Tazkira Muhadditheen : Urdu

Tazkira e Muhadditheen : Urdu/Arabic, New,
*[A5] Hardback - 348 pages,
by Allama Ghulam Rasul Saeedi [d.1437h],
Published by Ziya al-Qur'an, Pakistan.


Description :
Tadkira Muhaddiseen : This important work on the major Hadith scholars and their works was compiled by the 'Shaykh al-Hadith' of his era, Allama Ghulam Rasul Saeedi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi. In this book, the author has compiled a comprehensive biography of all the authors of the Sihah Sitah (the six canonical agreed upon authentic hadith collections), and a brief study of their works.

Also included (in Arabic) at the back of the book for students of knowledge is a concise section on the study of the Science of Hadith (mustalah al-hadith).
This edition : Pakistan (Karachi) Print. This is a decent print (2018) on cream paper using graded paper. Click on images below for sample pages.
About the Author :
Shaykh al-Hadith; Allama Ghulam Rasul Saeedi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, was a renowned scholar, author and respected teacher. He was bayah with Ustad al-Ulema, Ghazali al-Zaman; Shaykh Sayyad Ahmad Kazmi Shah, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi. He was a teacher to many scholars and also taught at Jami'a Naeemiyyah, Karachi. However it was his writings and research where he was proficient and renowned for. He sadly passed away recently after a short illness in (2017) Rabi al-Akhir 1437 After Hijri.

His works in Urdu included :

Sharh's :
---Sharh Sahih Muslim, commentary of Sahih Muslim,
---Nai'mat al-Bari, commentary of Sahih al-Bukahri,
---Tibyan al-Qur'an, one of the finest urdu tafseers of the Qur'an,
---Tibyan al-Furqan, incomplete Qur'an tafseer..

Other Works :
---Tadkirat al-Muhaddithin,
---Maqalat i Saeedi,
---Tawdih al-Bayan,
---Maqam i Wilayat al-Nabuwat.

At the time of his death, he was in the process of writing a second interpretation of the Qur'an, entitled Tibyan al-Furqan. Four volumes were published during his lifetime; Allama Ismail Noorani is now working to complete the work.

Tazkirat al-Muhaddiseen :
Contents Include :
---Sirah of Allama Ghulam Rasul Saeedi,


---Imam al-A'zam Abu Hanifah
---Imam Malik,
------Muwatta Imam al-Malik,
---Imam Shafi'i,
---Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal,
---Imam Muhammad,
---Imam al-Tahawi,
------Sharh Ma'ani al-Athar,
---Imam al-Bukhari,
------Sahih al-Bukhari,
---Imam Muslim,
------Sahih al-Muslim,
---Imam al-Tirmidhi,
------Jami Tirmidhi,
---Imam Abu Dawud,
------Sunan Abu Dawud,
---Imam an-Nasa'i,
------Sunan Nasa'i,
---Imam ibn Majah,
------Sunan ibn Majah,
---Ilm al-Mustalah al-Hadith : Arabic.
More Urdu books.
Also see Dars e Nizami books,
Also see Arabic Books.

*Dimensions : 22 x 14.1cm.
  • Shipping Weight: 0.465 kgs
  • -14 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Allama Ghulam Rasul Saeedi

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