Forty Narrations on Sufism :
Kitab al-Arba'in fi 'l-Tasawwuf, New,
*[A5] Paperback - 84 pages, [English / Arabic],
by Abu 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami,
Translated with Notes by S.Z. Chowdhury,
Published by Dar al-Nocosia,
Part of the Sulami Heritage Series.
Description :
Kitab al-Arba'in fi 'l-Tasawwuf (Forty Narrations on Sufism) of the renowned Sufi theoretician and hagiographer of Nishapur Imam Abu 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami (d.412/1021), may Allah be pleased with him, is a collection of Forty Prophetic Narrations (Arba'in) on various aspects, precepts and practices of Sufism. The aim is to ground such aspects within the normative framework of imitatio propheti. Thus, al-Sulami's agenda is to establish the orthodox origins of Sufism.
The present translation contains an introduction and short biography of the life of Imam al-Sulami as well as an analysis of the text. It also contains detailed accompanying notes on key terms and ideas that draw on from al-Sulami's other works in order to help the reader appreciate a broader picture of his mystical outlook and attitude.
About the Author :
He is Imam Abu 'Abd al-Rahman Muhammad bin al-Husayn al-Sulami (d.412/1021). He was born in Naysabur (Nishapur) to a wealthy family of religious figures. He studied under his grandfather the great Ibn Nujayd as well as eminent scholars like al-Su'luki and al-Nasrabadhi.
"If Abu Abd al-Rahman (al-Sulami) is not the abdal,
then Allah has no awliya (saints) upon this earth."
---Muhammad ibn Abd Allah Naysaburi [d.405/1014].
Al-Sulami attained specialisation in hadith and appropriated the methods and forms of the hadith genre for his project of making tasawwuf a science and for defending its orthodox origins - especially its principles and parctices. He was a prolific author collecting the earlier dats of Sufi thoughts and ideas on a range of issues. He passed away in Naysabur [412/1021].
More Forty Hadith,
Also see the works of Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani,
More Hadith and Sunnah,
*Dimensions : 20.3 x 12.6cm.