Bahjat al-Asrar, Sublime Secrets: 2 Vols, English

Sublime Secrets & The Treasury of Lights :
Bahjat al-Asrar wa Ma'dan al-Anwar, , New,
[A4] Hardback - 1009 pages, 2 Volumes, English,
by Imam Nur al-Din Shatnufi,
Transl. by Abdul Hadi Qadri,
Published by Sufi Pages.


Back in Stock January 2025

Description :

Bahjat al-Asrar wa Ma'dan al-Anwar - 'Sublime Secrets & The Treasury of Lights.' This work, presented here in two volumes is the oldest and most authentic biography of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A’zam Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah be pleased with him. It is important to initially elucidate that the noble author (Imam al-Shatnufi) lived two generations after the demise of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A’zam [470/1078 - 561/1166]. He met those who had met the great Ghawth and invariably was a beloved devotee of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A’zam. There are many chains and sequences of transmission which links Imam al-Shatnufi directly to the great Ghawth, leading to two generations.

The author of Bahjat al-Asrar validates in the khutbah of his book as follows: " I have compiled this book and ratified it with authenticity by terminating each chain of transmission to its original and authentic source. Great care was taken in the authenticity of each narration (in this book) to avoid any room for fault or doubt." Hence, the above-mentioned information from the khutbah confirms that the author had carefully evaluated every single narration recorded in Bahjat al-Asrar to be
absolutely authentic, and free from any defects. Hence, it is ipso-facto [the fact in itself] that no narration in this book can be rated as da’if, gharib or shaz.

One of the unique facts in the narrations found in this monumental book is that every narrator cited herein is an erudite authority of Islamic Law [Din] and a Wali of Allah. Alhamdulillah! It is clear from the verbatim words of these illustrious Imams of Din that the author of Bahjat al-Asrar, Imam Nur al-Din al-Shatnufi is a profuse Imam, inimitable scholar, impeccable Jurist and a master of Qirat. He was also rated as a leader of the high-ranking Ulama and Masha’ikh of his time. Furthermore, his book Bahjat al-Asrar, is classified as bona fide by distinguished Imams who have quoted from its source in view of the fact of its reliability as a reference book. Similar to the books of hadith, they also acquired accreditation for narrations contained in it.

Amongst the books of biography of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A’zam, may Allah be pleased with him, the legitimacy of narrators of this book is similar to the Mu’watta of Imam Malik in the books of hadith. In so far as the authenticity of narrators in all the books, concerning praises and virtues [fada'il] of Awliya, it holds a similar equation to that of Sahih al-Bukhari. In fact, there are shaz hadith in the sihah, but there is absolutely no shaz narrations in Bahjat al-Asrar.

Imam al-Bukhari had only taken into account the sturdy nature and validity [sihat] of the narration. On the contrary, the narrations found in Bahjat al-Asrar, Imam Shatnufi not only took great care in sound validity [sihat], but he also ensured that no false or fabricated narrations were recorded. Imam Allama Umar al-Halabi provides an exposition that Imam Shatnufi has fully complied with all the correct rules and regulations that are relevant to the transmission of narrations in his book. Hence, all of his narrations are impeccable and are unquestionable, because they can be confirmed by various other narrations.

This prolific book does not only discuss the life and works of the great Ghawth, it also
encompasses the following subjects :

  *** Love for the Divine Being, Allah,
  *** Status and obedience to the final & glorious Messenger of Allah,
  *** The institution of wilayah with particular reference to muhjahadah [spiritual struggle] and mukashaifah [divine observance]
  *** Sufism – the Laws of Tasawwuf,
  *** Ethics pertaining to human rights and divine rights,
  *** Morals and ethics from an Islamic perspective,
  *** Consciousness of the Divine Being,
  *** Piety,
  *** Cleansing of the inner self,
  *** Multi-faceted sciences of sacred knowledge.

This book is a welcome addition to the dearth of Islamic literature in particular to the esoteric dimensions of Islam, with particular reference to the comprehensive and authentic biography of the Grand Master of Spiritualism and the Chieftain of the Gnostics, Sultan al-Arifin Ghawth al-A’zam Sayyiduna Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah sanctify his secret.





More Qadiriyyah books.

Also see Sufi books.



Single Volume Dimensions : 24 x 17cm.




  • Shipping Weight: 1.895 kgs
  • 4 Units in Stock

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