A History of Muslim Philosophy 2 Vols

A History of Muslim Philosophy : 2 Vols : New,

Collectors Edition in Slipcase,
2 x [-A4] Hardback - 1812 pages in 2 Volume Set,
Edited by M. M. Sharif,
***Published by Islamic Books Trust.

Description :

A History of Muslim Philosophy - With Short Accounts of Other Disciplines and the Modern Renaissance in Muslim Lands.

This reprint of 1963 classic work on the history of Muslim Philosophy is beautifully printed and encased. Covering almost 1400 years, History of Muslim Philosophy by M. M. Sharif is still the most expansive survey of a somewhat understudied field. Spread over 1812 pages, this new edition makes this classic work once more accessible at an affordable price.
The chief aim of this book is to give an account not of Muslim culture as a whole, nor of Muslim thought in general, but only of one aspect of Muslim thought, i.e., Muslim Philosophy. Since this philosophy had its beginning in a religion based on philosophical fundamentals and it developed in close association with other spheres of thought, sciences, humanities, and arts, we have thought it desirable to give brief accounts of these other disciplines as well (Book Five).
We have begun our treatment of the subject by giving Book One a brief account of the whole field of philosophy in the Pre-Islamic world in general and Arabia in particular. We have devoted Book Two to philosophical teachings of the Qur'an. This we have done with the express hope that these two books together will give the reader a correct idea of the real source of Muslim philosophy and enable him to view this philosophy in its true perspective.
Table of Contents :
Volume [1].
Book One. Pre-Islamic Philosophical Thought :
Part 1.
---Chapter [1]. Pre-Islamic Indian Thought,
---Chapter [2]. Pre-Islamic Chinese Thought,
---Chapter [3]. Pre-Islamic Iranian Thought,
---Chapter [4]. Greek Thought,
---Chapter [5]. Alexandrio-Syriac Thought,
Part 2.
---Chapter [6]. Pre-Islamic Arabian Thought,
Book Two. Advent of Islam : The Fundamental Teachings of the Qur'an.
---Chapter [7]. Philosophical Teachings of the Qur'an, 
---Chapter [8]. Ethical Teachings of the Qur'an,
---Chapter [9]. Economic & Political Teachings of the Qur'an,
------Economic Teachings,
------Political Teachings,
Book Three :  Early Centuries,
(From the First/Seventh Centuries to the Fall of Baghdad),
Part 1. Theologico-Philosophical Movements,
---Chapter [10]. Mu'tazilism,
------The General Mu'tazilite Position,
---------Some Leading Mu'tazilites,
-----------1. Wasil ibn 'Ata,
-----------2. Abu al-Hudhail 'Allaf,
-----------3. Al-Nazzam,
-----------4. Bishr ibn al-Mu'tamir,
-----------5. Mu'ammar,
-----------6. Thamamah,
-----------7. Al-Jabiz,
-----------8. Al-Jubba'i,
-----------9. Abu Hashim,
------The End,
---Chapter [11]. Ash'arism,
------Al-Ash'ari's Life and Works,
------Ash'arite Theology,
------Fundamental Principles of the Ash'arite,
------Ash'arite Metaphysics,
---Chapter [12]. Tahawism,
------Abu Ja'far Tahawi's Life & Works,
------Nature of Faith,
------God's Essence and Attributes,
---Chapter [13]. Maturidism,
------The Life & Works of al-Maturidi,
------Criticism of the Mu'tazilites,
------Maturidi's System,
---Chapter [14]. Zahirism,
------Dawud ibn 'Ali ; His Doctrine & His School,
------The Zahirite School in Muslim Spain,
---------1. Al-Balluti,
---------2. Ibn Hazm,
------Zahirism after Ibn Hazm,
---Chapter [15]. Ikhwan al-Safa,
------System and Theories,
---------1. Classification of the Sciences,
---------2. Theory of Knowledge,
---------3. Metaphysics,
---------4. Nature and the Sciences,
---------5. Psychology,
---------6. Politics,
---------7. Ethics,
---------8. Education,
---------9. Religion,
Part 2. The Sufi's,
---Chapter [16]. Early Sufi's, Doctrine,
---Chapter [17]. Early Sufi's, (...continued),
------Hasan of Basrah [d.110h],
------Abu Hashim of Kufah [d.160h],
------Ibrahim b. Adham [d.160h],
