The Spheres of Islam, Iman, Ihsan & Irfan,
*[A5] Paperback - 81 pages, English / Arabic,
by Habib 'Abd al-Rahman Balfaqih,
English Translation by Jawad Bagha,
Edited by Amin Buxton,
Published by Dar al-Turath al-Islami, S.A.
Back in Stock June 2024
Description :
Habib 'Abdul Rahman Balfaqih, may Allah be pleased with him, was described by his teacher, Imam al-Haddad, may Allah be pleased with him, as "the greatest scholar on earth".
In this unique work, Imam Balfaqih describes the Islamic faith as a series of endlessly expanding concentric spheres. In doing so, he clarifies what the seeker must do to strengthen his faith and attain the highest of spiritual stations.
“Entry into Islam by pronouncing the two testifications of faith is
like the central point of the Sphere of Islam and Iman. It is also
the central point of the spheres which come after it: the Sphere
of `Ilm (Knowledge) and Bayan (Clarification), the Sphere of
Ihsan (Excellence), and the Sphere of ‘Irfan (Gnosis), and so
on, endlessly.”
Although succinct in its composition, this book contains meaning which is limitless. It has been said that no work like this has ever been authored.
“One of the most beneficial, comprehensive and lofty books which
clarify the path to Allah and explain the realms of connection to Him
and drawing close to Him.”
---Al-Habib 'Umar bin Hafiz.
Table of Contents :
---About the Author,
------His Lineage,
------His Life,
------His Death.
The Spheres of Islam, Iman, Ihsan & Irfan,
---Author's Introduction,
---The First Sphere,
------The Sphere of Islam and Iman,
---The Second Sphere,
------The Sphere of Ilm (knolwedge) and Bayan (clarification),
---The Third Sphere,
------The Sphere of Ihsan (excellence),
---The Fourth Sphere,
------The Sphere of 'Irfan (gnosis),
------An explanation of Shar'iah, Tariqah and Haqiqah,
------A diagram of the Four Spheres,
English with parallel Arabic text.
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*Dimensions : 22.3 x 15.2cm.
Now also available with Commentary in a 2 Volume 9 x DVD set by Shaykh Habib Umar.