Bahar e Shariat : V.3/4 English

 Bahaar e Shariat: [Volume 3 & 4]
 English Transl. 2nd Edition,
[A5] Hardback - 768 pages, In Stock & despatching,
by Mufti Amjad Ali Azmi,
Translated into English by Mufti Aftab Cassim al-Qadiri, Ridawi Noorie,
[of the Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre, Durban, S.A.].
Published by: Kutub Khana Amjadia, India.

Description : Volumes 3 & 4 :

First ever English translation of the famous Hanafi fiqh manual !

'Bahar-e-Shari’at' is that universally acclaimed book of the eminent khalifa of the great Mujaddid of Islam, AlaHadrat Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, 'alayhi ar-Rahman w'al-Ridwan, and the great faqih of the era, Sadrus Shari'ah, Qadi Hakeem, Allama Abul Mawlana Amjad Ali Aazmi Razawi, 'alayhir rahman, which can be justifiably called the Encyclopedia of the Hanafi Islamic (fiqh) Jurisprudence. Bahaar-e-Shar'ah is possibly the most authentic and comprehensive fiqh book currently in the urdu language for Hanafi Sunni Muslims.

This publication, is the first ever English translation of 'Volumes 3 & 4' of the famous Hanafi fiqh manual !

Today, there is hardly a Darul Ifta that does not carry a copy of Bahaar-e-Shariat. With the exception of Darul Iftas, there are also numerous Mosques the world-over that have classes in which Bahaar-e-Shariat is taught to the worshippers: and numerous Muslim Colleges and Universities in the World have introduced Bahaar-e-Shariat as a part of the syllabus for those studying to become Ulama. Undoubtedly, in the present time, there has not been any other Book of Fiqh that has been written in the urdu language, which compares to Bahaar-e-Shariat. The world renowned 'Fatawa Alamgiri' was compiled by the devoted efforts of hundreds of the most learned Ulama of the time, but Sadrus Sahriah compiled a voluminous book like Bahaar-e-Shariat single handedly. The Muslim Ummah will forever remain indebted to him for work of such magnitude. Seventeen Volumes were orginally written by 'Sadrus Shariah' and due to ill health, he was unable to go any further, therefore the final 3 volumes were written by his students upon his request.

Volume Index :

---Volume 1/2/3 : Book of Imaan & Aqaa'id, Taharah & Salaah, Published!
---Volume 3 & 4 combined : Book of Salaah & Janazah, Published!
---Volume 5 & 6 combined : forthcoming [2019], ...
---Volume 7 & 8 combined : forthcoming [2019], ...

---Volume 16 : Book of Manners, Published!

Table of Contents : Total 768 pages!

---Supplications in support by prominent Ulema and Mashaykh,
---An Introduction to Bahaar-e-Shariat,
---Translators Note,
---The Importance of Fiqh,
------Fiqh in the light of the Qur'an,
------The Excellence of a Faqih in the light of Hadith.

---Brief Introduction to Imam al-A'zam; Abu Hanifa,
------Imam Abu Hanifa is a Tabi'ee,
------His Character,
------His Fear for Allah and Piety,
------His Abstention from the company of Rulers,
------His Love for his Parents,
------His Intelligence and Insight,
---A brief account of the Author: Sadrus Shariah.

---Important Shari' terminology,
------Sunnat-e-Ghair Mu'akkadah,

Bahaar e Shariat : [Volume 3] : The Book of Salaah  : Revised, 2nd Edition

Volume 3 : Comprises 213 Ahadith & 868 Laws of Fiqh, : Total 370 pages,


The Book of Salaah,

---Chapter [1] Namaaz (Salaah),
------Virtues of Namaaz in the Light of Qur'an,
------Virtues of Namaaz in the Light of Hadith,
-------Ahadith that relate the warnings and harmful effects of not reading Salaah,
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
------Namaaz Times,
-------The Time of Fajr,
-------The Time of Zuhr and Jummah,
-------The Time of 'Asr,
-------The Time of Maghrib,
-------The Time of 'Isha and Witr,
------Mustahab (preferred) times,
------Makruh (disliked) times,
------The Preferred (Mustahab) Times of Salaah,
------Makruh Times of Salaah.

