Al-Budur al-Jaliyya : Arabic

Al-Budur al-Jaliyya
fi sharh al-Sanusiyya
: Arabic, New,
[-A4] Hardback - 176 pages,
Umm al-Barahin by Imam al-Sanusi,
sharh by Shaykh Badr al-Din al-Hasani
Published by Dar al-Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani.

Now in Stock August 2024
Description :
Al-Budur al-Jaliyya fi sharh al-Sanusiyya, - This new publication by Dar al-Imam Yusuf al-Nabhani is Shaykh Badr al-Din al-Hasani's, rahimahullah, commentary on a didactic versification of Imam al-Sanusi's, rahimahullah, primer in creed; Umm al-Barahin.

The Maghrib scholar, Imam al-Sanusi, who regarded himself as an Ash'ari (in creed), summed up early doctrines about the sifat (tawhid and attributes) of Allah Almighty. In his Umm al-Barahin, he proposes the belief of twenty attributes necessary to Allah, which every Muslim is obliged to know properly.
This Edition :  This is another exceptional print by Dar al-Imam Yusuf al-Nabhani. The text is clear and uses some harakat. It is printed on high grade cream paper using a 2 colour print.

Imam al-Sanusi:

He is Abu 'Abd 'Allah al-Sanusi (d. 895/1490) was born in Tlemcen (Tilimsan), now in western Algeria, in 832 or 838/1435-6. His name in full is Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad b. Yusuf b. 'Umar b. Shu'ayb al-Sanusi al-Hasani. According to Mustafa Muhammad al-Ghimari, al-Sanusi was not only a theologian but also a jurist, mufassir, muhaddith, and Sufi. This is evident from the titles of his works, of which eighteen are known, through his commentators. The Egyptian scholar, Ahmad Muhammad Al-Suhaymi, said that he knew of forty-five works written by al-Sanusi.

Among his most important theological works are 'Aqidat ahl al-Tawhid al-Mukhrija min zulumal al-Jahl wa Ribqat al-Taqlid or 'Aqidat Tawhid al-Kubrd, 'Umdat Ahl al-Tawfiq wa al-Tasdid and 'Aqidat ahl al-Tawhid al-Sughra or Umm al-Barahin. Regarding al-SanusI's personality and scholarly excellence, al-Suhaymi describes him as follows: "His excellent scholarship in all the sciences made him to be acknowledged by his master. It happened that he was kept far away from the public to save him from envy until he was thirty. There is nothing comparable on the earth to his work in knowing Allah by sound proofs and on the basis of the Sunnah and Qur'an. His treatise was read by the masters every Friday". In fact, this day is the head of the days (sayyid al-ayydm) in the Muslim calendar.

Al-Sanusi was considered as the renewer of Islam (al-mujaddid) by the contemporary Maghrib scholars. This means that he was an influential figure especially in al-Maghrib. He was a renowned scholar in the most important Islamic sciences such as tafsir, kalam, Hadith, fiqh and tasawwuf which he was considered to be the renewer of Islam in his century. According to Mu'jam al-A 'lam al-Jaza'iri, he had several students including Ibn al-Hajjaj al-Yabdari, Ibn 'Abbas al-Saghir, Ibn Sa'ad and Abu al-Qasim al-Zawawi.


Imam Badr al-Din al-Hasani :

Al-Shaykh al-Imam al-Sayyid Badr al-Din al-Hasani al-Ashari, rahimahullah, was considered one the greatest master's of Hadith (Muhaddith) in his era. He was born in Damascus and is laid to rest there (1850-1935).

He was labelled as the ‘roaming encyclopaedia’ by his contemporaries for his profound knowledge. He taught at the grand Umayyad Mosque, in Damascus.  Imam Badr al-Din is known to have written forty books, and his entire life was dedicated to teaching and studying. He wasted no time in any other activities 




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Dimensions : 24.6 x 17.3cm.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.599 kgs
  • 8 Units in Stock

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