The Chosen One: 2 Volumes, New

The Life of The Chosen One : New,
[A5] Hardback - 523 pages, 2 Volumes,
'Sirat e Mustafa' by Shaykh Abd al-Mustafa al-A'zami [d.1406h],
Transl. & Annotation by Muhammad Kalim al-Qadiri,
Published by Ihya Foundation,
Printed in Turkey.

Back in Stock February 2023


Description :

This new publication is the totally revised translation of Shaykh Abd al-Mustafa al-A'zami's, may Allah have mercy upon him, highly acclaimed biography 'Sirat al-Mustafa, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam.' 

It is difficult to truly understand and explain the immensely precious life of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the greatest man with whom the universe boasts. By mentioning his blessed name, we only have the intention of honouring our words, and perhaps partake in that honour ourselves. So we implore our readers to excuse the weakness of our words in conveying the great stature of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. To understand the extent to which he, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam, is a mercy - and more specifically, a mercy to us as Muslims, we need to know who he is.

Much controversy has been sparked in recent years with Muslims being offended and provoked by disrespectful and blasphemous acts stemmimg from certain quarters of the Western World. No expense has been spared to spread the vile propaganda and smear the exalted character of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. For a Muslim, the sanctity, respect and honour of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is above all else.

However, the biggest tragedy of all these events is that they spring from a single source: a lack of acquaintance with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. If non-Muslims do not know much about the true exalted nature and character of the Seal of all the Prophets, this is indeed a shame: but if Muslims themselves are ignorant of him, this is nothing short of a self inflcted disaster. To love the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is an integral part, nay, the very essence of this glorious religion.

The only way the Muslim Ummah can regain its glory and triumph is to reconnect itself with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, by learning about his pristine life in order to internalise his lofty and noble character. 

Much has been written on the Prophetic biography in its different aspects, not only in Arabic, Persian and Urdu but also in English. Describing the Prophet's, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, sublime beauty and character, and his extraordinary life, is a model for all. However, many of these works especially those in the English language are laden with inaccuracies, misrepresentations and even blasphemies and thus are not reliable works and pose a threat to the faith of the unwitting.   

No matter how much is written and however many volumes are filled with descriptions of his virtues, they can never encompass all the admirable qualities and pure, goodly attributes with which his person has been endowed: for he has reached the heights of human perfection. It is a great shame that we have become heedless in following him, and it is not unrelated that, as a result of this, Muslims have become dishonoured and looked down upon today. Indeed, there has been no one who has read about and truly understood the life of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, save that he has been left in awe of and fallen in love with him. Thus, it is now, more than ever, that we need to learn about him.

This book before you "The Life of the Chosen One" is a comprehensive work on the sirah of the the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, highlighting his blessed life.  This translation follows the original urdu text 'Sirat al-Mustafa, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam'  by Shaykh Abd al-Mustafa al-A'zami's, may Allah have mercy upon him, which is widely available and frequently tauht in Islamic seminaries across the globe.

In this new work, the following have been added :

  • Full referencing of verses and Ahadith and other citations in the original urdu work,
  • Translation of passages and lines of Arabic and Urdu poetry have been added,
  • Footnotes and detailed appendices have been added to elaborate and clarify key creedal points pertaining to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
  • An index for ease of reference has also been added.



About the Author :

He is Shaykh al-Hadith al-Allamah 'Abd al-Mustafa al-A'zami, may Allah have nercy upon his soul. He was born in Karimuddinpur, Ghosi, India in the month of Dhu al-Qa'dah 1333 AH [ca. 1914CE]. He was one of the great luminaries of Islam to be born in India, who propagated the pristine teachings of Islam and truth worldwide: the effects of which are evident until this day and shall remain so until the last.

He took his elementary education from his father and from the local madrasahs after which he headed towards Ma'rufpur to enrol himself at al-Madrasah al-Ma'rufiyyah for advanced Arabic studies. On the 10th of Shawwal 1352AH, upon the advice of his affectionate teachers, he was enrolled onto al-Madrasah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Hanafiyyah in Amroha where he began his intermediary studies. After this, he accompanied Sadr al-Shari'ah to Dar al-Ulum Manzar al-Islam, in Bareilly Sharif, where he studied advanced texts. Here, he also acquired blessings and knowledge from Hujjat al-Islam and al-Mufti al-A'zam.