---Chapter [2] Adhaan, (The Call to Prayer),
------Virtues of the Adhaan,
------Virtues of Replying to the Adhaan,
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
------Laws regarding Iqaamat,
------The Du'a after Adhaan,

---Chapter [3] Conditions / Pre-Requisites of Salaah,
------The First Condition : Tahaarat,
------The Second Condition : Satr-e-Awrat,
------The Third Condition : Istiqbaal-e-Qibla,
------Laws related to Tahar'ri,
------The Fourth Condition : Time,
------The Fifth Condition : Niyyat,
------The Sixth Condition : Takbeer-e-Tahreema.

---Chapter [4] Method of Performing Salaah,
------Fard Actions in Namaaz,
------Qira'at, (Recitation)
------Ruku, (Bow),
------Sujood (Prostration),
------Khusoof (Terminating the Salaah),
------Waajib Actions in Namaaz,
------Sunnats of Namaaz,
------Virtues and Laws Pertaining to Durood Shareef,
------Mustahab Actions in Namaaz,
------Zikr and Du'a after Namaaz.

---Chapter [5] Recitation of the Holy Qur'an,
------Qur'an and Ahadith,
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
------Laws of Qira'at (Recitation) outside Namaaz,
------Errors in Qira'at.

---Chapter [6] Imamat,
------Laws of Jurisprudence, Conditions for Imamat,
------Conditions for Iqtida (following),
------Who is the more deserving of Imamat?

---Chapter [7] Virtues of Namaaz in Jama'at,
------Virtues of Congregational Prayer,
------Harmful effects of missing the Jama'at,
------Excellence of standing in the first saff (row),
------Regarding standing straight in the saff,
------Regarding standing shoulder to shoulder,
------Warnings regarding leaving Namaaz,
------Laws regarding congregational Prayer,
------Excuses for missing Jama'at,
------Where should the Muqtadi stand?
------Condition when the Namaaz of a male becomes invalid due to attendance of females,
------The categories of Muqtadis and Rules related to them,
------When is the Muqtadi permitted to follow the Imam and when is he not ?

---Chapter [8] Performing Namaaz without Wudhu,
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
------Explanation of the Aforementioned Conditions.

---Chapter [9] Nominating a Khalifa in Namaaz,
------Nominating a succcessor,
------Laws of Jurisprudence.

---Chapter [10] Factors which Nullify Namaaz,
------Rules regarding giving Luqma,
------It is forbidden to pass across/in front of a person praying Salaah.

---Chapter [11] Makruh Actions in Namaaz,
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
---------To play with beard, clothing or other items,
---------Folding sleeves,
---------To read Namaaz or the need to go to the lavatory?
---------Wearing clothing with pictures, images, etc,
---------Images and pictures around and near you whilst praying Namaaz,
---------Suitable clothing when praying Namaaz,
---------Suitable places of Worship.

---Chapter [12] Rules regarding the Masjid.
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
---------The Wudhu area inside the Masjid,
---------To enter the Masjid after eating raw onions, bad breath, other odours, etc,
---------To eat, sleep and drink inside the Masjid,
---------Worldly discussions, business transactions, to beg inside the Masjid,
---------Who has the right to repair and restore ?
---------Praying behind a 'Sunni Sahihul Aqida' Imam!
---------Praying Namaaz in your local Masjid is more Afdal than in the Jamiah Mosque,

---Endorsement by AlaHadrat Shah Imam Ahmad Rida Khan, alayhi ar-Rahman.

Bahaar e Shariat : [Volume 4] : The Book of Salaah New,

Volume 4 : Comprises 222 Ahadith & 814 Laws of Fiqh, : Total 358 pages,

The Book of Salaah,

---Chapter [1] The Witr Namaaz,
------Virtues of Witr Namaaz, Ahadith,
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
------Du'a e Qunoot, Arabic with English Translation.

