Complete Qaidah : New

Complete Qaidah : 7th Edition,
*[A4] Paperback - 165 pages,
Compiled by Safar Publications,
'Safar Learn to Read' series,
Printed in Turkey.


Back in Stock September 2022

Description :

We found that most other Qa?idahs do not have any chaptering or breakdown of learning objectives. The students, and sometimes teachers, progress from one exercise to another without realising what the goals behind them were. This lack of breakdown of objective is also unhealthy for the student’s morale as they have no short-term targets to work towards and can lose motivation.

To help parents, teachers and students keep track of progress, there is a checklist at the end of each level, listing what skills have been covered so far. This helps to maintain an informed approach to the study of the Qa?idah and helps avoid students merely making their way through with no consciousness of the aims and objectives behind what they are doing. This also serves as an aid to teacher, parents and examiner who may listen to the student read.

We have built upon our existing great Qa?idah and made it even better with features such as :

  *** Stitch bound,
  *** Sharper text,
  *** Revised diary/pass sections to make it easier to track show a child’s progress,
  *** New B5 Clear Plastic Cover.

 The Safar 'Complete Qa'idah' is part of the Safar Learn to Read series.

Table of Contents :

---About the Qaidah,
---How to Use this Book.

---Level [1]. Pronunciation,
------The Alphabet,

---Level [2]. Letter Recognition,
------Mixed Alphabet,
------Assorted Letters,
------Identity Map,
------Assorted Joined Letters,
------First Words,
------Letter Appearances.

---Level [3]. Fluency in Spelling Words,
------Whole Word Exercises,

---Level [4]. Advanced Letter Recognition,
------Advanced joined Letter examples,
------Word Diagrams,.
------Mixed Exercise,
------Challenging Combinations,
------Difference between Lam and Alif,
------Advanced Identity Map,
------Mixed Exercise.

---Level [5]. Harakahs,
------Level 5a: Short Harakahs,
-------Advanced Pronunciation Practice,
-------Similar Letters,
-------Mixed Exercise.
------Level 5b: Tanwin,
-------Mixed Exercise.

---Level [6]. Stretched Harakahs,
------Rule : The Six Streteched Harakahs,
------Level 6a: The Three Stretched Letters,
-------Fathah followed by a Joining Alif,
-------Kasrah followed by a Joining Ya,
-------Dammah followed by a Joining Waw,
-------Mixed Exercise,
------Level 6b: Long Harakahs,
-------Long Fathah,
-------Long Kasrah,
-------Long Dammah,
-------Mixed Exercise,
------Level 6c: Lin,
-------Lin : Fathah followed by a Joining Waw,
-------Lin : Fathah followed by a Joining Ya,
-------Mixed Exercise,

---Level [7]. Joining Letters
------Level 7a:  Joining with Sukun,
-------Joining Exercise,
-------Hamzah with Sukun,
------Level 7b:  Joining with Shaddah,

---Level [8]. Madd,
------Rule : Madd lengths,
------The Stretches,
------Madd Exercise,
------Mixed Exercise.

---Level [9]. Special Cases,
------Silent Letters,
------Silent Alif in "Ana"
------Silent Alif with a circle,
------Joining Nun,
------Sukun followed by Shaddah,
------The Openers.

---Level [10]. Fluency in Three Words,
------Two Word Exercise,
------Three Word Exercise,

---Level [11]. Stopping,
------Rule: Stopping,
------Stopping on Fathahtayn,
------Stopping on round Ta and Ha,
------All other Stops,
------Mixed Exercise.

---Level [12]. Stopping Symbols,
------Rule: Stopping Symbols,
------Four Word Exercise,
------Four Word Exercise with Stopping Symbols,

---Level [13]. Fluency in one line or verse,
------One line or verse Exercise,

---Supplementary Exercises,
------A. Pronunciation Exercise,
------B. Assorted Heavy and Light letters,
------C. Dots Exercise,
------D. Whole-word Exercise,
------E. Advanced Letter Recognition (1),
------F. Advanced Letter Recognition (2),
------G. Assorted Letters with Harakahs,
------H. Light and Heavy Letters with Harakahs,
------I.  Light and Heavy Letters with Streteched Harakahs,
------J.  Similar Letters with Sukun,
------K. Joining Exercise.

More books in the Safar Range.
More Tajwid related Guides, Books and Qur'an.








Also see our Childrens Section.



*Dimensions : 24.5 x 17.5cm.



















  • Shipping Weight: 0.495 kgs
  • 24 Units in Stock

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