Infamies of the Soul & Their Treatment : New,
'Uyub al-Nafs wa Adwiyatuhu,'
*[A5] Paperback - 120 pages,
by Abu 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami [d.412h],
Translation & Notes by Musa Furber,
Published by Islamosaic.
Back in Stock December 2021
Description :
Infamies of the Soul (?Uy?b al-nafs) is one of Islam’s earliest comprehensive theories for the purification of the soul. In this short guide, the hadith narrator, Sh?fi?? legist, and historian of the early sufis, Imam Ab? ?Abd al-Ra?m?n al-Sulam?, may Allah have mercy upon him, presents sixty-nine wicked traits and habits of the soul, including anger, laziness, negligence, self-pity, envy, avarice, lying, and pride.
Each infamy is described with its common causes and treatments, usually with relevant Prophetic narrations and statements from early Muslim sages. These infamies incline the soul toward evil and self-reproach. Treating them restores its serenity and certainty.
With this translation, English readers can now benefit from the simplicity and practicality of Imam al-Sulam?’s classic self-help manual that Arabic readers have utilized for the past millennium.
Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami [d.412h].
He is Ab? ?Abd al-Rah?mân Muh?ammad ibn al-H?usayn ibn Musa al-Azdi al-Sulami, al-Naysaburi,
alayhi ar-Rahman. He was born in Nishapur (arabic:
Naysabur) (Persia) in 325 Hijri. It was the influence of Al-Sulami's grandfather which first drew him towards the ascetic doctrine. He travelled extensively throughout Khorasan and Iraq in his pursuit of
hadith knowledge. Al-Sulami's education was also supported by a thorough training in religious law and theology, Ash'ari
kalam in particular, which he learned from the
Qadi Abu Bakr al-Baqillani [d.403/1013]. In
fiqh, Al-Sulami followed the
Shafi'i school. In Nishapur Al-Sulami became renowned as a
Shafi'i scholar and a collector of traditions. He was a prolific author of many sciences but in paricular of
tafsir, hadith and
tasawwuf - who according to his biographers Al-Sulami wrote more than a hundred books and treatises over a period of some fifty years.
His books tended to deal with the more practical aspects of tasawwuf, like the Jawami Adab al-Sufiyya and 'Uyub al-Nafs wa-Mudawatuhu which focused on sufi customs and practices. Most of his works included citations from the Qur'an and Sunnah in support of orthodox Sufi behaviour.
*Dimensions : 20.5 x 12.8cm.