Al-'Afiyah : New,
'An Annotated Translation on the
Foundations of Arabic Morphology'
*[A4+] Large Hardback - 323 pages,
by Shaykh Zafar al-Din al-Bihari [d.1382h],
Transl. & Notes by Mawlana Omar Khan Moeeni,
Published by Jamiyat uz Raza Language Series.
Back in Stock NOVEMBER 2024
Description :
Al-'Afiyah - An annotated English translation on the foundations of Arabic morphology (ilm al-Sarf ) by Malik al-Ulema Allama Shaykh Zafar al-Din al-Bihari al-Hanafi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi.
Al-Sarf (morphology) is a foundational subject within Islamic sciences which must be acquired in order to fully understand other islamic sciences in the Arabic language. In traditional Dars e Nizami, the majority of al-Sarf books that are taught are written in the Persian language. The blessings of those books and their authors are immense and that is one reason why books in the Persian language, such as Mizan al-Sarf wa-Munsha'ib, Panj Ganj, Ilm al-Sighah and Fusul al-Akbari remain in the syllabi of Islamic institutes.
Al-'Afiyah in essence is a summary of all the books of al-Sarf taught within the traditional 'Dars e Nizami' syllabus. This English translation serves the same purpose of the Urdu version and additionally it enlightens students who may not have any connection to Urdu and Persian languages. By studying the translation it is hoped that students will gain some insight into what is taught within the traditional Persian books mentioned above.
A few points are mentioned below regarding the translation :
*** Written in a manner that is easy to comprehend for advanced students, For intermediate and beginners; it will require to be studied with a teacher rather than be self read,
*** Purpose of this translation is to convey the rules of Arabic morphology into English. The key focus is not on translating every grammatical term, rather, the focus is to ensure that each grammatical term has been explained & has been understood,
*** The paradigms (gardan) for al-Sarf al-Saghir in the original work were written concisely as is the case in traditional works. For the benefit of the students (who don't have access to many works) entire paradigms have been included so that students do not struggle to comprehend the entire structures of words from different groups,
*** The translator has added footnotes for further explanation in some places to assist the students to understand the concepts further,
*** The translator has added exercises after sections for students to revisit and strengthen the concepts that they have learnt,
*** The translator has added an appendix at the end to assist students with the final task in the book that involves identifying the rules that apply to complex forms.
Shaykh Zafar ud Din al Bihari al Hanafi, may Allah have mercy upon him, (1303-1382 after hijri) was one of the great scholars in the Indian Sub-continent at the turn of the century. He had been given the title 'Malik ul ulama' by his contemporaries meaning they deemed him the king amongst the ulama of his time. He was not just a great muhaddith and jurist but was also a master of Science and worldly knowledge. In particular he was renowned for establishing accurate salah times for different areas using his expertise in both fiqh and science. He was also a prolific writer and debater.
Table of Contents :
---Prelimanary Matters:
-----Transliteration Key,
-----Blessed words from Shaykh al-Hadith,
-----Translator's Note,
--------Diacritical marks,
--------Grammatical number,
--------Grammatical person,
--------Grammatical gender,
--------Grammatical tense,
--------Grammatical polarity.
------An overview of the science of al-Sarf,
---------The definition of al-Sarf,
---------The purpose behind learning of al-Sarf,
---------Subject matter.
------The three types of al-Kalimah,
---------The past tense,
---------The present/future tense verb,
---------The intransitive verb,
---------The transitive verb,
---------The active verb,
---------The passive verb,
---------The affirmative/positive form,
---------The negative form.
---Chapter [1]. Scales and Forms:
---Section One : Verb Forms,
------Past active tense in the affirmative,
---------Table : Past active tense in the affirmative,
------The fourteen forms,
---Section Two : The Past Passive Tense,
------Past passive tense in the affirmative,
---------Table : Past passive tense in the affirmative,
------Exercises for past passive and active tense,
------Types of past tense,
---------The near past tense,
---------The distant past tense,
---------The past tense pertaining to possibility,
---------The past tense pertaining to hope,
---------The past continuous,
------Exercises pertaining to the types of past tense.
---Section Three : The Present/Future Active Tense Verb,
-------Table : The present/future active tense in the affirmative.
---Section Four : The Present/Future Passive Tense Verb,
-------Table : The present/future active tense in the passive,
-------Exercises pertaining to active and passive present/future active tense verbs,
---Section Five : The Negative Past and Present Tense Verb,
-------Table : The past active tense in the negative,
-------Table : The past passive tense in the negative,
-------Table : The present/future active tense in the negative,
-------Table : The present/future passive tense in the negative,
-------Exercises pertaining to negative active and passive past tense verbs,
-------Exercises pertaining to negative passive present/future tense verbs.
