Majmua Wazaif [A5] Gold

Majmu'a Waza'if : Special Gold Edition : New,
Type: 217-2 KG | Urdu Translation,
*[A5] Gold Hardback - 480 pages,
tarjuma by Imam Ahmad Rida Khan [d.1340h],
Published by Taj Co, Lahore.

Back in Stock July 2021

Description :
Special Edition Majmu'a e Wazaif : With Gold cover binding and gold page ends this is a unique quality Majmu'a e Waza'if with urdu translation published by the renowned Taj Company, of Lahore, Pakistan. It commences on the inside cover with the Asma al-Husna and ends with the Asma al-Nabi kareem, salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, at the end.
The Urdu translation of the Qur'anic text is from Kanz ul Iman authored by AlaHadrat al-Shaykh al-Imam Ahmad Rida Khan, alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan.

Contains 8 lines per page in bold and clear lettering with the urdu tarjuma directly below. The main Arabic text has a green background. See image below for sample page.

Al-Shaykh al-Im?m Ahmad Rid? Kh?n al-Qadiri (b. 1272 AH/1856 CE), alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan, was a renowned Hanaf? jurist, had?th expert (muhaddith) and theologian par excellence, recognised by scholars from the Islamic world to be a reviver (mujaddid) of his era.
AlaHadrat, alayhi ar-Rahman, was a prolific writer whose legal edicts (Al-Fatawa Ridawiyya) were gathered into numerous encyclopedic volumes and covered almost every science of his day.  He is known to have authored in excess of 1000 books.

A selection of works of Imam Ahmad Rida Khan, alayhi ar-Rahman.

Table of Contents :

22 Surah's :
---Fada'il wa Khass
---Surah al-Kahf,
---Surah as-Sajdah,
---Surah al-Yasin,
---Surah Muhammad,
---Surah al-Fath,
---Surah Qaf,
---Surah ar-Rahman,
---Surah al-Waqi'ah,
---Surah al-Jum'ah,
---Surah at-Taghabun,
---Surah al-Mulk,
---Surah an-Nuh,
---Surah al-Jinn,
---Surah al-Dahr (Surah al-Insaan),
---Surah al Inba,
---Surah at-Tariq,
---Surah al-Fajr,
---Surah al-Mujammail,
---Surah al-Kafirun,
---Surah al-Ikhlas,
---Surah an-Nas,

Asma :
---Asma al-Husna, 99 Names of Allah, subhanhu wa ta'ala,
---Asma al-Nabi Kareem, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,

Du'a Haft Haykal :
---Haykal [1],
---Haykal [2],
---Haykal [3],
---Haykal [4],
---Haykal [5],
---Haykal [6],
---Haykal [7],

Six Kufals,
---[1] Kufal,
---[2] Kufal,
---[3] Kufal,
---[4] Kufal,
---[5] Kufal,
---[6] Kufal.

Daily Awrad al-Sayyadina al-Ghawth al-A'zam, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
---[1]. Wird Roz, Sunday,
---[2]. Wird Roz, Monday,
---[3]. Wird Roz, Tuesday,
---[4]. Wird Roz, Wednesday,
---[5]. Wird Roz, Thursday,
---[6]. Wird Jum'ah,
---[7]. Wird Roz, Saturday.

Musbate Asr :
---Surah al-Fatiha,
---Surah an-Nas,
---Surah al-Falaq,
---Surah al-Ikhlas,
---Surah al-Kafiroon,
---Ayat al-Kursi,

Darood Shareef :
---Darood e Akbar,
---Darood e Lakhi,
---Darood e Taj,
---Darood e Kibriya Ahmar,
---Darood e Mustaghas,
---Darood e Muqaddas,
---Darood e Tunnajina,
---Darood e Mahe,
---Darood e Nariya,
---Darood e Khizri,
---Darood e Hazara,
---Darood e Ghousiyya,
---Darood e Qabrastan,
---Ahad Nama,

Du'a :
---Du'a Jameela,
---Du'a e Ganj al-Arsh,
---Du'a 'Akash,
---Du'a e Sunnat e Asr,
---Du'a Shukr Allah,
---Du'a Istaja,
---Du'a e Istakhara,
---Du'a Istahab,
---Du'a Shukr al-Anhar,
---Du'a e Nur,
---Du'a Wasait e Rizq,
---Du'a e Fard,
---Du'a e Imaan,
---Du'a e Hal Mushkilat,
---Du'a e Masura,
---Du'a e Dafe Bukar,
---Du'a e Sar Dard,
---Du'a Qadh Mu'azzam.

Hizb al Bahar :
---Ihtisam Hizb al-Bahar,
---Du'a Hizb al Bahr,

Chahal Qaf :
---Parne ka tariqa,

Sayyad al-Istaghfar :

Tawidh Nazar :

Safat Imaan :
---Iman e Mufassil,
---Iman e Muzammil.

Six Kalima :
---[1]. Kalima Tayyib,
---[2]. Kalima Shahadat,
---[3]. Kalima Tamjeed,
---[4]. Kalima Tawheed,
---[5]. Kalima Istighfar,
---[6]. Kalima Radd e Kufr.

---Tariqa Adhan,
---Jawab during Adhan,
---Du'a bad Adhan,
---Takbir Iqamat,
---Nayyat e Namaz,
---Surah al-Fatiha,
---Tariqa e Namaz, etc
---Durood Shareef,
---Durood ke bad du'a,
---Du'a e Qunoot,
---Waza'if Masnoon,
---Ayat al-Qursi.

See more Du'a & Waza'if,
Also see Panjsurah and Manzil.
More Urdu books.

*Dimensions : 19 x 13cm.

**Minor blemishes to cover.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.795 kgs
  • 9 Units in Stock

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