---Chapter [2] Sunan and Nawafil Namaaz,
------Virtues of Sunan and Nawafil,
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
------Tahiyat ul Masjid,
------Tahiyat ul Wudhu,
------Namaaz e Ishraaq,
------Namaaz e Chasht,
------Namaaz e Safar,
------Salaat ul Layl,
------Tahj'jud Namaaz,
---------Du'a for Tahajjud : Arabic with English Translation,
---------Second Du'a for Tahajjud : Arabic with English Translation,
------Namaaz e Istikhaara,
---------Procedure for Namaaz e Istikhaara,
------Salaat ut Tasbeeh,
---------Procedure for Salaat ut Tasbeeh,
---------Du'a for Salaat ut Tasbeeh,
------Namaaz e Hajaat,
---------Prayer for Fulfilment of Need,
------Salaat ut Asraar,
---------As reported by Sayyadina Ghawth al-A'zam, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,
------Namaaz e Tauba,
------The Taraweeh Salaah.

---Chapter [3] A Munfarid getting the Jama'at of Fard,
------A Munfarid is one who has commenced praying on his own,
------The Munfarid can break his Salaah and join the Jama'at if sajda has not been performed,
------Laws of Jurisprudence.

---Chapter [4] Qada Namaaz,
------Sleeping and forgetfulness,
------Without a valid shari'i reason,
------True repentance,
------Out of fear for the enemy,
------No set or fixed time for Qada Namaaz,
------One inflicted by illness,
------Qada should be performed based upon the condition it was missed,
------Tarteeb, following the correct order of the missed Salaah,
---------Important points regarding Tarteeb,
---------When Tarteeb does not become Fard,
------Forgetting the Qada, and only realising after praying the Fard,
------Qada and Menstruation,
------Delaying one's Qada due to work or business responsibilities,
------Qada is far more important to pray than praying Nafl (optional) Salaah,
------The Qaza e Umri (Lifetime Qada).

---Chapter [5] Sajdah e Sahw,
---Prostration to compensate unintentional errors,
------Unintentional error,
------Intentional missed a waajib,
------Omission of a Fard action will cause the complete Salaah to be invalidated,
------Sajdah e Sahw is only valid when the time permits it,
------Sajdah e Sahw and 'Bina,'
------If a Muqtadi stands up forgetfully, it is necessary for him to return to a sitting position,
------Every Qada of a Nafl is Qada e Aakhira,
------Errors during Jum'ah or Eid congregation,
------The Imams' Sajdah e Sahw is also waajib upon the Muqtadi,
------Sajdah e Sahw is not waajib upon the Muqtadi if his error is during whilst following the Imam,
------The Masbooq must perform Sajdah e Sahw with the Imam, even though the error happened before he joined,
------Sajdah e Sahw whilst following an Imam who is also a Musafir (traveller),
------Having doubts regarding the number of Rakats (cycles) one has prayed,
------Having doubts regarding the completed Namaaz,
------In all cases of doubt Sajdah e Sahw is Waajib, if fard is omitted or there is doubt then Salaah will have to be repeated.

---Chapter [6] Namaaz of the Sick and Poorly,
---Namaaz e Mareedh,
------Conditions for when a person cannot perform his / her Salaah standing,
------Conditions for when a person cannot perform Salaah seated,
------Conditions for leaning when performing Salaah,
------Conditions for performing Salaah with Ishaara (gestures),
------Conditions for when one cannot face the Qiblah by himself or with assistance,
------If the Mareedh forgets the Ruku or Sujood,
------Those that are insane or unconscious,
------Those that are intoxicated by drink or drugs,
------If the female is ill, it is not Fard upon the husband to perform her Wudhu for her,
------Impure (najis) bedding under the Mareedh,
------Not permissible to avoid or delay Salaah due to minor illness,

---Chapter [7] Sajdah e Tilawat,
------There are 14 Ayats (verses for Sajdah),
------Reciting or listening to an Ayat e Sajdah causes Sajdah e Tilawat to become waajib,
------Various conditions for Imams and Muqtadi's,
------Writing Ayat e Sajdah or looking at it does not make Sajdah waajib,
------In Sajdah e Tilawat, there is no raising of hands, no tashahud nor Salaam,
------Further conditions and points regarding Sajdah e Tilawat,
------Regarding Sajdah e Shukr (Prostration of Gratitude).

