Qamar Islamic Studies Level 4

 Qamar Islamic Studies : Level 4, New,
*[A4] Glossy Paperback -  226 pages,
First Edition, 2017,
Edited by Mohsin Adam,
Published by Qamar Learning Academy, UK.
Part of the 'Qamar Islamic Studies' series.


Back in Stock October 2021

Description :

"Qamar Islamic Studies Level Four" is the latest expanded edition of the popular Madrassah Syllabus series.

The Qamar Islamic Studies series provide knowledge of the most essential aspects of Islam whilst helping to bring a child's faith to life through regular practice. The books build on the foundations contained within the Qur'an and Sunnah by bringing blessed Islamic principles to life in the classroom and beyond.

Qamar covers core areas in Aqidah (tenets of faith), Fiqh (rulings), Seerah (Propehtic biographies) and Akhlaq (manners) within a simple framework which is tailored to suit the developing needs of the learner. Level Three in the series has been split into these four categories and has been colour co-ordinated accordingly :

  *** Aqidah (Belief),
  *** Fiqh (Rulings),
  *** Tarikh / Seerah (History),
  *** Akhlaq (Manners).

Each books contains colourful illustrations, exercises and classroom activities that will make learning fun.

Table of Contents :

---The Role of Parents,
---The Supplication for Seeking Knowledge,

Aqidah : (Islamic Belief) :
---Lesson [1]. Allah Almighty, The All-Forgiving
------The One Who Responds,
------The Most Merciful,
------Exercise 1. Match the Names with the Correct Meanings,
-------Design a Poster Presentation,
---Lesson [2]. The Messengers of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
------Key Terms,
------The Characteristics of the Prophets, upon them be peace,
------Exercise 2. True or False ?
-------List Three Characteristics of a Prophet,
---Lesson [3]. Our Prophet Muhammad, ?,
------The Obligation to Love Our Prophet, ?,
------The Obligation to Obey Him, ?,
------Exercise 3. Answer the Questions,
-------How did the Companions Honour & Respect the Prophet, ?,
---Lesson [4]. Signs of Qiyamah,
------Minor Signs,
------Major Signs,
------Appearance of Dajjal,
------The Coming of Sayyadina Isa, alayhi salam,
------Exercise 4. Answer the 5 Questions,
---Lesson [5]. Major Signs,
------The Coming of Sayyadina Isa, alayhi salam,
------Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj,
------The Beast,
------Exercise 5. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [6]. Death,
------About Death,
------Exercise 6. Answer the Questions,
-------Create a Postcard about the 3 Questions asked in the Grave,
---Lesson [7]. The Day of Judgement,
------Al Meezan (The Scale),
------Exercise 7. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [8]. Jannah (Paradise),
------What is Jannah?
------Actions that will take us into Jannah,
------Exercise 8. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [9]. Jahannam (Hell),
------What is Jahannam?
------Exercise 9. Answer the Questions.

Fiqh : (Islamic Jurisprudence) :
---Lesson [1]. Types of Impurity,
------Types of Impurity (Najasah),
------Najasah Ghaleezah,
------Najasah Khafeefah,
------Rules of Impurity,
------Method of Cleansing,
------Exercise 1. Indentify the different types of impurity,
---Lesson [2]. The Ghusl,
------The Fardh acts of Ghusl,
------The Sunnah Method of Ghusl,
------Makrooh acts of Ghusl,
------Important points for Ghusl,
------Exercise 2. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [3]. The Wudhu,
------Method of Wudhu,
------Faraidh of Wudhu,
------Sunnah acts of Wudhu,
------Makrooh acts of Wudhu,
------Acts that nullify Wudhu,
------Exercise 3. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [4]. Tayammum,
------When is Tayammum peformed ?
------How to perform Tayammum,
------Fardh acts of Tayammum,
------Sunnah acts when performing Tayammum,
------Surfaces on which Tayammum is permitted,
------Exercise 4. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [5]. Times of Salah (Worship),
------Prayer Times for the Five Salah,
------Disliked Prayer times,
------The Daily Prayers,
------Exercise 5. Indicate the Correct Times for Each Salah,
---Lesson [6]. Salah : The Ritual Prayer,
------The conditions of Salah,
------Fardh acts of Salah,
------Model Prayer for each Rakah (cycle) with diagram,
------Wajib acts of Salah,
------Sunnah acts in Salah for a Munfarid (when praying alone),
------Exercise 6. Place the list of Salah actions in the correct box,
-------Additional exercise: Fill in the blanks below,
-------Additional exercise: Answer the following
---Lesson [7]. Breakers & Makrooh acts of Salah,
------List of actions that are makrooh,
------Acts that break the Salah,
------Exercise 7. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [8]. Sajdah al-Sahw,
------When does it become wajib,
------How to perform Sajdah al-Sahw,
------Congregational Prayer (Jama'ah),
------Exercise 8. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [9]. The Prayer of a Masbooq,
------Some important terms,
------How to complete the prayer,
------The Maghrib salah,
------Exercise 9. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [10]. The Day of Jumu'ah,
------The Sunnahs of Jumu'ah,
------Preferred method of Jumu'ah salah,
---Lesson [11]. Fasting (sawm),
------What is sawm?
------Different types of fasts,
------What breaks a fast?
------Acts that break the fast for which Qadaa is required,
------Acts that break the fast for which both Qadaa & Kaffarah are wajib,
-------Mustahab acts in fasting,
------Actions which do not break the fast,
------Exercise 11. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [12]. Hajj (The Pilgrimage),
------What is the Hajj?
------The features of Hajj are as follows,
------The steps of Hajj,
------Exercise 12. Answer the Questions.

