---[1]. The Creation of the Universe,
---[2]. The Creation of Adam,
---[3]. Adam’s fall from Paradise,
---[4]. The Repentance of Adam,
---[5]. Adams life on Earth,
---[6]. Qabîl and Habîl,
---[7]. The death of Adam,
---[8]. Shîth,
---[9]. Idrîs,
---[10]. Lâmak and the king Zahaq,
---[11]. Nuh,
---[12]. Hud,
---[13]. Salih,
---[14]. The Birth of Ibrahim and his childhood,
---[15]. Ibrahim and Nimrud,
---[16]. Ibrahim and Sara,
---[17]. Nimrûd’s end,
---[18]. Ibrahîm and Hâjar,
---[19]. Ibrahîm and Isma‘îl,
---[20]. The birth of Ishâq,
---[21]. The building of the Ka'ba,
---[22]. The hospitality of Ibrahîm Khalîl,
---[23]. The death of Ibrahîm,
---[24]. Lut,
---[25]. Isma'il,
---[26]. Ishaq,
---[27]. Ishaq's blessings,
---[28]. Yaqub and Yusuf,
---[29]. Yusuf and Zulaykha,
---[30]. Yusuf in Prison,
---[31]. Yaqub's grief,
---[32]. Yusuf becomes king,
---[33]. Yusuf and his brothers,
---[34]. The death of Yaqub
---[35]. Yusuf's marriage and death.
---[36]. Ayyub,
---[37]. Dhu 'l-Kifl,
---[38]. Shu'ayb,
---[39]. Musa,
---[40]. The Birth of Musa,
---[41]. Musa'a childhood and youth,
---[42]. Musa in Madyan,
---[43]. The staff of Musa,
---[44]. Musa is called to Prophethood and sent to Pharoah,
---[45]. The Exodus,
---[46]. Musa on Mount Tur and the Golden Calf,
---[47]. The Revelation of the Torah,
---[48]. The story of Qarun,
---[49]. The promised land,
---[50]. The story of Musa and Khidr,
---[51]. Musa's conversation with the Lord,
---[52]. The story of the Cow,
---[53]. The death of Harun,
---[54]. Musa's end,
---[55]. Yusha,
---[56]. The story of Zimri and Cozbi,
---[57]. The story of Bal'am,
---[58]. Further events in the life of Yusha,
--------Yusha's death,
---[59]. Samu'il - The loss of the Ark,
---[60]. Samu'il's birth,
---[61]. Talut is chosen king,
---[62]. Daud slays Jalut,
---[63]. Talut's envy of Daud,
---[64]. Daud flees from Talut,
---[65]. Luqman,
---[66]. Daud as Prophet and king,
---[67]. Daud's trials,
---[68]. Daud's conversation with the Lord,
---[69]. Daud's death and his successor,
---[70]. Sulayman,
---[71]. Sulayman's trials,
---[72]. Building the temple at Jerusalem,
---[73]. Sulayman and Bilqis,
--------The Queen of Sheba,
---[74]. The story of Bilqis,
---[75]. Sulayman's rule,
---[76]. Sulayman's justice,
---[77]. Sulayman and the birds,
---[78]. Sulayman and the gift of the ant,
---[79]. Sulayman's death.
---[80]. The breaking up of Sulayman's kingdom,
---[81]. Ilyas,
--------Ahab meets Ilyas,
---[82]. Ahab is tempted,
---[83]. Ahab meets Jezebel,
---[84]. The building of Bal's temple,
---[85]. Queen Jezebel rules,
---[86]. Ilyas' departure,
---[87]. Jezebel's hopes are crushed,
---[88]. Famine,
---[89]. The deeds of Obadiah,
---[90]. Ilyas in hiding,
---[91]. Ilyas ordered to Zarepta,
---[92]. The widow of Zarepta and Ilyas' meeting with her,
---[93]. Ilyas heals the widow's son and departs,
---[94]. Ilyas meets with King Ahab and the end of the famine,
---[95]. Jezebel's wiles,
---[96]. The invasion of Sargun the Second,
---[97]. Ilyas' return to Zarepta,
--------The end of Ahab and Jezebel,
---[98]. Ilyas and Alyasa'
---[99]. Disappearance of Ilyas,
--------The Succession of Alyasa,
---[100]. Alyasa' - the healing of Na'man from leprosy,
---[101]. Alyasa' victorious,
---[102]. Yunus, the son of Alyasa'
---[103]. The death of Alyasa'
---[104]. Yunus' years of travel,
---[105]. Yunus, a potter in Ninive,
---[106]. Yunus leaves Ninive, and receives Allah's call,
---[107]. Return to Ninive,
---[108]. Disaster foretold :
--------Yunus boards a ship,
---[109]. Ninive delivered,
---[110]. Yunus discharged from the belly of the fish,
---[111]. Yunus returns once more to Ninive,
---[112]. Old habits die hard :
--------The fall of Ninive and Yunus' end,
---[113]. Iskandar (Dhu l-Qarnayn),
---[114]. Subjugation of the cannibals,
---[115]. Iskandar's struggle with Darius,
---[116]. Iskandar's quest for wisdom,
---[117]. Further travels and discussion with wise men,
---[118]. King Kayd and the sage Bahram,
---[119]. The defeat of king Forhibal,
---[120]. Of other strange and marvellous lands,
---[121]. The banning of Ya'juj and Ma'juj,
---[122]. The search for the water of life,
---[123]. Iskandar's end,
---[124]. Sha'ya (Isaiah),
---[125]. Armiya (Jeremiah), Danyal, and 'Uzayr (Ezra),
---[126]. The story of Harut and Marut,
---[127]. Zakariyya, Yahya and 'Isa,
--------Zakariyya, Prophet of Allah and priest at the temple,
---[128]. The birth of Yahya (John the Baptist),
---[129]. Yahya's austerity,
---[130]. The conception of 'Isa,
---[131]. The birth of 'Isa,
---[132]. Story of the flight of Maryam and 'Isa,
---[133]. How Zakariyya was martyred,
--------The Prophethood of Yahya,
---[134]. The story of 'Isa's Prophethood,
---[135]. The story of the heavenly table,
---[136]. The Sabbath-breakers,
---[137]. From the manaqib of 'Isa,
---[138]. From the teachings of the Injil,
---[139]. The story of the envoys to Antakya and Habib an-Najjar,
---[140]. 'Isa's ascension,
---[141]. Maryam's death,
--------The martyrdom of Yahya.
Appendix :
*Dimensions : 21.5 x 13.6cm.