholarly translation into English by Shaykh Muhtar Holland, Rahimahullah.