Perfume of the Unwritten : New

 Perfume of the Unwritten : New,
*[A5] Glossy Paperback - 62 pages, Now in Stock & Despatching,
by Walid Lounes Bouzerar,
Edited by Abdul Aziz Suraqah,
Foreword by Shaykh Nour Hisham Kabbani,
Published by Dar al-Habib.

Description :

A 33-piece collection of poetry contemplating Allah's glorious creations and the Way. Authored by Walid Lounès Bouzerar. Foreword by Shaykh Nour Hisham Kabbani.

''Poetry is ultimately about an aesthetic, cultivating a “taste” for seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary. It is having language become perfumed by that sense of the sacred, of beauty, and having the silences between words be further openings towards that which is experienced but transcends words.

                      "Poetry is ultimately not about rhyme and meter.
                       Islamic languages connect the word for poetry
                       to the root of “consciousness

The poetry collection of Walid Lounès Bouzerar taps into so many of the beautiful resonant symbols of the Islamic universe, from People of the Cave to oceans and rose petals, and recasts them into poetry suitable for contemporary tastes. Recommended for spiritual seekers of every age!" ---Dr. Omid Safi, Director, Duke Islamic Studies Center.

Contents :


---Only Kings do Find,
---Alchemy of the Soul,
---People of the Cave,
---I Forgo my Nest,
---Love-borne Wings,
---The Rose and Its Demise,
---The Ocean to Which Every Celestial River Flows,
---Love May Come to Pour,
---The Sea of Why You do it,
---Things of This World,
---The Rope that Sends Love,
---What Has Your Yearning Brought You ?
---The Moon Reveals the Sun,
---The Beauty and Majesty of His Love,
---A Friend of Silence,
---The Throne of the Heart,
---The Hidden Ones,
---Era of Mercy,
---The Winger Stranger,
---The Two Freedoms.
---O Mindless Critic,
---The Heart's Delight,
---The Oil of Listening,
---The Rope of Love,
---Everything You Touch,
---Glory in the Wounds,
---The Light the Night Sows,
---Whispers of the Beloved,
---Where Secrets Are Stored,
---The Blind Bee,
---The Winds of Solace,
---My Home is Untrodden Path.

*Dimensions : 20.3 x 12.7cm.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.105 kgs
  • 15 Units in Stock

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