The Best Way for the Worshippers : Minhajul 'Abideen,
[A5+] Hardback - 422 pages,
by Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali,
**Translated by Iqbal Hussain Ansari. ******CLEARANCE*******
Description :
Extract from the Preface : '' Man should always hope for reward and recompense which Allah has promised as a reward for piety, righteousness and good deeds. This act of helping will urge oneself to worship, obedience and to good deeds. Similarly, a man should think of the grievous punishment and of the tortures and hardships which he is likely to face in the Hereafter. When this fear is born in the heart, man will give up disobedience and sins. This valley is called 'The Valley of Urge and Impetus.' When this 'valley' stands in the way, man should cross it, keeping in view the foregoing directions.
After having crossed all these valleys there will be nothing to stop him from devoting himself to worship and to good deeds with full concentration of mind and due submission. At this stage he shall feel the presence of such attributes as shall induce him to indulge in worship and obedience with full concentration. '' ---Imam al-Ghazali, radi Allahu anhu.
Minhaj al-Abideen - The Best Way for the Worshippers is considered to be the summary of Imam al-Ghazali's, may Allah be pleased with him, magnum opus, Ihya Ulum al-Din, 'The Revival of the Religious Sciences.'
Table of Contents :
---Translators Note,
---A Biographical Sketch of the Compiler,
---Compilations of Imam al-Ghazali,
---The Qualities of Imam al-Ghazali,
---Evidence of the authenticity of the book,
---Chapter [1]. The Value of Knowledge and Acquaintance,
------The Value of Knowledge and Acquaintance,
------The Limits of Knowledge.
---Chapter [2]. The Valley of Repentance,
------Three Pre-Requisites and Causes of Repentance,
------How to refrain from and give up Sins.
---Chapter [3]. The Valley of Obstacles,
------First Obstacle : The World,
-------The meaning of Zuhd (Abstention) and its Reality,
-------The shari' (legal) position of Zuhd,
------Third Obstacle : Satan,
-------Methods of knowing Satans deception,
------Fourth Obstacle : The Self,
-------The Reality of Taqwa,
-------How to know and recognise Taqwa.
---Chapter [4]. The Valley of Hindrances,
------The Reality of Tawwakul, (complete trust in Allah),
------Doubts and Suspicions,
------Destiny ; It's many forms,
---Chapter [5]. The Valley of Urge and Impetus,
------The Reality of Fear and Hope,
------Principles to control the Self,
------The Grave,
------Paradise and Hell.
---Chapter [6]. The Valley of Factors Ruining Worship,
------The Reality of Pride; The Injunctions and it's effect,
------Remedy for the Cure of Ostentation,
------Remedy for the Cure of Pride,
------Excessive Risks.
---Chapter [7]. The Valley of Praise and Gratitude,
------The Reality of Gratitude and Praise,
------Their meanings and Injunctions.
**Sub-Continent print and translation. Click on image below for page sample.
The text is authentic but the publishers (Darul Ishaat) are not Sunni. We do not recommend any of this publishers other works.