A Comprehensive Guide to
Funeral Rites in Islam : New,
[A5] Hardback - 344 pages,
by Islamic Research Centre (Madina tul Ilmiyyah),
Transl. by Majlis e Tarajim,
Published by Dawate Islami, Pakistan.
Now in Stock August 2023
Description :
Tajheez aur Takfeen ka Tariqah - 'A Comprehensive Guide to Funeral Rites in Islam.' ... is an excellent new book for learning the different rulings and stages regarding rites of the funeral.
Do you wish to learn about funeral rites in Islam? In fact, do you wish that after your death, your funeral rites are carried out according to the Sunnah? This comprehensive book contains a wealth of information and has every angle covered, as no stone is left unturned in terms of providing information, from the moment of death right up to the burial in the graveyard.
It is important to acquire knowledge and assist your friends, relatives and other Muslims, and carry out the rites related to funeral's according to the Qur'an and Sunnah. The best method to do this, is to learn about the rulings and procedures yourself. In this way, when a relative or any other Muslim passes away, you will be able to help in assisting with the burial according to the Sunnah.
Table of Contents
---Du’a for Reading the Book,
---14 Intentions for Reading this book,
---Two Madani Pearls,
---Al-Madinah tul Ilmiyyah,
---Praise and Privilege,
------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
------Signs of happiness,
------The first murderer and the murder victim,
------First burial,
------What are funeral rites in Islam?,
------Shar'i ruling,
------Fard Kifayah (communal obligation),
------Excellence of funeral rites in Islam,
------Eagerness of 'Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat' and persuasion,
------Devotees of the Prophet participated in funeral rites in Islam,
------Blessing of expressing sympathies,
------Excellence of expressing sympathies,
------Excellence of pleasing a believer,
------Funeral rites in Islam and Dawat-e-Islami,
------Website of Majlis Tajheez-o-Takfeen,
------Illumination in the grave,
------Graves of Islamic preachers will be illuminated,
------Good intentions,
------Blessing of a sincere intention,
------Intentions of teaching funeral rites in Islam,
------Intentions of learning funeral rites in Islam,
------Intentions of participating in funeral rites in Islam,
------26 Madani pearls of Majlis Tajheez-o-Takfeen,
------Schedule of Gathering’ of Zikr-o-Na’t for Conveying reward,
------Monthly targets of Madani Qafilah, Madani In’amaat and various courses,
------Structure for appointing responsible Islamic brothers:,
------Dates and Madani pearls of Madani Mashwarahs,
------Dates of performance submission,
------26 Madani pearls of Majlis Tajheez-o-Takfeen of Islamic sisters,
------Structure for appointing responsible Islamic sisters,
------Monthly targets,
------Dates of submission of monthly performance form,
------Dates and Madani pearls of monthly Madani Mashwarahs.
---Visiting the Sick,
------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
------Do not curse fever!
------Good news,
------Intentions of visiting the sick,
------31 Madani pearls of visiting the sick,
------Child got cured without operation.
---About Death,
------Detail about the agonies of death,
------Remembering death,
------Wise Believer,
------Death of a Believer and a Kafir,
------Agonies of death,
------A thorny branch,
------Satanic attack,
------Madani pearls for the people present near a dying person,
------Signs of the death of a Believer,
------It is Sunnah to do Talqeen of Kalimah Tayyibah to a dying person,
------Madani pearls of Talqeen,
------The beloved of Attar,
------The blessed Murshid did Talqeen,
------Du'a of Attar,
------Act upon these Madani pearls once the soul has departed.
---About the Ghsul (Bathing the Deceased),
------Detail about Ghusl of the deceased,
------Excellence of giving Ghusl to the deceased,
------Tip for forgiveness of forty grave sins,
------Intentions of Ghusl of the deceased,
------Method of Ghusl of the deceased,
------Method of Ghusl of the deceased of an Islamic sister,
------Madani pearls of Ghusl of the deceased,
------Madani pearls for a Ghusl-giving person,
------What if the deceased falls into water?
------What if the skin of the deceased is falling off?
