The Society of the Age of Bliss :
*Paperback - 171 pages,
Written by : Shaykh Osman Nuri,
English translation by: Erdinc Atasever,
Published by: Erkam Publishers, Turkey.
Description :
In this book, Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbas Hoca Efendi explains in detail what can be considered as the 'Age of Bliss' (Arabic : Asr-I-Saadah) as follows (extracted) :
''The Age of Bliss refers to an age of peace and happiness, in which human beings enjoyed the greatest joy thinkable. The Age of Bliss were times honoured by the presence of the Blessed Prophet, upon him be blessings and peace.
The Beloved Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, says :
“ The best of my ummah are those who live in my times,
then those who follow them and then those follow them...”
(Sahih al-Bukhari).
The term Asr-u Saadah has also been used, from time to time, to refer to period of the Righteous Caliphs, to the succeeding Tabi'in generation, even to the Taba Tabi'in generation subsequent to it. Some exegetes comment that the vow taken on asr, or ‘time’, in Surah al-Asr, is also in reference to the Asr-u Saadah ; for it was during those times that the true was definitively separated from false.''
Time and again, Abdullah ibn Masud, may Allah be well pleased with him, would recite and teach his students a certain ayah of the Qur'an and follow it up by saying,
“ This ayah is better than anything the Sun has ever shone upon
on Earth!” He would say the same for every single ayah.
(Haythami, VII, 166).
His below words again show just how much the Companions were occupied in training themselves in Qur'anic sciences:
“Whosoever desires knowledge, let him thoroughly contemplate the
meanings of the Qur'an and concentrate on its interpretation and
recital; for it contains the knowledge of past and present.”
(Haythami, VII, 165; Bayhaki, Shuab, II, 331).
Table of Contents :
---Dear Readers!
--[1]. The Society of the Age of Bliss,
-------The Degrading Beliefs of the Age of Ignorance,
-------Serving the Lord and His Creation were Ignored for Worldly Interests,
-------What Remained of Moral Qualities were Distorted from their Original Forms,
-------The Prophet’s Great Miracle:
---------The Asr-u Saadah Person,
-------The Age of Bliss Raised Exemplary Figures,
-------What did the Companions Receive from the Blessed Prophet,
-------Islam Spread As Quickly As the Break of Dawn,
-------Feelings Grew Deeper and More Spiritual,
-------The Functions of Reason and the Heart were in Harmony,
-------Contemplation Became Profound,
-------Communicating Islam became Their Most Enjoyable Activity,
-------They Held Firm to the Quran,
-------Factors that Directed the Companions to the Holy Quran,
-------The Entire Humankind has Admired Them,
-------Islamic Morals are Practical, not Theoretical.
--[2]. The Excitement of Iman in the Asr-u Saadah Society,
-------They Ran to Join the Circle of Islam,
-------They Never Hesitated in Sacrificing Their Lives for Faith,
-------They Struggled and Migrated Just to Protect their Faith.
--[3]. The Thrill of Worshipping in the Age of Bliss,
------They Took Care to Be with Wudu (Ablution) at All Times,
------Salat (Prayer) was the Light of Their Eyes,
------They Never Remained Away from Jama'ah (Congregation),
------They Used to Give Alms with Pleasure,
------Charitableness was the Focal Point of their Lives,
------They Realised that there was Nothing like Fasting,
------They used to Spill Over with Excitement over Hajj and Umrah,
------They Esteemed Learning the Quran and Hadith,
------They would Seek their Cure from the Holy Quran,
------They used to Repent at Dawn,
------They were Diligent in their Deeds of Worship,
------The used to Compete in Virtue and Good Causes,
------They Would Follow the Sunnah Inch for Inch,
--[4]. Moral Maturity in the Age of Bliss,
------They were Peaks of Humbleness,
------They were Oceans of Compassion,
------They Loved Forgiving for the Sake of the Almighty,
------They Had Their Share of Two Prophetic Attributes :
---------Trustworthiness (al-Amin) and Loyalty (as-Sadiq),
------They were Winds of Mercy in Generosity and Selflessness,
------They Would Avoid 'Wasting.'
--[5]. Social Life in the Age of Bliss,
------They Attached Great Importance to Islamic Education,
------Their Trade Ethics was Exceptional,
------Their Brotherhood was Legendary,
------The Society was Dominated by Courtesy and Care,
------They were Chaste and Virtuous,
------They Always Had a Smile on their Faces,
------In Short.
Excellent quality presentation!
* Dimensions : 18 x 11cm.
Highly Recommended!