Bad al-Amali : New,
English Transl. of a Classical Text on Islamic Creed,
*[A5] Glossy Paperback - 77 pages,
by Imam Sirajuddin Ali al-Ushi [d.575h],
Translated by Shaykh Abu Hasan,
Published by Ridawi Press,
Printed in Turkey,
Part of the Ridawi Press 'Aqidah Series.'
Back in Stock - February 2023
Description :
Bad al-Amali is didactic ode written by Imam Sirajuddin Ali al-Ushi [d.575AH] primarily for beginners and students of theology. It outlines the creed of the Ahl us Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah in a poem that is succinct, comprehensive and surprisingly easy to memorise. Many commentaries have been written on this famous poem, which is a sign of acceptance in scholarly circles, among which the one by Mullah Ali al-Qari and Ibn Jama'ah are most well known.
In this day and age when corruption is rampant and strife is rife, and Muslim laymen, for the most part, are unaware of the correct beliefs of Islam regarding Allah and His Messengers, it is encumbent to understand important articles of faith as described in this book.
This current translation of the ode in plain and simple English, accompanied with copious footnotes to explain the verses, should help even those readers who lack any exposure or formal introduction to traditional Islamic sciences, easily understand and absorb subtle and sometimes complex tenets central to the Islamic faith.
May Allah, azza wa jall, bless the translator Shaykh Abu Hasan for his effort in making this ode accessible to the English speakers so that they may know and understand the correct creed of thr Ahl al-Sunnah and protect themselves from the relentless assault of heretical ideas.
Table of Contents :
---Translator’s Preface,
---[1]. Thus Saith the Slave,
---[2]. Pre-eternal, Without Beginning,
---[3]. He Wills, He Ordains,
---[4]. He is the Creator of both Good and Evil,
---[5]. Divine Attributes are Neither Self, Nor Separate,
---[6]. Divine Attributes are Beginningless, Pre-eternal,
---[7]. Using ‘Thing’ or ‘Entity’ to refer to Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
---[8]. Divine Names are not Separate Entities Per Se,
---[9]. Not a Substance, Particle or Accident,
---[10]. Existence of an Indivisible Particle,
---[11]. The Qur’an is Divine Speech and Uncreated,
---[12]. Istiwa’a is without Modality,
---[13]. Wajh is an Attribute, But Does Not Mean ‘Face’
---[14]. The Transcendence of All?h, subhanahu wa ta'ala, from Time,
---[15]. Transcendent of Wife, Son, Daughter,
---[16]. Transcendent of Partners, Equals, Helpers,
---[17]. He Gives Death to All Living Beings and Resurrects,
---[18]. Heaven for Pious; Hell for Disbelievers,
---[19]. Heaven and Hell are Forever,
---[20]. Vision of Allah in Paradise is without Modality,
---[21]. The Loss of Mútazilah for Rejecting Ru’yah,
---[22]. Nothing is Obligatory Upon All?h, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
---[23]. Obligatory to Believe in Messengers and Angels,
---[24]. The Last Prophet, ?, is a Hashimi (Clan of Quraysh),
---[25]. The Last Prophet, ?, is the Leader of all Messengers,
---[26]. His, Shar?áh Remains Until Judgement Day,
---[27]. Night Journey and Ascension are True,
---[28]. Intercession of Pious People is True,
---[29]. Prophets, alayhi'm as-salam, are Divinely Protected from Sin,
---[30]. Prophets, alayhi'm as-salam, are all Men,
---[31]. Dhu’l Qarnayn and Luqm?n are Not Prophets,
---[32]. Sayyiduna Ý?s?, alayhi as-salam, will Return and Slay Dajja?l ,
---[33]. Miracles of Saints are True,
---[34]. Awliya’a can never be Superior to Prophets, alayhi'm as-salam,
---[35]. Abu Bakr Siddiq is Superior-most Companion,
---[36]. Úmar is Superior to Úthman,
---[37]. Úthman is Superior to Ál?,
---[38]. Ál?, ?is Superior to Everyone Else (Except Above),
---[39]. Áayishah is Superior to Fatimah in Some Aspects,
---[40]. Yazid is Not Cursed After His Death,
---[41]. Belief by Imitation [Muqallid] is Valid,
---[42]. Sane Person Has No Excuse to Not Know Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
---[43]. Faith at the Last Moment Prior to Death,
---[44]. Good Deeds Are Not Part of Belief,
---[45]. Committing Sins Does Not Make One a Disbeliever,
---[46]. Intention of Apostasy in the Future,
---[47]. Uttering Kufr Without Believing It,
---[48]. Uttering Kufr in a State of Inebriation,
---[49]. That Which Does Not Exist Cannot Be Seen,
---[50]. On Takw?n,
---[51]. Unlawful Food is Sustenance Too,
---[52]. Interrogation in the Grave,
---[53]. Punishment in the Grave,
---[54]. Admission in Paradise is by the Grace of All?h, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
---[55]. Accounting of Deeds on The Final Day,
---[56]. Deed Books Will be Given in Right and Left Hands,
---[57]. The Scales and Crossing of the Bridge Over Hell,
---[58]. Intercession of the Righteous (Repeated Distich),
---[59]. Prayers Certainly Have a Discernible Effect/Result,
---[60]. The Universe Did Not Always Exist,
---[61]. Heaven and Hell Exist Already,
---[62]. Believers Will Not Stay in Hell Forever,
---[63]. About This Enchanting Poem and its Author.
---------Appendix A: The Qa??dah in Arabic with Transliteration,
---------Appendix B: Qur’anic Verses Mentioned in the Footnotes,
---------Appendix C: Transliteration Key.
---About the Author.
Also see Theology,
Other books on Islamic Doctrine,
Other New & Recent titles from Ridawi Press.
---The Preamble to Faith, (Tamhid al-Iman),
---Who is AlaHazrat?
*Dimensions : 20.9 x 14.7cm.