------Cutting the hairs and nails of the deceased,
------Different Madani pearls,
------Madani pearls for Islamic sisters,
------Ghusl of the deceased of Mufti-e-Dawat-e-Islami,
------Lips moved during Na’t Khuwani
---About the Kafan (White Shroud),
------Detail about Kafan [shroud],
------Excellence of shrouding,
------Heavenly attire,
------Categories of Kafan,
---------Kafan of children,
------Details of Kafan [shroud],
------Intentions of shrouding,
------Method of shrouding a man,
------Method of shrouding a woman,
------Details of the shroud,
------Different Madani pearls,
------4 Priceless gifts for the shroud,
---The Funeral Prayer (Salat al-Janazah),
------Detail about Salat-ul-Janazah (funeral prayer),
------7 Conditions of Salat-ul-Janazah, related to the deceased,
------Details of these conditions,
------Ruling on the Salat-ul-Janazah of the one who commits suicide,
------Intentions of Janazah,
------Who should lead Salat-ul-Janazah?
------Arkaan and Sunnahs of Salat-ul-Janazah,
------Method of Salat-ul-Janazah (Hanafi),
------Du’a of Salat-ul-Janazah of Baaligh men and women,
------Du’a of Salat-ul-Janazah of a male child [non-Baaligh],
------Du’a of Salat-ul-Janazah of a female child,
------Make Du’a after offering Salat-ul-Janazah,
------What if a person could not attend the complete Jama’at of Salat-ul-Janazah?
------Offering Salat-ul-Janazah while standing on shoes,
------How many rows should there be in Salat-ul-Janazah?
---About the Burial,
------Different Madani pearls related to Janazah,
------15 Madani pearls of Janazah,
------Reward of accompanying a Janazah,
------Wird [blessed words] to be recited after seeing Janazah,
------Reward of shouldering a Janazah,
------Method of shouldering a Janazah,
------Be cautious!
------Method of carrying the Janazah of a child.
------Can the husband shoulder the Janazah of his wife?
------Detail about grave and burial,
------Prepare for it,
------No one will be with me in the grave,
------The grave addresses the deceased,
------Why didn’t you learn a lesson?
------Excellence of attending burial,
------Reward of three Qeerat,
---The Grave (al-Qabr),
------Types of Qabr [grave],
---------1. Lahd,
---------2. Shaq,
------Preacher of Dawat-e-Islami got Lahd in Jannat-ul-Baqi,
------What should be the size of a grave?
------Inside construction of a grave,
------Intentions of burial,
------Method of burial,
------Method of throwing earth,
------Make the grave convex after burial,
------Sprinkling water on the grave,
------Placing Tabarrukat (blessed items) in the grave is a source of blessings,
------Found comfort in the grave,
------Recital of Fatihah and Conveying reward,
------Detail about Talqeen after Tadfeen [burial],
------Zikr-o-Azkaar for 12 hours at the blessed shrine,
------Someone’s grave is a garden whereas there is fire in someone’s grave,
------The grave of Mufti-e-Dawat-e-Islami opened,
------White hairs will be Noor on the Day of Judgement,
------Detail about condolences,
------Reward equal to one Qeerat,
------Entrance in Jannah,
------Intentions of giving condolences,
------16 Madani pearls of Giving Condolences,
------Letter of giving condolences written by Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat,
------Detail about Wailing over the deceased,
------Five points regarding Wailing over the deceased,
------Women who will bark at Hell dwellers,
---Visiting the Graveyard,
------Visiting graves,
------Remembering the Hereafter,
------14 Madani pearls,
------Method of saying Salaam in a graveyard,
------Preferable timings for visiting graves,
------Placing a lighted joss stick on a grave,
------Placing a candle on a grave,
------Grave dweller is a Muslim or a Kafir,
------Different Madani pearls.
---About Esaale Sawaab,
------Detail about Conveying reward,
------The blessing of ‘Du’a of forgiveness’
------Sayyiduna Muhammad Tusi Mu’allim, rahimahullah,
------Conveying reward,
------19 Madani pearls of Conveying reward,
------Madani parable of conveying reward,
------Daughter of Iblees,
------Madani Will of Shaykh-e-Tareeqat Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat,
------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
------Method of Fatihah and Conveying reward,
------A’la Hadrat’s, rahimahullah, Method of Fatihah,
------Method of ‘Du’a for conveying reward’
---Remembering One's Deceased Parents,
------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
------Make Du’a and do Istighfar for the deceased parents,
------Deeds of the children are showed to the deceased parents,
------Give Sadaqah on behalf of your parents,
------Reward of 10 Hajj,
------Reward of an accepted Hajj,
------Excellence of visiting the grave on Friday,
------Be careful!
