Jawahirul Bayan : Secrets of Worship

Jawahirul Bayaan : New,
The Secrets of Worship,
*[-A4] Hardback - 336 pages,
by Imam Naqi Ali Khan [d.1297h]
Transl. & Notes by Abdul Hadi Qadiri,
Published by Sufi Pages,
*Printed in Pakistan.

Back in Stock May 2023
Description :
This is a classic handbook on the 'Secrets of Worship' pertaining to the Five Pillars of Islam. The erudite author was a senior Sufi Master and hence, he prudently explained all the forms of worship with its secrets in a very classical manner. He has explained the forms of worship both in light of the sacred shariah and the mystical path of Tariqah.

The sacred shariah enunciates the laws of worship which can be called the theory, and Tariqah is the methodology or practicals that explain the correct and secret way to execute them.

If one adopts the advice contained within these pages, one will certainly enjoy tranquillity and humility; inner serenity and outer calmness and composure in worship. No worship is of any benefit if it is not performed correctly. It is for this reason that every disciple first sits in a madrassa to learn the laws of worship thereafter, joins the zawiya (khanqahs) of the Sufi Master to learn the secrets, practicals and correct methods to execute these sacred laws.
The laws mentioned in this book are mellifluous that succinctly fortify one's citadel of faith (Iman). They create spiritual ostentation and eagerness to worship the sublime Lord of Power; Almighty Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala. Hence, they put one's shoulders to the wheel of obedience and subservience and direct the reigns of one's heart towards the garden of trust and belief, as this is the marrow and essence of Worship.


About the Author :
Allama Shaykh Naqi Ali Khan, al-Qadiri alayhir ar-Rahman, was a renowned mudarris (teacher) and a prolific writer. Most of his time was engaged in teaching & instilling the excellence of knowledge in the hearts of the community. His deep insight in complicated matters dazzled the contemporary ulama (scholars) of his time so much so that they conferred the title of Ra’eesul-Muhaqqiqeen (The Master of the Research Scholars) on him. Indeed, this title befitted him.

He is known to have written over 50 books on various subjects, amongst them, "Suroor al-Qulub fi Zikri Mawlud al-Mahbub" and "Al-Kalaam al-Awdah fi Tafsir Sura Alam-Nash’rah", received high distinctive and status amongst Islamic literature. Spiritually he was a senior disciple and Khalifa of the Grand Master Ghawth al-Waqt, Khatim al-Akaabir, Sayyid Ale’Rasul Ahmadi, al-Husaini al-Barkaati, alayhi ar-Rahman, and also received the Ijaza of Hadith Shareef from his shaykh. The shaykh was a student of the celebrated Muhaddith, Allama Shah Abd 'al-Aziz Muhaddith al-Dehlawi, alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan. Shaykh Naqi Ali also received Ijaza of Hadith in Makkah Mukarrama from the illustrious Ustadh al-Ulama, al-Shaykh al-Haram, Shaykh Sayyid Ahmad Zayni Dahlaan al-Makki, alayhi ar-Rahman.

It was in the 19th Century (13th Hijri) that Allama Naqi Ali, alayhi ar-Rahman, laid the foundation of a Darul-Ifta in Bareilly Shareef. This Darul-Ifta later became the nucleus and fountainhead of fiqah in the whole world. Shaykh Naqi Ali Khan, alayhi ar-Rahman, was a distinguished and great jurist of his time. He passed away in Bareilly shareef in 1297AH. He had personally groomed his noble son, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, and perfected him as a 'Master Jurist' at the tender age of 13 years. And the rest is history. ---Edited from Raza.org.za.
Other works of the Author.
Table of Contents :
---A brief sketch of the author,
---Ibaadah - Worship,
---Chapter [1]. Salah (Ritual Prayer),
------Section 1. Salah,
------Section 2. Conditions of Salah,
------Section 3. Qualities of Salah,
------Section 4. Miscellaneous.
---Chapter [2]. Fasting,
---Chapter [3]. Zakat (Giving Charity),
---Chapter [4]. Hajj,
------Section 1. Hajj,
------Section 2. Benefits of Hajj and Umrah,
------Section 3. Preparation for the Journey to Hajj,
------Section 4. Categories for the deeds of Hajj,
------Section 5. The Secrets of Hajj,
---Chapter [5]. Visitation to the sacred Madinah Tayyibah,
------Section 1. Condemnation of omitting visitation,
------Etiquettes of visiting the sacred Rawdah al-Mubarak (the Blessed Shrine).
Also see Salat (Prayer).
Also see Fiqh Homepage.

Also see Self Development.

*Dimensions : 24.5 x 18cm.
*Above average print for Sub-continent. Off mint condition.
  • Shipping Weight: 0.795 kgs
  • 6 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan

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