Some of his Notable Teachers :

---1. Sadr al-Shari'ah Abu al-Ula Amjad Ali al-A'zami [.1367h],
---2. Mawlana Muhammad Sa'od Khan Fatahpuri,
---3. Shaykh al-Ulama' Uways Hasan al-A'zami [d.1397h],
---4. Mawlana Hikmat -Allah Amrohawi,
---5. Mawlana Muhammad Khalil Chishti al-Kazimi [d.1390h],
---6. Al-Muhaddith al-A'zam Shaykh Sardar Ahmad La'ilpuri [d.1382h].

His first teaching post was at al-Madrasah al-Ishaqiyyah in Jodhpur, and after a few months he moved to al-Madrasah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Hanafiyyah in Amroha (dist. Muradabad, U.P. India). Shaykh Abd al-Mustafa al-A'zami was thereafter appointed as the head teacher of Dar al-Ulum al-Ashrafiyyah (Mubarakpur, U.P. India). He went onto teach for many years at Dar al-Ulum Shah-i Alam, Ahmadabad, Gujarat. From there he was appointed 'Shaykh al-Hadith' at Dar al-Ulum Samadiyyah in Bhiwandi. Thereafter he went onto al-Madrasah al-Miskiniyyah, Rajkot, India. His penultimate position was upon invitation at Madrasah Manzar al-Haqq, Tanda, U.P. Lastly, he moved to Baraun sharif where he taught until he breathed his last.

After completing his pursuit of sacred knowledge, his educational career spanned for over 50 years, teaching in seminaries across the country.

Some of his Notable Students are :

  • Shaykh 'Abd al-Mannan al-A'zami,
  • Shaykh Qamar al-Din al-Ashrafi,
  • Shaykh Mujtaba Ashraf al-Kichawchawi,
  • Shaykh Qudrat-Allah,
  • Shaykh al-Sufi Nizam al-Din.

He entered the Naqshbandi Spiritual Order at the hands (bayah) with Shaykh Shah Ibrar Hasan Khan al-Naqshbandi al-Shahjahanpuri in 1353AH. thus entered the Naqshbandi. He was also later bestowed with khilafah (successorship) from his Shaykh. In the year 1358AH on the occasion of the 'Urs Ridawi,' Hujjat al-Islam Imam Hamid Rida Khan, further honoured him with Ijazah and khilafah in the al-Qadiriyyah al-Ridawiyyah Spiritual Order.

He was a matchless orator, and Allah granted him such eloquence and charisma in his speech that his words captured the hearts and minds of the people.  The blessings of his oratory were spread far and wide across the country. He was also a prolific writer despite being heavily engaged in teaching and delivering lectures. He left behind as many as 25 works as part of his legacy. Some of his works include :

---1. Sirat al-Mustafa,
---2. Saman e Akhirat,
---3. Jannati Zaywar,
---4. Nawadir al-Hadith,
---5. Jawahir al-Hadith,
---6. Ma'mulat al-Abrar,
---7. Awliya Rijal al-Hadith,
---8. Karamat e Sahabah,
---9. Aja'ib al-Qur'an,
---10. Ghara'ib al-Qur'an.



Table of Contents:

---Author's Dedication,
---Transliteration Key,
---Translator's Foreword,
---About the Author,
---Author's Introduction.

---Background to Sirah Compilation and its Authors,
---What is Sirah ?
---The Land of Arabia,
--------Makkah al-Mukarramah,
--------Al-Madinah al-Munawwarah,
--------Why was the Final Messenger Born in Arabia ?
--------The Political Position of Arabia,
--------The Moral State of the Arabs.
--------Sayyiduna Ibrahim and Sayyiduna Isma'il,
--------Progeny of Sayyiduna Isma'il,
--------Etiquettes of Reading al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah,
---The Sublime Prophet's Makkan Life,

---Chapter [1] : The Genealogy of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Blessed Lineage,
--------His Pure and Noble Lineage,
--------The Quraysh,
--------'Abd al-Muttalib,
--------The Incident of the People of the Elephant (Ashab al-Fil),
--------Sayyiduna 'Abd-Allah ibn Abd al-Muttalib,
-----The Iman of the Parents of the Messenger of Allah,
-----Manifestation of Blessings.

---Chapter [2] : Childhood,
--------The Blessed Birth (Mawlid) of the Messenger of Allah,
--------Mawlid al-Nabi,
--------The Fostering of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Opening of his Blessed Chest (Shaqq al-Sadr),
--------How many times did the Opening of the Chest occur?
--------Sayyiduna Umm-Ayman,
--------Childhood of the Messenger of Allah,
--------Demise of Sayyidatuna Aminah,
--------In the Care of Abu Talib,
--------The Supplication for Seeking Rain,
--------The Title al-Ummi,
--------First Journey to al-Sham (The Levant) and meeting with Bahira.