------What if the parents have died whilst displeased with a child?
------The father got relief from torment ..
---The Fidyah of Salah,
------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
------Definition of Fidyah,
------Those whose relatives have passed away must read this!
------Fidyah of Siyam [fasts],
------An Islamic ruling regarding a deceased woman’s Fidyah of Salah,
------Fidyah of Salah cannot be given to the descendants of the Beloved Rasool,
------Heelah of a hundred whips,
------When did the tradition of ear-piercing start?
------A gift of cow meat,
------Shar’i Heelah for Zakah,
------Definition of Faqeer,
------Definition of Miskeen.
---About Iddat and Mourning,
------Detail about Iddat and Mourning,
------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
------100 needs will be fulfilled,
------Definition of Iddat,
------Iddat after the husband’s demise,
------Where should a woman spend the Iddat period?
------Can a woman leave the house during Iddat?
------Can Nikah be performed during ‘Iddat?
------Ruling on marriage proposal during Iddat,
------Ruling on Veiling during Iddat,
------Details of Mourning,
------Definition of Mourning,
------Important laws regarding Mourning,
------Forbidden acts during Mourning,
------Permissible acts during Mourning ..
---Some Discourses/Talks,
----[1]. Speech to be delivered before Ghusl of the deceased,
-------Excellence of reciting Salat upon the Holy Nabi,
-------Priceless diamonds,
-------The ‘day’ makes an announcement ...
-------Crying upon visiting graves,
-------Sayyiduna Usman’s fear of Allah Almighty,
-------The first one to enter the grave,
-------The grave of a Believer is widened by 70 hands,
-------Heart pain got relieved,
----[2]. Speech to be delivered in a funeral vehicle,
--------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
--------Visiting a graveyard,
--------Three blessed sayings of the Beloved Rasool,
--------Grave dwellers of the graveyard came in the dream!
--------Attire of Noor,
--------Madani Pearls about the Graveyard.
---Discourses for the ‘Gathering of Zikr o Na't' for Conveying Reward,
----[1]. Speech about the protection of Iman,
-------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
-------The fate of Bal’am Bin Ba’oora,
-------We are unaware of our outcome,
-------Satan in relatives’ appearance,
-------The one who is not born is enviable,
-------Bad company is dangerous for Iman,
-------Regretfully, people do not know about Kufr,
-------Why have Kufriyah words become so common?
-------It is Fard to seek knowledge regarding Kufriyah words,
-------Even a hard-hearted person cried,
----[2]. Keeping Good Company,
-------Speech about the effect of company,
-------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
-------Blessing of Du’a of Sayyiduna Hatim Asam,
-------Join the Majlis of those who do Zikr,
-------Attending the Majlis of Zikrullah,
-------Example of a good and bad companion,
-------Excellence of the friendship for Allah Almighty,
-------Those who gather for remembering Allah?? Almighty,
-------Where are those people?
-------The earth of the grave became fragrant,
-------Companionship of a good friend,
-------Three sayings of Rasoolullah,
-------Companionship of a bad friend,
-------Do not establish brotherhood with them,
-------Avoid his company,
-------I repented,
-------Twenty seven priceless pearls.
----[3]. Speech about the condemnation of Dunya,
-------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
-------Sale agreement of a Heavenly palace,
-------The glory of Awliya,
-------Respect every pious person,
-------Worth of Dunya compared to the Hereafter,
-------A dead lamb,
-------Dunya is more contemptible than a mosquito’s wing,
-------Dunya is cursed,
-------Allah Almighty prevents His servant from getting involved in Dunya,
-------The slave of dirham is cursed,
-------Harm of love for wealth and honour,
-------Dunya is a prison for a Believer,
-------There is no goodness in useless construction,
-------Discouragement of unnecessary construction,
-------A cautionary incident,
-------Better than the worship of 60 years,
-------70 Days old corpse.
