Are you Earning and Eating Halaal ? *[A5] Booklet - 16 pages.
by Mawlana Mahomed Farhaad Ibrahim Ashrafi,
[Darul Uloom Ashrafiyah Aleemia Razvia].
Description :
This booklet deals with the important issue of seeking a proper livelihood and making sure that what we eat is
Halaal [permissible].
In today's climate, when Muslims are beginning to treat their sources of income as unimportant and are eating wherever they please without even considering where their income comes from, is certainly a source of worry and concern. It is little wonder therefore, that daily, we find Muslims complaining of lack of
Barakah in whatever they do.
It is certainly time that Muslims carefully inspect these important issues and if correction and amendment is required, then do it now before it is too late.
May Allah Almighty help all Muslims in this regard.
More on
Halal and Haram.
*Dimensions : 19.8 x 14.4cm.