Nur al-Anwar : Mulla Jiwan 2 Vols, Arabic

 Noor al-Anwar - 2 Vols, Arabic, New,
Sharh Risalat al-Manar :
*[A4+] Hardback 963 pages within 2 Volume Set,
by Shaykh Ahmad Mulla Jeewan al-Qadiri [d.1130h],
Risalat al-Manar by Imam al-Nasafi [d.710h],
with two Hashiya's,
*Published by Maktaba al-Bushra, Karachi.


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Description :

Nur al-Anwar Sharh Risalat al-Manar - is based on the Usul of the Hanafi fiqh and is the Sharh of another work called Risalat al-Manaar of Imam al-Nasafi, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi.

This work presented here in 2 volumes contains two hashiyas' Qamar al-Aqmar and Hashiyat al-Sanbali. Qamar al-Aqmar ala Nur al-Anwar / Hashiyah Nur al-Anwar is by Muhammad Abd al-Haleem bin Muhammad Ameenullah, al-Lakhnawi (d.1285h)

About Shaykh Ahmad Mulla Jiwan :

He is al-Shaykh ibn Abu Sa'id Ahmad Mulla Jeewan al-Siddiqi al-Qadiri. His ancesters had come to India from Makkah al-Mukarramah and settled in the suburbs of Lucknow. He was born at , Lucknow, in 1048 hijrah, and had memorised the Noble Quran at the tender age of seven. Shaykh Mulla Jeewan was one of the teachers of the famous Mughal emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir.

According to Dr Sayyad Abdul Khaliq Pirzada, former professor of Al-Azhar University, Egypt, Mulla Nizamuddin (compiler of the Dars e Nizami syllabus) and other scholars followed Mulla Jeewan’s footsteps as far as the religious education being imparted through Madrassah at that time was concerned. He said that the then Mughal kings benefited a lot from the teachings and religious books of Mulla Jeewan. He opined that the kitabNur ul Anwar’ of the selfless Mulla Jeewan could still guide Muslim countries regarding the framing of a Hanafi constitution.

Mullah Jeewan revived the Islamic education in India and dominated the era from late 17th century to early 18th century.

He was murid in the Qadiriyyah tariqah and was authorised to make others into his allegiance. He also had links with Chishtiyyah silsila and was known to hold regular lectures within Ajmer shareef. He lived for approximately 82 years and passed away is buried in his home village of Amethi, Lucknow.

Amongst his works were  :

---1. Al-Tafsir al-Ahmadiyyah fi Bayan al-Ayat al-Shar`iyyah (30 Volumes).
---2. Nur al-Anwar Sharh al-Manar,
---3. Manaqib al-Awliya (A history in Persian);
---4. Adab-i-Ahmadi,
---5. Al-Adab al-Ahmadiyah fi bayan Awrad al-Masha’ikh wa al-Sufiyyah,
---6. Lawa’ih bar Majazat-i-Lawa’ih Jami,
---7. Khutbat `Idayn wa Jumu`ah,
---8. Khud Nawisht Sawanih,
---9. Mathnawi, in 6 volumes & containing 25,000 verses,
---10. Sharh Qasidah Burdah Sharif,
---11. Poetry in Urdu, Arabic and Persian.

Mulla Jeewan also wrote many editions of his grandfathers (Ubaydullah) works

More Dars e Nizami : Islamic Studies.

*Non ASWJ publisher.
[For research & reference for students of knowledge].






*Single Volume Dimensions : 25.7 x 19.6cm.











  • Shipping Weight: 1.895 kgs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Mulla Jeewan

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