Qaseedah Burdah,
[A5] Paperback / Booklet, 35 pages,
by Imaam Buseeri.
Translated by M.I.H. Pirzada.
Description :
This is an abridged version of the famous
Qasidah Burda by Imam Sharafuddin al-Buseeri,
may Allah be pleased with him, with English translation. It also includes the Arabic texts of Imam al-Buseeri's
Qaseedah Muhammadiyyah and
Qaseedah Mudariyyah.
Qaseedah Burdah is one of the most outstanding poems written in praise of the noble Prophet Muhammad,
Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him. Muslims all over the world re-kindle their belief and strengthen their spiritual bonds with the dear Prophet,
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, by reciting the classical ode. Shaykh M I H Pirzada has selected the most popular verses and has translated them into simple English.
Qasidah al-Burdah.