Two Sufi Commentaries : English &
Arabic Text,
*[A5+] Paperback - 260 pages,
by Shaykh Ahmad ibn Ajiba [d.1224h],
[1]. Sharh al-Qasida al-raiyya fi tariq al-suluk by Shaykh Muhammad al-Buzidi, &
[2]. Salat al-Mashishiyya, Shaykh 'Abd al-Salam ibn Mashish,
The Poem in Ra' Concerning the Sufi Way' by Shaykh Muhammad al-Buzidi,
Edited, Translated, Annotated, & Introduced by Arjan Post,
The Prayer of Blessing upon the Prophet' by 'Abd al-Salam ibn Mashish
Edited, Translated, Annotated, by Michael Abdurrahman Fitzgerald,
Published by Fons Vitae, USA.
Back in Stock - July 2020
Description :
The current volume contains the Arabic text and English translation of two commentaries by the eminent Moroccan Sufi master, Shaykh Ahmad ibn 'Ajiba (d. 1224/1809),
may Allah have mercy upon him.
The first of these is Ibn 'Ajiba's commentary on a poem about the sufi way by his own spiritual mentor. Shaykh Muhammad al-Buzidi 9d. 1229/1814). This work, entitled
Sharh al-Qasida al-raiyya fi tariq al-suluk, has up till now only been available in manuscript form. In its twenty-eight lines. Shaykh al-Buzidi sums up the pathway to spiritual realisation, from beginning to end, according to the principles of the
Darqawi Sufi order, which had given birth to a spiritual revival in the north of Morocco in the late 13th/17th century that continues to play a major role in North African spirituality up to our times. The English translation is complemented by the carefully edited Arabic text of the commentary as well as an extensive introduction that includes detailed biographies of both al-Buzidi and Ibn Ajiba along with insights into the role of the
Tariqa Darqawiyya in their time.
" Although commentaries have sometimes been disparged for not
being original works, readers of these two important commentaries
by the great 18th early 19th century Moroccan shaykh, Ahmad b.
Ajiba, will discover that they are creative gems. Spiritual seekers
will find these works to be inspiring and trustworthy guides to the
doctrine and practice of the Sufi path. In addition, scholars will be
pleased to see that these translations are excellent resources for
enhancing their understanding of the Islamic practice of invoking
blessings upon the prophet Muhammad as well as for furthering
their grasp of the principles of the
Shadhiliya-Darqawiya Sufi
---Dr. Alan 'Abd al-haqq Godlas, University of Georgia.
The second commentary in this collection, completed by Ibn Ajiba in late 1210/1796 during his spiritual travels in the north of Moroccco, is on the famous
Salat al-Mashishiyya, the Prayer of Blessing upon the Prophet Muhammad,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace, attributed to the near legendary saint, Mulay 'Abd al-Salam ibn Mashish,
may Allah have mercy upon him, the shaykh of Abu al-Hasan al-Shadhili,
may Allah have mercy upon him. In addition to the actual commentary, Ibn 'Ajiba's introduction includes practically everything that has been recorded from the earliest
Shadhili sources about the teachings transmitted to Imam Shadhili from his shaykh. This present translation, based on a manuscript written by Ibn 'Ajiba himself, includes comprehensive notes on the text and is followed by the only fully edited Arabic version of this work in print.
Taken together, these two works complete a picture of the
Tariqa Shadhiliyya Darqawiyya, that ranges from the teachings of one of its principle representatives in the days of its founding in late 13th/18th century back to its spiritual roots in the early 7th/13th century, as seen through the spiritual vision of one of its greatest teachers. Sidi Ahmad ibn 'Ajiba al-Hasani,
may God be well pleased with him.
Shaykh Ahmad ibn ‘Ajiba :
Ahmad ibn ‘Ajiba al-Shadhili, al-Hasani, may Allah have mercy upon him, (1747–1809) was an 18th-century Moroccan Shaykh in the Darqawa Sufi order. He was born of a Hasani sharif family in the Anjra
tribe that ranges from Tangiers to Tetouan along the Mediterranean
coast of Morocco. As a child he developed a love of knowledge,
memorising the Qur’an and studying subjects ranging from Classical
Arabic grammar, religious ethics, poetry, Qur’anic recitation and tafsir.
he reached the age of eighteen he left home and studied in Qasr
al-Kabir under the supervision of Sidi Muhammad as-Susi as-Samlali. It
was here that he was introduced to studies in the sciences, art,
philosophy, law and Qur’anic exegesis in depth. He went to Fes to study
with Ibn Suda, Bennani, and al-Warzazi, and joined the new Darqawiyya
in 1208 AH (1793), of which he was the representative in the northern
part of the Jbala region. He spent his entire life in and around
Tetouan, and died of the plague in 1224 AH (1809). He is the author of a
considerable number of works and a Fahrasa which
provides interesting information concerning the intellectual center
that Tetouan had become by the beginning of the 19th century.
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*Dimensions : 23.1 x 17.3cm.