The Charismatic Exploits of the Ghawth

Rulings Regarding ;
The Charismatic Exploits of the Ghawth, New,
[Fatawa Karamat al-Ghawthiyyah],
*[A5] Paperback - 48 pages,
by Shaykh Imam Ahmad Rida Khan
Transl. Abdul Hadi Qadri Ridawi,
Published by 'Sufi Pages.'

Description :
Rulings Regarding The Charismatic Exploits of the Ghawth by Imam al-Ahl al-Sunnat; Shaykh al-Islam Imam Ahmad Rida Khan, 'alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-ridwan, is extracted from his work Fatawa Karamat e Ghawthiyyah, which is volume 28 of Fatawa Ridawiyya.
Synopsis :
A Question was sent to the great mujaddid Imam Ahmad Rida al-Qadiri, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, concerning an esoteric phenomenon regarding the soul of Sultan al-Awliya Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A'zam Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, presenting itself to the Beloved Prophet of Allah, ?, on the night of Mi'raj [the Night Ascension].
Many 'scholars' refute this reality and condemn it as a fabrication causing a great deal of confusion in the minds of many Muslims. Hence, an enquiry was sent to his great jurist, as his insight matters of religion was encyclopedic and authentic. His detailed answer to this inquiry is astonishing  which will enlighten the heart of the reader.
Sultan al-Awliya; Muhiy'ud-Din Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah sanctify his secret, born near the Caspian Sea, in a town called Jilan, is one of the most venerated figures in tasawwuf.  The venerable Ghawth 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah sanctify his secret, is noted for his extraordinary spiritual experiences and exploits, as well as his memorable sayings and wise teachings. It is rightly said of him that 'he was born in love, grew in perfection, and met his Lord in the perfection of love.

The shaykh passed on to the Realm of Divine Beauty in 561A.H /1166 C.E and his mausoleum in Baghdad attracts millions of pilgrims from throughout the globe.
Im?m Ahmad Rid? Kh?n (b. 1272 AH/1856 CE), alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan, was a renowned Hanaf? jurist, had?th expert and theologian par excellence, recognised by scholars from the Islamic world to be a reviver of his era. He was a prolific writer whose legal edicts were gathered into twelve encyclopedic volumes and covered almost every science of his day.
Decent sub-continent print on cream paper.
Books by & related to Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani.
Books by & related to Imam Ahmad Rida Khan,

*Dimensions : 21 x 14cm (approx).
  • Shipping Weight: 0.155 kgs
  • 15 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Imam Ahmad Rida Khan

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