------Shaqiq of Balkh [d.194h],
------Harith Muhasibi [d.243h],
------Rabi'ah al-'Adawiyyah of Basrah [d.185h],
------Dhu al-Nun Misri [d.245h],
------Bayazid Bistami [d.260h],
------Junayd of Baghdad [d.298h],
---Chapter [18]. 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani & Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi,
------Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani,
------Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi,
---Chapter [19]. Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi maqtul,
------The Life, Works, and Sources of Doctrine,
------The Meaning of Ishraq,
------The Orient and Occident in Sacred Geography,
---------Hikmat al-Ishraq,
---------The Initiatory Narratives,
---------The Ishraqi Tradition,
---Chapter [20]. Ibn al-Arabi,
------Life & Works,
------Pattern of Thought and Style,
------Controversy about his Orthodoxy,
------Influence on Future Sufism,
Part 3. The Philosophers,
---Chapter [21]. Al-Kindi,
------Harmony between Philosophy and Religion,
------Soul and Intellect,
---Chapter [22]. Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi,
---------1. Method,
---------2. Metaphysics,
---------3. God,
---------4. Soul,
---------5. Matter,
---------6. Space,
---------7. Time,
------Moral Philosophy,
---Chapter [23]. Al-Farabi,
---Chapter [24]. Al-Miskawaih,
------Al-Miskawaih's Personality,
---Chapter [25]. Ibn Sina,
------The Doctrine of Being,
------The Body-Mind Relationship,
------Theory of Knowledge,
------Doctrine of Prophecy,
------God and the World,
------Influence on the East and the West,
---Chapter [26]. Ibn Bajjah,
------His Predecessors,
------His Contemporaries,
------Matter and Form,
------Intellect and Knowledge,
------God, The Fountain-Head of Knowledge,
------Political Philosophy,
---Chapter [27]. Ibn Tufail,
------Life & Works,
------Creed of the Muwahhids,
------Hayy bin Yaqzan,
---Chapter [28]. Ibn Rushd,
------Philosophy and Religion,
------The Way to God,
------The Way to Knowledge,
------The Way to Science,
------The Way to Being.
---Chapter [29]. Nasir al-Din al-Tusi,
------The Maraghah Observatory,
------Akhlaq-i Nasiri,
------Domestic Science,
------Source of Practical Philosophy,
------Good and Evil,
Part 4. The Middle-Roaders,
---Chapter [30]. Al-Ghazali: Metaphysics,
------Attack on the Philosophers,
---Chapter [31]. Al-Ghazali; (...continued)
------A. Mysticism,
------B. Ethics,
------C. Influence,
---Chapter [32]. Fakhr al-Din Razi,
------Life, Significance of Thought, and Works,
------Theology (Kalam),
------The Sciences,
------Commentaries upon the Qur'an,
------Jurisprudence (Fiqh),
------Dialectic, Rhetoric and Poetry,
------The Significance and Influence of Imam Razi,
Part 5. The Political Thinkers
---Chapter [33]. Political Thought in Early Islam,
------Principles of Islamic Polity,
------Early Caliphate and it's Characteristic Features,
------Theological Differences and Schisms,
---Chapter [34]. Abu Hanifah & Abu Yusuf,
------Abu Hanifah,
------Abu Yusuf,
---Chapter [35]. Al-Farabi,
------Society and its Goal,
------Human Nature,
------The Chief,
------Characteristics of the Chief of the Ideal State,
------The Ideal State,
------Arts and Blessings,
------Inhabitants of the Ideal State,
------Imperfect States,
---Chapter [36]. Al-Mawardi,
------Life and Works,
------Political Theory,
------Designation and Privileges,
------Duties and Function of the Imam,
------Deposition of the Imam,
---Chapter [37]. Political Theory of the Shi'ites,
------Political Theory of the Isma'ilites,
---Chapter [38]. Nizam al-Mulk Tusi,
---Chapter [39]. Al-Ghazali.
Volume [2] Contents not listed here!
Also see Falsafa : Darsi,
Also see Islamic Theology | Kalam.

External Slipcase Dimensions : 26 x 19.5 cm.
***Some minor dents on outer case.
  • Shipping Weight: 3.5 kgs
  • 0 Units in Stock

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