Treatise on Discipline In the Path of The Seeker :
Risalat adabi suluk al-murid,
[A5] Glossy Paperback - 59 pages, NEW,
by Imam Muhammad 'Abdullah bin 'Alawi al-Haddad,
English Translation by : Muhammad Mmamali Adam,
Published & Edited by AbdulKader 'Ali Esa Al-Hadad.
Description :
A new English translation of a classic text from Imam 'Abdullah ibn 'Alawi Al-Haddad, may Allah be pleased with him, is now available: Treatise on Discipline in the Path of The Seeker (Risalat ul Murid). This book was first translated 10 years ago and was given a new edit for this publishing.
Extract from the Preface : Risalatu Adaabi Suluk al-Murid,
'' The 'transitory life' is life on this earth. For the seeker who desires it, let alone actively pursues it, ends up in the Fire, rebuked and humbled. Should not a man of reason be aware and turn away from it, while diligently safeguarding himself from it. The Hereafter here means the Heaven. It is not enough merely to desire it only, instead one should exercise good faith and do righteous deeds as necessary to achieve it as indicated by His, the Exalted, words :
''...and strive therefore with all due striving, and have Faith.''
The Ones whose striving is acceptable (to Allah) are those deeds which were accepted by Allah, they thereby deserve praise and great rewards which have no limits and no ending, by the grace of Allah and His Mercy.
The loser, in all respect, is the seeker of the transitory life who will surely receive the rightful threat (from Allah) as described in the Qur'anic verse above. His desire for the earthly life is so powerful that it makes him neglect, deny the Hereafter until he does not believe in it, or he believes but do not strive for it, firstly, he is an infidel and will stay in Hell forever, then secondly, will have strayed and is another loser. '' ---Imam Abdullah ibn 'Alawi al-Haddad, Tarim, Hadramount.
Table of Contents :
---Introduction and Biography of Imam al-Haddad,
---Chapter [1]. The Beginning,
---Chapter [2]. Repentance,
---Chapter [3]. Guarding the Heart,
---Chapter [4]. Guarding the Senses,
---Chapter [5]. Purety and Satiety,
---Chapter [6]. Focusing on Allah and Worshipping Him,
---Chapter [7]. Rectitude and Presence,
---Chapter [8]. Juma'ah and Jama'ah,
---Chapter [9]. Persevere in Remembrance and Reflections,
---Chapter [10]. Restrain from Laziness and Dosobedience,
---Chapter [11]. Path to Allah, Status of Self and Patients,
---Chapter [12]. Examples of Patience,
---Chapter [13]. Provisions are being Apportioned,
---Chapter [14]. Trials and Tribulations,
---Chapter [15]. No Need to Seek Approval from Mankind,
---Chapter [16]. Revelation and Karamah,
---Chapter [17]. Good thoughts towards Allah Almighty,
---Chapter [18]. Seeking Provisions and Striving for it,
---Chapter [19]. Keep in Good Company,
---Chapter [20]. Relationship with a Shaykh,
---Chapter [21]. Conclusion.
---Author's Epilogue,
------Attributes of the Sincere Seeker : How he should behave.
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