Perfection of Faith
& its commentary Fortification of Conviction,
[A5] Paperback - 182 pages,
by Shaykh Abd al-Haqq Muhaddith al-Dehlvi
English Translation by : Yusuf Talal Ali
Description :
''Perfection of Faith'' & ''Fortification of Conviction''
Written by one the most respected Scholars of the Mughal Era, this book is a concise and lucid presentation of the major articles of faith; in total one hundred and one articles of faith according to the Sunni orthodox way.
Authors Introduction: '' I have written this book for every true believer and seeker of truth, and have confined myself to explaining only authentic doctrines without having recourse to the false and meaningless opinions of deviants. I have not employed the methods of argumentation and debate, nor have I mentioned the proofs of the theologists or the hair-splitting of the philosophers, in order that the reader may not be pitched into the whirlpool of uncertainty and confusion. Indeed, Allah is the Lord of Success and in His hands are the reins of fulfillment.''--- Shaykh Abd 'al-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlwi.
Some of the Topics Covered:
---The Attributes of Allah Almighty,
---Articles of Faith,
---Questioning in the Grave,
---The Chief Sins,
---Intercession through the Beloved Prophet, Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam,
---The Messengers of Allah,
---Khilafat & the Shi'ah,
---Wilayat : The Saints & their Miracles,
---Acts of Kufr,
Shaykh as-Shah Abd 'al-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlwi [ d. 1052 H - 1642 CE ] 'alayhi al-rahmah wa'l-ridwan, was born in Delhi, India. His father Saif al-Din, Rahmatullahi alayh, was a very pious and intellectual man, and this is a reason why Shah 'Abd-al-Haqq, Rahmatullahi alayh's, education and breeding was based on similar well founded principles. He was extremely fond of education and had a particular zest for learning from a very young age. Many hours of the day and the night were spent in reading and writing. After gaining his education in India, he was directed towards the Haramayn, Makkah in 996H. He stayed there for approx 3 and a half years, in which he attained his knowledge of Ahadith and also authored several books.
Some of his most popular and recognised works are listed below;-
Ash'at al-Lam'at : This is a commentary on the Mishkat Shareef.
Tareekh al Madina' : Another well known and important book.
Madarij an-Nabbuwaah' : A highly acclaimed classic.
Akhbarul Akhyar' : A ground breaking piece of writing in relation to the Awliya-Allah.
Shah 'Abd-al-Haqq, Rahmatullahi alayh, passed away at the age of 96, and is buried near the shrine of Khawaja Qutb al-Din Bakhtyar Kaki, Rahmatullahi alayh, in Delhi, India.
[Sub-Continent Print]