The Path of Knowledge : New

The Path of Knowledge [also known as Instruction of a Student],
[A5] Paperback - 104 pages, NEW,
by Imam Burhan al-Din al-Zarnuji [d.610h],
*Published by Dawat e Islami.

Description :

The book in hand entitled Path of Knowledge is an abridged compilation by Sayyiduna Imam Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji, may Allah have mercy upon him, on the topic of Islamic knowledge.

In this book, he discussed the qualities of a student. Not only did he identify the problems  faced by the students during their studies, but he also offered the viable solutions to overcome these problems. Additionally, he devised the ways as to how the students can gain piety,  wisdom, frugality, and perseverance in acquiring Islamic knowledge.

Imam Burhan al-Din al-Zarnuji, may Allah have mercy upon him, (d. 602 AH/1223) was a renowned scholar and the author of the celebrated pedagogical work Ta'lim al-Muta'allim-Tariq at-Ta'-allum (Instruction of the Student : The Method of Learning). Imam al-Zarnuji was born and lived in Zarnuj, a well-known town beyond the river Oxus in the present Turkistan.

He studied with many shaykhs including: Shaykh Burhan al-Din ‘Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Marghinini (1152–1197) author of Al-Hidayah, Shaykh Abu al-Muhamid Qawaduddin Hammad ibn Ibrahim al-Saffar; the great Shaykh Hasan ibn Mansur Qadiykhani; and others. The exact date of his death is unknown, though it is speculated that he died in 602 AH/1223 or 640 AH/1242-1243 in Bukhara.

Al-Zarnuji's treatise, Ta'lim al-Muta'allim-Tariq at-Ta'-allum, is a short introduction to the secrets of attaining knowledge. Acknowledged by many as a book in which even the most advanced and experienced teachers find advice they have yet to apply in their teaching, this book serves to create the proper framework for the Laws of Sharia program and its students and teachers alike.

Table of Contents :

---Du’a for Reading the Book,
---14 Reading Intentions,
------Two Madani pearls,
------14 Intentions for reading this book,

Chapter [1]. The Reality of knowledge and Jurisprudence and its Virtues,
Chapter [II]. Intention when Seeking Knowledge.
Chapter [III]. Selecting a Science, a Teacher and Class fellows, and adopting Steadfastness,
------Selecting a science,
------Selecting a teacher,
------Choosing class fellows.
Chapter [IV]. Respect for Knowledge and Knowledgeable people,
------Respect for teacher,
------Respect for book,
------Respect for class fellows.
Chapter [V]. Hard work, Persistence, and Enthusiasm,
------The way to decrease phlegm,
Chapter [VI]. Ways of commencing a lesson, its Sequence and Amount.
Chapter [VII]. Importance of Trust.
Chapter [VIII]. Suitable time to gain Knowledge.
Chapter [IX]. Importance and excellence of Kindness and advice,
Chapter [X]. How to obtain Benefit,
Chapter [XI]. Piety when acquiring Knowledge.
Chapter [XII]. That which Improves Memory and that which causes Forgetfulness,
Chapter [XIII]. That which brings Livelihood and that which Reduces it; that which Increases it & that which Decreases it,
------Those things which bring about difficulty in livelihood,
------The following actions cause livelihood to decrease,
------Those actions which increase livelihood,
------Amongst the Wazaif that increase livelihood are,
------Those actions which increase one's lifetime.

---Transliteration Chart.




Homepage for Sufism.
Also see Imam al-Ghazali.


* Subcontinent print quality and off-mint condition. Bumps, creases and peeling lacquer. This is reflected in the price.




  • Shipping Weight: 0.125 kgs
  • 138 Units in Stock
  • Written by: Imam Burhan al-Din Zarnuji

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