Qamar Islamic Studies : Level 1, New,
*[A4] Glossy Paperback - 108 pages,
Edited by Mohsin Adam, 2nd Edition,
Published by Qamar Learning Academy, UK.
Part of the 'Qamar Islamic Studies' series.
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Description :
The Qamar Islamic Studies books series provide knowledge of the most essential aspects of Islam whilst helping to bring a child's faith to life through regular practice. The books build on the foundations contained within the Qur'an and Sunnah by bringing blessed Islamic principles to life in the classroom and beyond.
Qamar covers core areas in Aqidah (tenets of faith), Fiqh (rulings), Seerah (Propehtic biographies) and Akhlaq (manners) within a simple framework which is tailored to suit the developing needs of the learner. Level One in the series has been split into these four categories and has been colour co-ordinated accordingly :
*** Aqidah (Belief),
*** Fiqh (Rulings),
*** Tarikh (History),
*** Akhlaq (Manners).
Each books contains colourful illustrations, exercises and classroom activities that will make learning fun.
Table of Contents :
---The Role of Parents,
Aqidah :
---Lesson [1]. The Creator,
------Exercise 1. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [2]. The All Seeing,
------Exercise 2. Tick Yes or No,
---Lesson [3]. The All-Hearing,
------Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps using the provided words,
---Lesson [4]. The Provider,
------Exercise 4. Complete the Wordsearch,
---Lesson [5]. The Most Merciful,
------Exercise 5. Tick the correct statement,
---Lesson [6]. The Protector,
------Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps,
---Lesson [7]. Our Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
------Exercise 7. Answer the Questions,
------Let's Colour,
------Let's Colour.
---Lesson [8]. Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala's, Books,
------Exercise 8. Match the correct answers,
---Lesson [9]. The Angels,
------Exercise 9. Colour in the names of the 4 Angels.
Fiqh :
---Lesson [1]. The Wudhu,
------Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps,
---Lesson [2]. How to perform Wudhu,
------Exercise 2. Tick the correct answer,
---Lesson [3]. Compulsory Acts of Wudhu,
------Let's Colour,
------Exercise 3. Put the images of Wudhu in the correct order,
---Lesson [4]. Things which break the Wudhu,
------Exercise 4. The Faraid of Wudhu,
------True or False,
---Lesson [5]. The Ghusl,
------Exercise 5. Wordsearch,
---Lesson [6]. The Five Pillars of Islam,
------Exercise 6. Find the Correct Answer?
---Lesson [7]. The Salah,
------Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps,
---Lesson [8]. The Times of Salah,
------Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps,
---Lesson [9]. The Method of Salah,
------Exercise 9. Write the Times of Salah,
------What changes for a Woman ?
------Exercise 10. Brothers; Images for peforming 2 Rakat Salah,
------Exercise 11. Sisters; Images for peforming 2 Rakat Salah.
Tarikh (Islamic History) :
---Lesson [1]. Sayyiduna Adam, alayhi salam,
------Exercise 1. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [2]. Sayyiduna Adam, alayhi salam, on Earth,
------Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps using the provided words,
---Lesson [3]. Sayyiduna Nuh, alayhi salam,
------Exercise 3. Colour in the Ark,
---Lesson [4]. The Building of the Ark,
------Exercise 4. Answer the Questions,
---Lesson [5]. Prophet Ibrahim, alayhi salam,
------Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps using the provided words,
---Lesson [6]. Prophet Ibrahim, alayhi salam, and Isma'il, alayhi salam,
------Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps using the provided words,
---Lesson [7]. Our Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
------Exercise 7. Tick 'True or False' for the following statements,
---Lesson [8]. The Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam.
------Exercise 8. Complete the Wordsearch.
Akhlaq :
---Lesson [1]. Our Classroom,
------Manners in the Classroom,
------Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps using the provided words,
------Lets colour the Classroom,
---Lesson [2]. My Home,
------Musa and his home,
------Exercise 2. Match the items,
------Lets colour,
---Lesson [3]. Eating,
------Du'a before Eating,
------Du'a after Eating,
------Exercise 3. Do's and Dont's when Eating,
------Lets colour,
---Lesson [4]. Drinking,
------The Glass of Water,
------Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps,
------Lets colour,
---Lesson [5]. A Good Muslim,
------Sour Grapes,
------Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps,
------Lets colour,
---Lesson [6]. Sleeping,
------Du'a before Sleeping,
------Du'a after Sleeping,
------Exercise 6. Tick 'True or False' for the following statements,
------Lets colour,
---Lesson [7]. Keeping Clean,
------Keeping my body clean,
------Keeping my clothes clean,
------My enviroment,
------Exercise 7. Tick 'True or False' for the following statements,
---Lesson [8]. Using the Bathroom,
------Du'a before using the bathroom,
------Du'a after using the bathroom,
------Exercise 8. Match the correct statements with the images,
------Lets colour the bathroom,
---Lesson [9]. Respect for Teachers,
------Abdullah and his Teacher,
------Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps.
---Pages for making notes.
This New series is an authentic Ahl al-Sunnah Syllabus designed and published in the UK using high grade paper.
Other books in the series :
*** Qamar Islamic Studies Level 1,
*** Qamar Islamic Studies Level 2,
*** Qamar Islamic Studies Level 3.
*** Qamar Islamic Studies Level 4.
*** Qamar Islamic Studies Level 5 Textbook,
*** Qamar Islamic Studies Level 5 Workbook. New.
*Dimensions : 24.5 x 17cm.