The Elevated Status of Parents,
[A5] Paperback - 80 pages,
by Allama Mufti Muhammad Nizamuddin Razvi Misbahi,
(Head Mufti: al-Jamia'at'ul Ashrafiyyah).
English Translation by: Sadia Mehmood (UK)
Product Description :
This excellent book is the English translation of the urdu book Azmatain Walidayn. Particularly useful so that the youth of the West may be able to learn about the blessings and rewards they can earn in both worlds by taking care of and pleasing their parents.
Table of Contents :
---Huqooq Allah (Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala's, Rights),
---Huqooq-e-Nafs (The Rights of the Body and Soul),
---Huqooq-al-Ibaad (The Rights of the People),
---The Status of Parents According to the Noble Qur'an,
---Rulings of Respecting and Taking Care of Parents,
---The Fruits of Taking Care of our Parents,
---Narrations of the Pious Righteous Predecessors, i.e Hadrat Uwais al-Qarni & his Mother, etc,
---The Strict Forbiddance of Disobeying our Parents,
---Disobedience Towards Parents,
---Why the Hajj of a pilgrim was not accepted?
---Mothers Rights more than the Father,
---Showing Kindness towards Parents Freinds and Their Relatives,
---The Biggest Kindness towards Parents,
---Status of your Mothers sister (Aunt),
---Method of showing kindness to Parents after their death,
---The Rights of Children,
---Specific Rights of Sons,
---Specific Rights of Daughters,
[Sub-Continent Print Quality]