The Egyptian Historian 'Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti :
incl. The Historical Sources of 'Aja'ib al-Athar,
*[A5+] Large Paperback - 435 pages,
by Shmuel Moreh,
(Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement) ,
Published by OUP Press.
Back in Stock August 2020
Description :
"The Egyptian Historian 'Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti: His Life, Works, Autographs, Manuscripts and the Historical Sources of 'Aja'ib al-Athar " ! This is one of the volumes of the Journal of Semitic Studies (Supplement).
This study is the companion volume to the new Arabic Edition of 'Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti's imposing magnum opus 'Aja'ib al-Athar fi 'l-Tarajim wa-'l-Akhbar (The Marvellous Compositions of Biographies and Events) that was edited by Moreh. Al-Jabarti's work presents the main chronicles and biographies dealing with the history of Egypt between 1688 and 1821.
Moreh has responded to the long felt need for a critical scientific edition of this work, based upon its manuscripts scattered all over the world. Moreh has, for the first time, made a rigorous comparison of the entire text as found in the most important manuscripts and in the printed editions. The Arabic text produced is the first three volumes of 'Aja'ib to be based on al-Jabarti's autograph kept at the Cambridge University Library and the fourth volume at the Berlin Staatbibliothek copied accurately from the lost autograph of the fourth volume.
This English introductory volume is a product and analysis of the research undertaken for the new Arabic edition.
Imam 'Abd al-Raḥmān al-Jabartī (1753–1825 CE) [d.1241h] was born and died in Cairo, Egypt. He was a Khalwati Sufi, a talented and original historian, best known for his three
accounts of the history of Egypt. His account of the French occupation
of Egypt (1798-1801) is of particular interest. He was a prominent member of the Islamic religious scholarly class (the ulamāʾ) and witness to both Bonaparte’s invasion and the short-lived French occupation of Egypt (1798–1801).
He also experienced the rise to power in Egypt of the Albanian military commander, Mehmet Ali Pasha (1769–1849), who would ultimate declare himself Khedive (Viceroy) of Egypt as Ottoman forces reestablished themselves in the years following the negotiated French withdrawal. Al-Jabarti's 'Aja'ib al-Athar fi 'l-Tarajim wa-'l-Akhbar may be regarded
as the swan song of medieval Arab-Muslim history and culture and
reflects the decline of medieval Islamic civilisation and military
witnessed and recorded by a historian possessing unusual insight.
Table of Contents :
---List of Plates,
---Scheme of Transliteration,
---Chapter [1]. Al-Jabarti; His Life and Works,
------'Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti's Studies,
------Al-Jabarti as a book-dealer,
------Al-Jabarti's biography,
------The date of Al-Jabarti's death,
------Al-Jabarti's scientific works,
------Al-Jabarti's historical works,
------Sources of al-Jabarti's information,
---Chapter [2]. A Survey of al-Jabarti's Autographs and Manuscripts and their Significance,
------Stemma of al-Jabarti's Manuscripts,
---Chapter [3]. Al-Jabarti's Method of Composing his Chronicle 'Aja'ib al-Athar fi 'l-Tarajim wa-'l-Akhbar,
---Chapter [4]. The Egyptian Scholar Hassan al-'Attar and his Contribution to al-Jabarti's Works,
---Chapter [5]. The Islamic Moon-like Cycle of Civilisation in Arabic Poetry; Arabic Poetics from the 18th Century to the Beginning of the 19th Century,
---Chapter [6]. Theatrical Performances in Egypt according to 'Aja'ib al-Athar,
---Chapter [7]. The Role of the 'Ulama' in Egypt in the Years 1688 - 1821,
------God (Allah),
------The Prophets (al-Anbiya),
------The Ulama',
------Kings and Rulers (Al-Muluk wa-Wulat al-Umur),
------The Middle Classes (Awsat al-Nas),
------People Who Governise over Themselves (Al-Qa'imuna bi Siyasat Nufusihim),
------The Ideal Muslim Scholar,
------False 'Ulama and Popular Sufi Leaders.
---Appendix I,
---Appendix II,
*Dimensions : 24.8 x 15.8cm.