---Section Six : The Emphatically Negated Future Verb,
------The Effect ...,
------Table : Emphasised negative future active tense,
-------Exercises pertaining to the emphasised negative future tense.
---Section Seven : The Effect of 'Lam' on Present/Future Verbs,
------The weak letters,
------Table : Emphasised negative active tense via 'Lam',
------Table : Emphasised negative passive tense via 'Lam',
-------Exercises pertaining to the emphasised negative passive tense via 'Lam'.
---Section Eight : The Emphatic Present Tense,
-------Table : The emphasised active present tense with 'Lam' of emphasis and 'nun' of strong emphasis,
-------More tables and exercises.
---Section Nine : The Imperative Verb,
--------The active and passive forms,
--------More tables and exercises.
---Section Ten : The Verb for Prohibition,
--------More tables and exercises.
---Section Eleven : The Types of Noun,
--------The infinitive noun - al-Masdar,
--------The derived noun - al-Mushtaq,
--------The firm noun - al-Jamid,
--------The 6 types of derived nouns,
-----------Ism al-Fa'il,
-----------Ism al-Maf'ul,
-----------Ism al-Zarf,
-----------Ism al-'Alah,
-----------Al-Siffah al-Mushabbahah,
-----------Ism al-Tafdil,
-----------Exercises pertaining to the derived nouns.
---Chapter [2]. Groups of Verbs:
---Section One : Original and Additional Letters,
---Section Two : Trilateral and Quadrilateral Words,
---Section Three : The Groups of the Simple Trilateral Verbs,
------The famous groups,
----------The first group,
----------The second group,
----------The third group,
----------The fourth group,
----------The fifth group,
------The rare groups,
----------The first group,
----------The second group,
----------The third group,
-----------Exercises pertaining to the simple trilateral verbs.
---Section Four : The Groups of Unconnected Trilateral Verbs with Additional Letters,
------The unconnected trilateral with Hamzah al-Wasl,
--------The first group,
--------The second group,
--------The third group,
--------The fourth group,
--------The fifth group,
--------The sixth group,
--------The seventh group,
--------The eighth group,
--------The ninth group,
--------The tenth group,
--------The eleventh group,
--------The twelfth group,
--------The thirteenth group,
---------Exercises pertaining to the unconnected with Hamzah al-Wasl,
---------The unconnected trilateral without Hamzah al-Wasl,
-------------The first group,
-------------The second group,
-------------The third group,
-------------The fourth group,
-------------The fifth group,
---------Exercises pertaining to the unconnected trilateral without Hamzah al-Wasl,
---Section Five : The Group of the Simple Quadrilateral Verb,
---Section Six : The Groups of the Quadrilateral Verbs with Additional Letters,
---------Exercises pertaining to he quadrilateral verbs,
---------Groups with Hamzah al-Wasl,
-------------The first group,
-------------The second group.
---Section Seven : The Groups of Connected Trilateral Verbs with Additional Letters,
------The groups connected with the simple quadrilateral,
---------The first group,
---------The second group,
---------The third group,
---------The fourth group,
---------The fifth group,
---------The sixth group,
---------The seventh group,
------The groups connected with al-Tafa'lul,
---------The first group,
---------The second group,
---------The third group,
---------The fourth group,
---------The fifth group,
---------The sixth group,
---------The seventh group,
---------The eighth group,
------The groups connected with al-Infi'lal,
---------The first group,
---------The second group,
------The groups connected with al-Ifi'llal,
---------The first group,
---------The second group,
---------The third group,
---------The fourth group,
---------Exercises pertaining to the trilateral verbs that are connected to the quadrilateral.
---Chapter [3]. Changes Due to Weak Letters Al-Hamzah, and Identical Letters,:
---Section One : Changes that Occur in Words,
---------Mahmuz al-Fa'
---------Mahmuz al-Ayn,
---------Mahmuz al-Lam,
---------Mu'tall al-Fa'
---------Mu'tall al-Ayn,
---------Mu'tall al-Lam,
------Exercises pertaining to changes that occur in words.
---Section Two : Changes that Occur in Words that have Al-Hamzah on their Original Letters,
--------The first rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The second rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The third rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The fourth rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The fifth rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The sixth rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The seventh rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The eighth rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The ninth rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The tenth rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The eleventh rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The twelfth rule of al-Mahmuz,
--------The thirteenth rule of al-Mahmuz,
---------Exercises pertaining to changes that apply to words with ... (al-Hamzah).
