The Scientific Work
of Imam Ahmad Raza, radi Allahu anhu, New,
*[A5] Paperback - 221 pages,
Compiled by Dr. Muhammad Malik -
from the works of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan,
*Published by Idara Tahqeeqat e Imam Ahmad Raza, Kashmir.
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Description :
"We are now entering an era of outstanding achievements in the field of various technologies (modern science). The remarkable scientific developments have provided promising direction for the scholars to make further research in various faculties of knowledge.
Regarding modern science, I have tried to aware the nation about the creative scientific work of Imam Ahmad Raza, may Allah be pleased with him, the renowned scientific theologian of the 20th century, in various of spheres of knowledge. It is astonishing that such creative work was written one century ago when such type of facilities were hard to find in the subcontinent.
Each chapter reflects new findings in research and their applied significance. The chapters are organised to present a scientific approach that explains how Imam Ahmad Raza worked. At the end of each chapter are references that contain classic works and the most recent research publications. " ---Dr. Muhammad Malik.
Table of Contents:
---[1]. Introduction,
---[2]. Creativity,
---[3]. Imam Ahmad Raza & Psychology
---[4]. Imam Ahmad Raza & Fluid Dynamics,
---[5]. Imam Ahmad Raza & Light Theory,
---[6]. Imam Ahmad Raza & Auditory Theory,
---[7]. Imam Ahmad Raza & Atomic Theory,
---[8]. Imam Ahmad Raza & Medical Physiology (Gastro Intestinal Physiology),
---[9]. Imam Ahmad Raza & Homeostasis,
---[10]. Imam Ahmad Raza & Research on Leprosy,
---[11]. Imam Ahmad Raza & Medical Embryology,
---[12]. Imam Ahmad Raza & Earth Theory.
About Imam Ahamd Raza Khan,
AlaHadrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, may Allah be pleased with him, was outstanding from the very beginning on account of his extensive learning and superb intelligence. He was born in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India in 1856. He started his education at the age of 2 years and 6 months and completed the Holy Qur'an by the time he was 4 years. His first speech was at the age of 6 years on the topic of the Mawlid of the Prophet, ﷺ, for a two hour duration. His maiden literary work in Arabic was at the age of only 8 years.
He completed his education at the age of 13 years 10 months and at that time he was already the author of several books. He continued writing so prolifically that his head and heart had surging waves of knowledge, which were hard to restrain.
According to the latest study, Imam Ahmad Raza had a full command over 200 faculties of knowledge (the highest diversity of knowledge in this century). He has written more than 1000 books including many Islamic sciences as well as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology and Parapsychology, Phonetics and Phonology, Engineering and Technology, Astronomy and Astrology, amongst others.
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*Sub-Continent Print Condition and Translation Quality.
*Dimensions : 21.5 x 13.7cm.