Tuhfat al-Atfaal and Al-Arba'een : 1st Edition,
[Two Classical Texts within 1 book]
'A Gift for the Children in the Rules of Qur'an Recitation,'
*[A5] Hardback - 152 pages,
Tuhfat al-Atfaal by Shaykh Sulaiman Jamzuri [d.1215/30?],
& Al-Arba'in, The 40 Hadith in The Excellence of the Qur'an,
by Mulla 'Ali al-Qari [d.1014h],
Translations by M Fazlehaq.
Two Classical Texts on the Science of Tajweed, Arabic Phonology,
Published by Zein Hud Publications,
Darul Qurra and Islamic Research Centre.
New : Tuhfat al-Atfaal 2nd Edition : New. September 2021
Description :
Tuhfatul Atfaal is the famous poem written by Imam Al-Jamzuri for those who wish to learn Tajweed (the rules of Qur'anic recitation). It’s shorter and easier than other similar texts. This publication is the first English translation and has been printed to a high standard.
"The benefits of reciting the pure words of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, are so great that no individual is able to compile them in any one book. Hence, only a few are mentioned below as a reminder of the bounties of Allah upon those who recite his glorious Qur'an.
The Prophet, ?, said;
Whosoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will receive a reward. That reward is then (multiplied) ten-fold. I do not say Alif-Laam-Meem is one letter, but Alif is a letter, Laam is a separate letter and Meem is another letter. [Tirmidhi].
The work features :
*** Combination of Two Classical Texts,
*** Illustrations and Diagrams to Facilitate Understanding,
*** Explanation of Makharij ul Huruf and Sifaat,
*** Explanations of Seven Ahruf,
*** Introduction to the Seven Imams of Qira'ah,
*** Exercise with Answers
*** Forty Ahadith on the Excellence of the Qur'an.
Ilm ut Tajweed is the science that deals with the pronunciation of Arabic letters from their correct Makhaarij along with their correct Sifaat. Its purpose is to make a person proficient in correct Qur'an recitation without mistakes. Learning its rules and principles is Fardh Kifayah, but its application in Qur'an recitation is Fardh 'Ain."
Table of Contents :
---Al-Ijaazah (1),
---Al-Ijaazah (2),
---Introduction to the Author,
---Benefits of Reciting the Qur'an,
------Guidance for Humankind,
------Reward from Allah,
------Cure for All Illnesses,
------Protection in the gRAVE,
------Forgiveness from Allah,
------The Angels of Mercy Listen,
------Being the Best,
---The Basics of Tajweed,
---Important Terminology,
------The Tongue,
------The Teeth,
------The Upper Palate of the Mouth,
------The Throat,
------Names of Arabic Letters,
---The 17 Makhaarij (Emission Points),
---------Adnal Halq,
---------Wast ul-Halq,
------Wast ul-Lisaan,
------Haafat ul-Lisaan,
------Taraf ul-Lisaan / Adnal-Lisaan,
------The Difference between the Makhraj of Laam and Noon,
-------Ra's ul-Lisaan,
---Sifaat al-Huruf (Attributes),
------The Permanent Sifaat that have opposites,
---------Duration of Letters when Reciting,
---------Combining the Sifaat,
------The Permanent Sifaat that don't have opposites,
---------The Three Levels of Qalqalah,
------Summary of Permanent Sifaat,
------Temporary Sifaat,
---------The Letter Raa,
---------The Letter Alif,
---------The Letter Laam in the Word 'Allah'
---Progression Test,
Book [1]. Tuhfatul Atfaal :
---Introduction (Muqaddimah),
---The Rules of Noon Saakinah and Tanween,
---------Exercise 1,
---------Exercise 2,
---------Exercise 3,
---Rules of Noon and Meem Mushaddadatayn,
------Exercise 4,
---Rules of Meem Saakinah,
---------Exercise 5,
---Rules of Laam ut-Ta'reef and Laam ul-Fi'l,
------Al-Laam al Qamariyyah,
------Al-Laam ash-Shamsiyyah,
---------Exercise 6,
---Al-Mithlayn, al-Mutaqaaribayn and al-Mutajaanisayn,
---Types of Madd,
------Al-Madd al-Asli,
------Al-Madd al-Far'i,
------Exercise 7,
---Rules regarding Madd,
------Al-Madd al-Muttasil,
------Al-Madd al-Munfasil,
------Al-Madd al-'Aaridh lis-Sukoon,
------Al-Madd al-Badal,
------Al-Madd al-Laazim,
---------Exercise 8,
---Types of al-Madd-al Laazim,
------Al-Madd al-Laazim al-Kalimi,
------Al-Madd al-Laazim al-Harfi,
---------Exercise 9,
---Huroof ul-Muqatta'aat,
------Those that have Al-Madd al-Laazim al-Harfi,
------Those that have Al-Madd at-Tabee'i (Al-Madd al-Asli),
------The Alif,
---The Ending,
------The date of composing the Poem,
------Summary of Tuhfat al-Atfaal in Chart Form,
---Al-Waqf and Al-Ibtidaa'
---------Al-Waqf at-Taam,
------Al-Waqf at-Taam al-Laazim,
------Al-Waqf at-Taam al-Mutlaq,
---------Al-Waqf al-Kaafi (Al-Waqf al-Jaaiz),
---------Al-Waqf al-Hasan,
---------Al-Waqf al-Qabeeh,
---------Al-Ibtidaa al-Hasan,
---------Al-Ibtidaa al-Qabeeh,
---Answers to the Exercises,
------Answers to the Exercise 1,
------Answers to the Exercise 2,
------Answers to the Exercise 3,
------Answers to the Exercise 4,
------Answers to the Exercise 5,
------Answers to the Exercise 6,
------Answers to the Exercise 7,
------Answers to the Exercise 8,
------Answers to the Exercise 9,
---Notes on the Seven Imams of Qira'ah and Seven Ahruf.
------Information on the Seven Imams from Classical Texts,
------1. Imam Nafi'
------2. Imam ibn Katheer,
------3. Imam 'Asim,
------4. Imam Hamzah,
------5. Imam al-Kassai'
------6. Imam Abu 'Amr,
------7. Imam Ibn 'Amir,
---Seven Ahruf,
------Imam Abu Bakr Asim ibn Abi Najud al-Asadi al-Kufi,
Book [2]. Al-Arba'in, 40 Sayings of the Prophet, ?,
---The Forty Hadith of Mulla 'Ali al-Qari,
---Du'a (Supplication).
Excellent Quality 2 Colour print in Hardback, using high grade cream paper.
Also see Basic Farsi Grammar by Zein Hud Publications.
*Dimensions : 21.7 x 15.5cm.
New : Tuhfat al-Atfaal 2nd Edition : New. September 2021