---Talks for Persuading People to Convey Reward,
----[1]. Speech persuading people to distribute literature,
--------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
--------A dreadful evil creature,
--------Wait for reward to be conveyed,
--------Blessing of a Madani booklet,
--------Persuasion of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat,
--------Slip for the distribution of booklets,
-----[2]. Speech regarding the Construction of Masjid, Madrasa-tul-Madinah and Jami’a-tul-Madinah,
--------Excellence of Salat upon the Holy Prophet,
--------Construction of Bait-ul-Muqaddas,
--------Masajid are the houses of Allah,
--------Those who frequent the houses of Allah,
--------House in Jannah,
--------Heavenly palace of pearl and ruby,
--------Sight of Mercy,
--------The people loved by Allah Almighty,
--------Deeds of continuous reward,
--------Blessing of individual effort,
--------Madani pearls of Madani donations,
--------Madani donations for Masjid,
--------Madani donations for Madrasa-tul-Madinah/Jami’a-tul-Madinah,
--------Madani donations for Madani Markaz Faizan-e-Madinah,
--------Madani pearls of Majlis Isal e Sawab Madrasa-tul-Madinah,
--------The one who benefits people.
---Questions and Answers about Funeral Rites,
------Questions and answers regarding funeral rites in Islam,
------27 Madani pearls regarding Musta’mal water,
------Madani pearls for refraining from Israaf (wastage),
------Madani pearls for refraining from Israaf in Wudu,
------Madani pearls for refraining from Israaf and using less water in Ghusl of the deceased,
------Details of Ghusl and shrouding of a hermaphrodite.
---Summary of the Book,
------Carry out the following 4 acts if you observe the signs of death,
------Present the following Madani pearls to the one who contacts for Ghusl and Takfeen,
------4 Acts to be carried out before Ghusl of the deceased,
------7 Stages of Ghusl of the deceased,
------7 Stages of cutting a shroud,
------9 Stages of shrouding the deceased,
------6 Madani pearls of Salat-ul-Janazah,
------6 Madani pearls of shouldering a Janazah,
------17 Stages of burial,
------Angels say ‘Aameen’
------Shar’i Madani pearls of Ghusl of the deceased and funeral rites in Islam,
------Madani pearls regarding Takfeen,
------Madani pearls of leading Salat-ul-Janazah,
------Some separate Madani pearls for Islamic sisters,
------Razavi bouquet of 12 Madani pearls regarding the rights of deceased parents,
------Some signs of the agonies of death,
------Madani pearls for the family members of a deceased person,
------Madani pearls of funeral rites in Islam training,
------Madani pearls that should be taken into account while teaching the method of funeral rites in Islam,
------Persuasive announcement for training of funeral rites in Islam,
------Du’a of Attar,
------Firebrands equal to the raindrops,
------Madani pearls about the test of the Islamic brothers of Majlis Tajheez and Takfeen,
------Ayahs of the beginning of Surah al-Baqarah,
------Ayahs of the last Ruku of Surah al-Baqarah,
------Virtues of Surah Yaseen,
------Surah Yaseen,
------Method for Du’a getting accepted,
------Virtues of Surah al-Mulk,
------Surah al-Mulk,
------The grave breaks the ribs,
------'Ah! Her Lamhah Gunah ki Kasrat aur Bhermar Hay,'
------'Ka’bay kay Badr-ud-Duja Tum Pay Karoron Durood,'
------Announcement of a person’s demise,
------Make the following announcement before the Salat-ul-Janazah of a Baaligh,
------Devotees of the Prophet, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam! Please pay attention,
------Backbiting burns virtues,
------Virtues of troubles,
------Letter of condolence,
------Method of Tajdeed-e-Iman [renewal of Iman],
------Method of Tajdeed-e-Nikah [renewal of Nikah],
------Do not accept any gift for giving Ghusl and shroud,
------Excellence of remembering death,
------Madani advice,
------Method of becoming a Mureed.
Books related to Death & Hereafter,
Dimensions : 22 x 14.5cm.