Seerah (Islamic History) :
------Revision Timeline of the Seerah of the Beloved Prophet, ?,
---Lesson [1]. The Quraysh meet at Dar al-Nadwah,
------The evil plot,
------Allah's Plan for Sayyadina Rasoolullah, ?,
------Exercise 1. Answer the Questions.
---Lesson [2]. The Hijrah,
------The migration - the complete story,
------Exercise 2. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [3]. Arrival in al-Madina al-Munawwarah,
------Awaiting the Beloved, ?,
------The full moon rises,
------Tala' al badru alayna ...
------Sayyadina Rasoolullah's, ?, route into Al-Madinah Munawwarah,
------Exercise 3. Answer the Questions.
---Lesson [4]. Building of the Masjid,
------The Mosque of Rasoolullah, ?,
------Building the Prophet's, ?, Mosque,
------Building the bonds of brotherhood,
------Bringing peace to al-Madina al-Munawwarah,
------The hypocrites (munafiqeen),
------The call to prayer (adhaan),
------Exercise 4. Answer the Questions.
---Lesson [5]. The Cusp of War,
------The enmity of the Quraysh,
------Abdullah ibn Jahsh, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu, and his Mission,
------The Muslim Army Rises,
------The Battle Commences,
------The Battlefied of Badr,
------Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, helps the Believers with an army of Angels,
------Exercise 5. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [6]. The Battle of Uhud,
------Sayyadina Rasoolullah, ?, consults His Companions,
------The hypocrites desert the Muslims,
------The Muslims fight with valour,
------The Archers' dilemma,
------The Quraysh seize their opportunity,
------The Aftermath,
------The Battle of Uhud illustrated,
------Exercise 6. Answer the Questions,
-------Hadith; The virtues of Uhud.
---Lesson [7]. The Battle of Al-Ahzaab,
------The Alliance,
------Overcoming adversity,
------The arrival of the enemy,
------Illustration of the Battle of Al-Ahzaab,
------Exercise 7. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [8]. Rasoolullah's, ?, Blessed Lineage,
------The Blessed Lineage,
------Exercise 8. Fill in the Gaps.
---Lesson [9]. The Beauty of His, ?, Blessed Form,
------How was He, ?, Formed ?
------The Belongings of Rasoolullah, ?,
------Exercise 9. Fill in the Gaps,
-------Make a poster of the Blessed Belongings.

Akhlaq : (Islamic Manners/Etiquette) :
---Lesson [1]. Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala),
------What is Dhikr?
------Benefits of making Dhikr of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
------Different ways to perform Dhikr?
------Some Hadith,
------Exercise 1. Memorise and perform one of the Dhikrs,
-------Design a poster regarding your feelings about Dhikr.
---Lesson [2]. Kindness to Parents,
------Hadiths : The Status of Parents,
------Etiquettes of a Good Relationship with Parents,
------Relations with Parents after their Death,
------Exercise 2. Design a leaflet showing How to be kind to Parents.
---Lesson [3]. Backbiting,
------Hadiths : What is Backbiting?
------Some of the reasons why people backbite are ?
------How to avoid backbiting?
------Exercise 3. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [4]. Jealousy,
------Hadith : What is Jealousy ?
------Exercise 4. Research the story of Prophet Yusuf, alayhi salam, and write in your own words, what you have learned about jealousy,
---Lesson [5]. Pride,
------Hadith : What is pride ?
------A proud person can be identified through the following signs,
------Exercise 5. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [6]. Visiting the Sick,
------About Visiting the Sick,
------Hadith : About visiting sick people,
------The Manners of Visiting the Sick,
---Lesson [7]. Halal and Haraam Foods,
------What is Halal?
------Things that are Haraam to consume,
------Checking Ingredients,
------Exercise 8. Identify Five different foods. Research their ingredients and state whether they are Halal and Haraam.

This New series is an authentic Ahl al-Sunnah Syllabus designed and published in the UK using high grade paper.

Other books in the series :

 *** Qamar Islamic Studies Level 1,
 *** Qamar Islamic Studies Level 2,
 *** Qamar Islamic Studies Level 3.
 *** Qamar Islamic Studies Level 4.


*Dimensions : 24 x 17.5cm.




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