---Chapter [3] : Notable Events Prior to the Proclamation of Prophethood,

---Chapter [4] : Events from the Proclaimation of Prophethood to the Allegiance of Al-Aqabah,

---Chapter [5] : The Messenger's arrival at Madinah,

---Chapter [6] : First Year after Al-Hijrah,

---Chapter [7] : Second Year After Al-Hijrah; A series of Wars, Ghazwaath & Saraayah, Battle of Badr,

---Chapter [8] : Third Year after Al-Hijrah; The Battle of Uhud,

---Chapter [9] : Fourth Year after Al-Hijrah,

---Chapter [10] : Fifth Year after Al-Hijrah; The Battle of Khandaq,

---Chapter [11] : Sixth Year after Al-Hijrah; The Kings are invited towards Islam,

---Chapter [12] : Seventh Year after Al-Hijrah; The Battle of Khaybar,

---Chapter [13] : Eighth Year after Al-Hijrah; The conquest of Makkah,

---Chapter [14] : Ninth Year after Al-Hijrah; The Battle of Tabuk, Delegation of Arabs,

---Chapter [15] : Tenth Year after Al-Hijrah,

---Chapter [16] : Eleventh Year after Al-Hijrah; Demise of the Beloved Prophet,
--------The Expedition of Usamah ibn Zayd,
--------Departure from the World,
--------The Messenger of Allah Possessed Knowledge of his Departure,
--------Beginning of the Messenger of Allah's Illness,
--------The Effect of the Messenger of Allah's Passing Away,
--------The Ghusl, Shrouding and Funeral Preparations,
--------The Funeral Prayer (Salat al-Janazah),
--------The Sacred Mausoleum,
--------The Estate of the Messenger of Allah,
--------Animals of Conveyance,
--------Pottery, Bowls and Other Possessions,
--------The Sacred Relics.


Volume II :

---Chapter [17] : Sublime Character & Exalted Attributes,
--------The Pure Body,
--------The Messenger of Allah did not possess a shadow,
--------The Messenger of Allah was Protected from Flies, Mosquitoes and Lice,
--------The Seal of Prophethood,
--------The Height of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Blessed Head of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Blessed Hair,
--------The Blessed Countenance of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Eyebrows of the Messenger of Allah,
--------Illuminated Eyes,
--------The Nose of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Forehead of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Messenger of Allah's Ears,
--------The Blessed Mouth,
--------The Blessed Tongue of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Blessed Saliva,
--------The Voice of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Blessed Illuminated Neck,
--------The Hands of Mercy,
--------Blessed Stomach and Chest,
--------His Blessed Feet,
--------Clothing of the Messenger of Allah,
--------Blessed Turban,
--------The Blessed Sandals,
--------Favourite Colours,
--------Kohl (Antimony),
--------Modes of Transport,
--------Enjoining Cleanliness,
--------Favourite Foods & Condiments,
--------Daily Routine,
--------Routine of Sleeping and Waking Up,
--------The Walking Pace of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Messenger of Allah's Speech,
--------The Court of Prophethood,
--------The Sermons of the Messenger of Allah,
--------The Worship of the Messenger of Allah,
--------Salah (Prayer),
--------Zakah (Alms-giving),
--------Hajj (Pilgrimage),
--------Remembrance (Dhikr) of Allah.

---Chapter [18] : Character & Attributes of the Messenger,

---Chapter [19] : The Household of the Messenger of Allah,

---Chapter [20] : Miracles of the Messenger of Allah,

---Chapter [21] : The Rights of the Messenger of Allah over his Ummah,

---Appendix A : What Shall I Read ?
---Appendix B : Prophethood and Proclamation,
---Appendix C : Kind Tubba' I,
---Appendix D : The Funeral Prayer of 'Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy,
---Appendix E : The Universality of His Prophethood,
---Appendix F : Sayyiduna Abu Bakr leading the Prayer,
---Appendix G : Salah al-Janazah of the Messenger of Allah,
---Appendix H : Sorcercy and Magic on the Messenger of Allah,
---Appendix I : Prophets are Alive in their Graves,
---Appendix J : The Ascension and Divine Vision,
---Appendix K : Portion for the devil or hazz al-shaytan,
---Appendix L : Meeting the Prophets in the Heavens,
---Appendix M : Intercession,
---Appendix N : Visiting the Messenger of Allah,
---Appendix O : Ya RasulAllah.





More Sirah books,
Also see Shama'il books.



Two Volume Hardback Binding.
Single Volume Dimensions : 24.7 x 17cm.



  • Shipping Weight: 1.695 kgs
  • 28 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Allama Abdul Mustafa Azmi

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