The Onlookers Delight :

The Onlookers Delight :
'Ghibtat al-Nadir,'
[A5] Hardback - 104 pages,
by Imam ibn Hajr al-Asqalani,
Transl. by Mokrane Guezzou,
Edited by Dr. Hafiz Ather Hussain
Published by HSBT.





Description :

This new work is the first ever English translation of the classical text Ghabtat al-Nadhir by Shaykh al Islam Hafiz ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, may Allah be pleased with him.

Ghabtatul Nadhir fi Tarjumatil Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir is a concise work about the characteristics as well as the achievements of al-Ghawth al-Adham : Sayyadina al-Shaykh 'Abd Al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah Almighty sanctify his secret, written by the great Hadith scholar Imam Ibn Hajr al-'Asqalani.



Sultan al-Awliya; Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah sanctify his secret, born near the Caspian Sea, in a town called Jilan, is one of the most venerated figures in tasawwuf.  The venerable Ghawth 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah sanctify his secret, is noted for his extraordinary spiritual experiences and exploits, as well as his memorable sayings and wise teachings. It is rightly said of him that 'he was born in love, grew in perfection, and met his Lord in the perfection of love.

The shaykh passed on to the Realm of Divine Beauty in 561A.H /1166 C.E and his mausoleum in Baghdad attracts millions of pilgrims from throughout the globe.


The Author
Imam Ahmad ibn Ali al-Asqalani (d. 852/1448), famously known as Ibn Hajar after one of his ancestors is arguably the best hadith scholar of the Mamluk period. The Dhahabi of his time and the amir al-muminin of the hadith scholars. Suyuti says that he drank from the well of zamzam and prayed to Allah to give him more knowledge than Shams ad-Din adh-Dhahabi. He is the author of over 300 books some going into lengthy volumes. He died on Friday 28 Dhi al-Hijja [852 hijri] and was buried in al-Qarrafa, Cairo, now famously known as the City of the Dead (madinat al-mawta).
More works of Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani.


Mokrane Guezzou is the author and translator of major Islamic works. He is the author of 'Shaykh al-Hashimi : His Life and Works,' and the well-known translator of over ten works including Qur’an commentary Al-Wahidi’s Asbab al-Nuzul and al-Buzaydi’s The Adab of the True Seeker. He currently resides in Jordan.

A selection of Mokrane Guezzou's works.




More Qadiriyyah books.

Also see Sufi books.



A5 Hardback binding.





  • Shipping Weight: 0.495 kgs
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  • Written by: Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani

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