Understanding the Laws of Menstruation -
and related issues according to Hanafi Jurisprudence,
*[A5] Paperback - 35 pages,
by Salma Sirajuddin,
Printed by De-Luxe Printers, UK.
Back in Stock October 2020
Description :'Understanding the Laws of Menstruation' and related issues, according to
Hanafi Jurisprudence is a simple, easy to understand and useful work on the rules
hayd - menstruation,
nifas - postnatal bleeding, and
istihadah - irregular bleeding. These are amongst the most important subjects and an area of special concern to women, because many rulings of Islamic Law (
shari'ah) depend on them, such as purification, reaching puberty, prayers, fasting, circling the Holy Kabah (
tawaf), spiritual retreat (
i'tikaf), marital relations, divorce, the waiting period (
'idda) after divorce and the death of a husband and many more.
Knowing the legal rulings in regards to female bleeding is obligatory for every Muslim woman. This is because, without knowledge of them, a woman may leave something that Allah has made obligatory on her or she may perform an act that has been made unlawful for her, and become wrongdoing due to that.
This work is based on the following noted texts of the
Hanafi school
: *** Muktasar al-Quduri,
*** al-Lubab fi Sharh al-Kitab,
*** Nur al-Idah,
*** Maraqi al-Falah,
*** Hashiyat al-Tahtawi, &
*** Hashiyat al-Abideen.
Also see
Sisters Section,
More books on
Fiqh : Islamic Jurisprudence.
*Dimensions : 20.9 x 14.8cm.