Hidayat ul Bariyah : Urdu

  Hidayat ul Bariyah : New,
*[A5] Paperback - 95 pages,
by Allama Naqi Ali Khan,
Published by Idara Tarveej o Ishaat.

Description :

Hidayat al Bariyah ila ash-Shariyat al-Ahmadiya - book on aqaaid and amaal (correcting notions, beliefs and practices) by Imam al-Mutakallimin, Hadrat Allama Mufti Naqi Ali Khan al-Barelwi 'alayhir rahman, the noble father of AlaHadrat Imam al-Ahl as-Sunnat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan al-Barelwi, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu.

Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan, alayhir rahman, wrote more than 50 books on various subjects. Amongst his works :

---Suru'rul Qulub fi Zikri Mouludul Mahboob,
---Al-Kalamul-Awdah fi Tafsir Sura Alam-Nash’ra,
---Tafsir Surah Alam Nasrah,
---Usul al-Rashaad,
---Fazail e Du'a,
---Faizan e Ilm wa Ulema.

His works received very high distinctive stature amongst Islamic literature. His treatises are characteristic in its condemnation of the enemies of Islam, both internally & externally.

Spiritually he was a senior disciple and Khalifa of the Grand Master Ghawth al-Waqt, Khatim al-Akaabir, Sayyid Ale’Rasul Ahmadi, al-Husaini al-Barkaati, alayhi ar-Rahman, and also received the Ijaza of Hadith Shareef from his shaykh. The shaykh was a student of the celebrated Muhaddith, Allama Shah Abd 'al-Aziz Muhaddith al-Dehlawi, alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan. Shaykh Naqi Ali also received Ijaza of Hadith in Makkah Mukarrama from the illustrious Ustadh al-Ulama, al-Shaykh al-Haram, Shaykh Sayyid Ahmad Zayni Dahlaan al-Makki, alayhi ar-Rahman.

It was in the 19th Century (13th Hijri) that Allama Naqi Ali, alayhi ar-Rahman, laid the foundation of a Darul-Ifta in Bareilly Shareef. This Darul-Ifta later became the nucleus and fountainhead of fiqah in the whole world. Shaykh Naqi Ali Khan, alayhi ar-Rahman, was a distinguished and great jurist of his time. He passed away in Bareilly shareef in 1297AH. He had personally groomed his noble son, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, and perfected him as a 'Master Jurist' at the tender age of 13 years. And the rest is history.

*Dimensions : 21.7 x 14cm.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.149 kgs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan

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