Surah al-Fatehah : New,
'A Fellowship of Faith'
*[A5] Paperback - 179 pages,
by Allie Khalfe,
*Published by the Islamic Texts Institute.
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Description :
Surah Al-Fatiha : A Fellowship of Faith is a commentary on the opening chapter of the Glorious Quran. It focusses on the linguistic, stylistic and spiritual dimensions of the Surah al-Fatihah.
Escorted by eighty-thousand Angels upon revelation, Surah Fatihah is sacred to every Muslim and is read at least seventeen times a day within the obligatory prayers. It is considered to be both Meccan and Medinan, consisting of twenty-five words [kalimat] and one-hundred and thirteen letters [huruf]. Scholars have said that it was called the opening [Al-Fatiha] for many reasons.
Although small in size, its words have kept scholars and saints alike busy throughout the ages seeking out its meanings, and it will continue to do so until the last hour. That journey in understanding is in no way limited to just the Arabic language, but extends to all those who have heard it's words and wish to relay some of their beauty and depth into the other languages of the world.
About Shaykh Allie Khalfe :
Shaykh Muhammad Allie Khalfe spent a decade learning various traditional texts from Shaykh Seraj and Shaykh Ahmad Hendricks who are the current Shaykhs of the Azzawia Institute in Walmer Estate, Cape Town. They in turn graduated from the Umm al-Qura University in Mecca specializing in Us?l Al-Fiqh and spent about ten years at the feet of the ocean of knowledge, Al-Sayyid Muhammad bin ‘Alaw? al-M?lik?, may Allah be pleased with him. Allie received from them licence [ij?za] to transmit various branches of knowledge including Islamic Jurisprudence [Al-Fiqh], Theology [Al-Tawh?d] as well as the Spiritual Sciences [Al-Tasawwuf].
He also spent two years at the Grand Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo sitting at the feet of some of the foremost scholars alive today, including Shaykh Sa’?d Mamd?h, Shaykh ‘Al? Jumu’a, Shaykh Fat’h? ‘Abdurahm?n Al-Hij?z?, Shaykh Hasan Al-Sh?fi’? and Shaykh Hish?m K?mil, may Allah be pleased with them, all of whom he read traditional texts to and received from them ij?za to transmit these texts. He is currently completing his Masters in Islamic Studies with a focus on Theology at UNISA and is the founder of The IslamicText Institute in Surrey Estate, Cape Town. He also lectures on Theology at the International Peace College of South Africa (IPSA).
Table of Contents :
---About the Author,
---Defintion of Qur'an, Surah and Ayah,
---Virtues of Surah al-Fatiha,
---The Names of Surah al-Fatiha,
---Revelation of Surah al-Fatiha,
---In a Single Breath.
---Verse 1 : Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim, [In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful],
------Grammatical analysis,
------The Form of the Letter Ba,
------The Kasrah below the Dot,
------Ba Al-Muwahhadah & Ba Al-Muwahhidah,
------Subtle Allusion,
------The Letter Ba - Blessings or Aid,
------Grammatical analysis of ism,
------The Derivation of the word ism,
------Subtle Allusion in ism,
------Was the Basmallah known to previous nations?
------Matters started with Al-Basmallah,
------Grammatical analysis,
------On the Majestic Name,
------The human-beings portion of this name,
------Subtle Allusion,
------On the Majestic Name being derived,
------The Majestic Name - A Proper Noun,
------On the Greatest Name [Ism Al-A'dham],
------On Knowing Allah,
------Grammatical analysis,
------Derivation and Meaning,
------A Coining of Wisdom,
------Our portion of Al-Rahman,
------Our portion of Al-Rahim,
------General and Specific Nature,
------The Prophet Muhammad, ?, is Al-Rahim,
------Rhetorical devices employed,
------Subtle Allusion,
------Virtues of the Basmallah,
------Is Al-Basmallah part of Surah al-Fatiha ?
------The Basmallah - It's source,
------The Du'a of Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.
---Verse 2 Al-Hamdulilahi Rabb al-'Alamin [Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds],
------Grammatical analysis of Al-Hamdu,
------Grammatical analysis of Lil-Allah,
------The linguistic meaning of Hamd,
------The technical meaning of Hamd,
------Allah is Al-Hamid,
------Our portion of Al-Hamid,
------Matters started with the Hamdalah,
------Al-Hamd is purpose,
------On Hamd and Madh,
------Al-Hamd is from the eternal speech,
------Lessons in humility,
------Divisions of Hamd,
------Divine blessings,
------On Hamd and Shukr,
------The opposite of Hamd,
------The 9 meanings of Al-Hamdu Lil-Allah,
------The Symbolism in Lil-Allah,
------Hamd is remembrance of our origin,
------Rabb al-'Alamin - Grammatical analysis of Rabb,
------The meaning of Rabb,
------Perfect word choice,
------Grammatical analysis of 'Alamin,
------The meaning of 'Alamin.
---Verse 3 : Al-Rahman Al-Rahim [Most Gracious, Most Merciful],
------Grammatical analysis,
------Lordly mercy,
------Muhammadan mercy,
------Mercy toward the body and soul.
---Verse 4 : Malik Yawm al-Din [Master of the Day of Recompense],
------Grammatical analysis,
------Maalik and Malik,
------The human-beings portion of this name,
------Yawm al-Din : Grammatical analysis of Yawm,
------The meaning of Yawm,
------Grammatical analysis of Al-Din,
------The meaning of Al-Din,
---Verse 5 : Iyyaka Na'budu wa-Iyyaka Nasta'in [Thee Alone do We Worship and from Thee Alone do we Seek Aid],
------Grammatical analysis of
------Grammatical analysis of Na'badu,
------Worship [Al-Ibadah],
------Sincerity in worship,
------Good character and worship,
------Inner worship,
------Grammatical analysis of
------The meaning of Nasta'in,
------Rhetorical devices employed ;
--------1. Al-Taqdim wa Ta'khir,
--------2. Al-Iltifat,
--------3. Brevity and elision,
------Subtle allusion.
---Verse 6 : Ihdina Al-Sirat al-Mustaqim [Guide Us On the Straight Path],
------Grammatical analysis of Ihdina,
------On Al-Hidayah,
------The imperative,
------Subtle allusion,
------Al-Sirat - Grammatical analysis,
------The meaning of Al-Sirat,
------On its distance,
------On how it will be traversed,
------On the wisdom behind traversing it,
------Al-Mustaqim - Grammatical analysis,
------The meaning of
------Al-Istiqamah - A Stairway,
------A parable,
------Why plea for guidance on the Sirat after having received guidance?
------Subtle allusion.
---Verse 7 : Sirat Alladhina an'Amta 'alayhim [The Path of Those on Whom Thou hast Bestowed Thy Grace],
------Grammatical analysis - Sirat,
------Grammatical analysis -
------The meaning of Sirat,
------Managing time by Imam al-Ghazali,
------The meaning of an'Amta.
---Verse 8 : Ghayri Al-Maghdubi 'alayhim Wala 'Al-Dallin [Not of Those who Incur Wrath, Nor of the Misguided],
------Grammatical analysis - Ghayri,
------Grammatical analysis - Al-Maghdubi,
------The meaning of Ghadab,
------Who are the Maghdub?
------The medicine for anger,
------Grammatical analysis - Wala,
------Grammatical analysis - Al-Dallin,
------The meaning of Al-Dallin,
------Who are the Dallin?
------Amin - its meaning.
Appendix of reference material:
---Hadith works,
*Dimensions : 20.7 x 14.8cm.
*Off-mint condition. Minor abrasions on front / rear covers & spine.