The Ultimate Beauty and Light,
*[A5] Paperback - 72 pages,
by Allama Sajid al-Qadri,
by Ahl us Sunnah Publications.
Back in Stock February 2020
Description :
''The Author (
Allamah Sajid al-Qadiri) has unveiled the fact that to be enlightened within the beauties of Islam, to be acquainted with the strongest religion, to know the preachings of the Holy Qur'an, to be acquainted with the code of life .... the charter of the light of the Love of The Prophet Muhammad Mustafa,
Salla Allahu ta'al 'alayhi wa Sallam, is needed! The Love of the Holy Prophet,
Salla Allahu ta'al 'alayhi wa Sallam, is necessary. ''
---Qaazi Ghulam Rasul Siyalwi, Chinote, Pakistan.
Decent quality Sub-Continental print with green paper.
Table of Contents :
---Morning of Light,
---The Awaiting of the Universe,
---The Beginning of the Universe,
---The Prophet of the Universe,
---The Symbol of Creator of The Universe,
---The Sun of the Universe,
---The Beauty of the Universe.
*Dimensions : 21.5 x 14.2cm