---Section Three : Changes that Occur in Words that have Weak Letters in (....),
--------The first rule of al-Mithal,
--------The second rule of al-Mithal,
--------The third rule of al-Mithal,
--------The fourth rule of al-Mithal,
--------The fifth rule of al-Mithal,
--------The sixth rule of al-Mithal,
--------The seventh rule of al-Mithal,
---------Exercises pertaining to words with weak letters...
---Section Four : Changes that Occur in Words that have Weak Letters in (....),
--------The first rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The second rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The third rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The fourth rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The fifth rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The sixth rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The seventh rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The eighth rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The ninth rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The tenth rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The eleventh rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The twelfth rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The thirteenth rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The fourtteenth rule of al-Ajwaf,
--------The fifthteenth rule of al-Ajwaf,
---------Exercises pertaining to words with weak letters in ....
---Section Five : Changes that Occur in Words that have Weak Letters in (....),
--------The first rule of al-Naqis,
--------The second rule of al-Naqis,
--------The third rule of al-Naqis,
--------The fourth rule of al-Naqis,
--------The fifth rule of al-Naqis,
--------The sixth rule of al-Naqis,
--------The seventh rule of al-Naqis,
--------The eighth rule of al-Naqis,
--------The ninth rule of al-Naqis,
--------The tenth rule of al-Naqis,
--------The eleventh rule of al-Naqis,
--------The twelfth rule of al-Naqis,
---------Exercises pertaining to words with weak letters in ....
---Section Six : Amalgamation between Letters,
--------The first rule of al-Idgham,
--------The second rule of al-Idgham,
--------The third rule of al-Idgham,
--------The fourth rule of al-Idgham,
--------The fifth rule of al-Idgham,
---------Exercises pertaining to amalgamation of letters.
---Chapter [4]. Specialalities of the Groups.
---Section One : The Specialities of the Simple Trilateral Verbs.
-------1. The speciality of ...,
-------2. The speciality of ...,
-------3. The speciality of ...,
-------4. The speciality of ...,
-------5. The speciality of ...,
-------6. The speciality of ...,
---Section Two : The Specialities of the Trilateral Verbs with Additional Letters that have Hamzah al-Wasl,
-------1. The speciality of ...,
-------2. The speciality of ...,
-------3. The speciality of ...,
-------4. The speciality of ...,
-------5. The speciality of ...,
-------6. The speciality of ...,
---Section Three : The Specialities of the Trilateral Verbs with Additional Letters that Do Not have Hamzah al-Wasl,
-------1. The speciality of ...,
-------2. The speciality of ...,
-------3. The speciality of ...,
-------4. The speciality of ...,
-------5. The speciality of ...,
-------Exercises pertaining to the specialities of groups.
---Chapter [5]. Beneficial and Important Points.
---Section One : The Scales of ( ....),
-------Scales of al-Siffah al-Mushabbahah,
-------Exercises pertaining to (....) and (....).
---Section Two : The Types of Nouns in Terms of their Linguistic Origin,
-------(....) al-'Arabiy,
-------(....) al-Mu'arrab,
-------(....) al-Dakhil,
-------(....) al-Wahid,
-------(....) al-Tathniyyah,
-------(....) al-Jam',
-----------(....) Jam' al-Taksir,
-----------(....) Jam' al-Tashih,
-----------(....) Jam' al-Mudhakkar al-Salim,
-----------(....) Jam' al-Mu'annath al-Salim,
-----------(....) Jam' al-Qillah,
-----------(....) Jam' al-Kathrah,
-------Exercises pertaining to types of nouns in terms of their linguistic origins,
---Section Three : Extra Letters,
-------Exercises pertaining to extra letters.
---Section Four : Removal of Letters,
-------Exercises pertaining to removal of letters.
---Section Five : Changing One Letter to Another,
-------Exercises pertaining to changing one letter to another.
---Section Six : Meeting of Two Vowelless Letters,
-------Exercises pertaining to the meeting of two vowelless letters,
---Section Seven : Pausing,
-------Exercises pertaining to pausing.
---Section Eight : Attributing a Connection,
-------Exercises pertaining to attributing a connection,
---Section Nine : Diminutive Nouns,
-------Exercises pertaining to diminutive nouns,
---Section Ten : Pronouncing al-Fathah and al-Kasrah,
-------Exercises pertaining to pronouncing al-Fathah whilst it is inclined towards al-Kasrah.
---Appendix :
------Forms : List of 'One to Seventy.'
*Dimensions : 30.3 x 22 x 3cm.