Tanvir al-Absar bi'Nur Nabi al-Mukhtar

  Tanvir al-Absar -
bi' Noor Nabi al-Mukhtar, Urdu, New,
*[A5] Hardback - 208 pages,
by Allama Mawlana Ashraf Syalwi,
Published by Bazme Ashraf al-Ulama.

Description :

Tanweer al-Absar bi' Noor Nabi al-Mukhtar, ﷺ, is a work in urdu about the first Creation of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala.  The author 'Ashraf al-Ulama' Mufti Ashraf al-Siyalvi explains the concept of the Noor (the Light) of the Prophet Muhammad, ﷺ, it's significance, fada'il, manaqib, etc.

Ashraf al-Ulama begins with the position of other groups, such as the deobandiya who have deviated from the mainstream position of the Ahl al-Sunnah w'al Jama'ah. He also explains the 'Hadith al-Noor' from the Musannaf of Abd al-Razzaq al-San'ani, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, who was one of the earliest Muhaddith's and originated from Yemen. He passed away in the year 211 after Hijri. 

About the Author:

He is 'Ashraf al-Ulama' Shaykh al-Hadith wa Tafsir, Ustad al-Ulama, Manazir al-Islam, Hadrat Allama Mufti Muhammad Ashraf Sialwi, (Syalvi, Sialvi) rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi. He was born in Silanwali District Sargodha, Punjab, in Pakistan.

Ashraf al-Ulama dedicated his whole life towards the deen of Islam.
This can be seen from his pious upbringing, early education, travels, studies, contemporaries, teachers, his works and translations, his students, etc.

Amongst his Teachers :

---Shaykh al-Islam Khawja Qamar al-Din Syalwi,
---Muhaddith e Azam Pakistan Allama Sardar Ahmad Qadiri,
---Malik al-Mudariseen Ata Muhamamd Chishti Bandyalwi,
---Mawlana Sufi Hamid Ali Sahib, Syal Shareef,
---Allama Abd al-Ghafoor Hazarwi.

Amongst his Students :

---Allama Abd al-Hakim Sharf al-Qadiri,
---Allama Qazi Abd al-Razzaq Bathrawli,
---Allama Saeed Asad sahib,
---Sayyid Jamaluddin Kazmi Shah,
---Mawlana Shah Muhammad Chishti Qusuri,
---Mufti Muhammad Khan Qadiri,
---Pir Sayyid Shabbir Ali Shah (Chura Shareef),
---Hadrat Mawlana Bashir Ahmad Syalwi.

More Urdu Books.

*Dimensions : 22 x 14cm.

Sub-continent print. Usual bumps, brusies, creases, rips, etc.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.475 kgs
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Mufti Ashraf Syalvi

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