Surviving 2012 and Beyond : A Survival Book, New,
*[A5+] Paperback - 64 pages,
by Taner Ansari & Others,
Published by Ansari Publications, USA.
Description :
Regardless of whether a disaster happens in your lifetime or not, it is
still good common sense to know how to survive on your own. What you
learn about self-sufficiency will inspire others in your community to be
more self-reliant.
A mere hundred years ago most human beings knew the
value of basic survival skills, and yet today most of us are dependent
upon conveniences like prepackaged food for our dinner. Indeed, true
craftsmen who build with their own hands are harder and harder to find
in this day and age. Virtually everything we own is made on automated
assembly lines, where skilled knowledge is underappreciated.
'Being prepared is what this book is about.
Learn. Grow. Be a better person.
Avoid setting yourself up to suffer.
expect others to do for you what you should
be doing for yourself.'
We rely so
excessively upon technology; just imagine what would happen if we lost
our ability to use computers... Most of us don t really know what living
through disaster actually means until one happens, which is too late if
we are unprepared. Frequently disaster victims depend too much on
others for assistance, only to become more desperate and angry if the
help is insufficient or arrives too late. We can only blame ourselves
for not being prepared.
Table of Contents :
---[1]. Disasters and their effects on us,
---[2]. Water,
---[3]. Shelter,
---[4]. How to build an eco-dome emergency shelter,
---[5]. Food,
---[6]. Energy,
---[7]. Air,
---[8]. Medicine,
---[9]. List of emergency items,
---[10]. Closing remarks.
*Dimensions : 22.8 x 15.3 cm.