The Presence of the Soul & It's Station after Departure, New,
'Ityan al-Arwah li Diyarihim baad al-Rawah'
*[A5] Paperback - 24 pages, English & Arabic,
by Al-Shaykh Al-Imam Ahmad Rida Khan [d.1340h],
English Transl. M. Abdul Hadi Qadri,
Published by Sufi Pages.
Description :
Allah the Almighty has not created the soul to die. When a person dies, his soul becomes free from the cage of the physical body. The pious souls are sent to 'Illiyin [higher heavens] and they are not imprisoned there.
In fact for them this elevated Station is an Abode of Excellence. Here by the permission of Allah, they can go to wherever they desire. On the contrary, the impure souls of kuffar, though they are freed from the cage of the body, they are then imprisoned in Sijjin [the lower dungeon]. These facts are not linked to observations or intellect but it is a faculty of the Unseen [ghayb].
In this book, the great Mujaddid Imam Ahmad Rida al-Qadiri, may Allah be pleased with him, discusses this subject in light of the Noble Qur'an and Hadith. His encyclopedic and sacred knowledge exposes those frontiers of information where the ordinary mind cannot reach.
About the Author :
Al-Shaykh Al-Im?m Ahmad Rid? Kh?n al-Qadiri (b. 1272 AH/1856 CE), alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan, was a renowned Hanaf? jurist, had?th expert and theologian par excellence, recognised by scholars from the Islamic world to be a reviver of his era. He was a prolific writer whose legal edicts were gathered into twelve encyclopedic volumes and covered almost every science of his day.
*Dimensions : 21 x 13.8cm.