---Chapter [8] Namaaz of a (Musaafir) Traveller,
------Qur'anic ayat regarding shortening of the Salaah,
------Seven Hadith's regarding shortening of the Salaah,
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
---------Travelling, the time of day, land or sea?
---------Must be travelling on a journey the distance of 3 days,
---------Measurement of distance travelled, calculated by miles and distance,
---------If there are two valid routes?
---------The mere intention of a journey does not qualify one as a Musafir,
---------Coming out of populated areas,
---------Waajib upon the Musafir to perform Qasr Namaaz (shorten the Salaah),
---------There is no Qasr (shortening) of Sunnats,
---------Further conditions for the Musafir,
---------If the Imam is a Musafir and the Muqtadi is a Muqeem,
---------If the Musafir commenced his Salaah behind a Muqeem,
---------If a Musafir made Iqtida of a Muqeem,
---------If a Musafir made 'Sahw' (error) during Salaah,
---------For a female to embark on a journey without a Mahram for more than 3 days is impermissible.

---Chapter [9] The Jum'ah (Friday) Namaaz,
------Virtues of Jum'ah,
------Virtues of Pasing Away on a Friday,
------Warnings regarding omitting Jum'ah,
------Virtues of Bathing on a Friday,
------Virtues of using a fragrance on a Friday,
------Virtues of going early to the Masjid for Jum'ah,
------Prohibition against climbing over the shoulders of people.

------The Six Conditions for Jum'ah,
---------1. Misr or Fina e Misr,
---------2. Sultan ul Islam or his representative,
---------3. Time of Zuhr,
---------4. The Khutbah,
------The Sunnats of Jum'ah,
---------5. Jama'at, (minimum of 3 persons),
---------6. Izn e Aam (open permission).

------11 Conditions for Jum'ah to be Waajib,
---------1. To be a resident in the City,
---------2. To be in good health, (Jum'ah is not fard on an ill patient (mareedh),
---------3. To be free, i.e. not a slave,
---------4. To be a Male,
---------5. To be baaligh (reached puberty),
---------6. To be aaqil (sane),
---------7. To have vision (not blind),
---------8. To have the ability to walk,
---------9. Not to be imprisoned,
---------10. Not to be in fear of a King or Thief,
---------11. Not to have fear of severe weather, in danger of being harmed.

------Recommended to visit the Cemetery on Jummah,
------Numerous other laws and masa'il relating to Jummah,

---Chapter [10] The Eidain (Both Eids),
------Virtues of the Eidain (the 2 Eids),
---------9 Hadiths,
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
------Mustahab Actions on the Day of Eid,
---------1. To trim the hair,
---------2. To clip your nails,
---------3. To perform Ghusl,
---------4. To brush your teeth with Miswak,
---------5. To wear new clothes, if not clean clothing,
---------6. To wear a ring,
---------7. To apply fragrance (itar),
---------8. To perform the Namaaz of Fajr in the local Masjid,
---------9. To go early to the Eid Gah,
---------10. To pay the Sadaqa e Fitr before the Eid Namaz,
---------11. To go to the Eid Gah by foot,
---------12. To return via alternative route,
---------13. To eat a few dates (khajur) before going for Eid Namaaz,
---------14. To show one's happiness,
---------15. To give Sadaqa (charity) in abundance,
---------16. To go to the Eid Gah with composure and dignity,
---------17. To greet others, and wish others Mubarak,
------Method of performing Eid Namaaz,
------The Eid Khutbah,
------The Rules of Sadaqa e Fitr,
------Eid ad-Duha,
------Takbeer e Tashreeq,
---------Takbeer e Tashreeq is Waajib.

---Chapter [11] Namaaz of the Eclipse,
------Related Hadith,
------The Salaah of the Solar Eclipse,
------Eid Namaaz in the Masjid or Eid Gah?
------Gail Force Winds?

---Chapter [12] Namaaz e Istisqa (Du'a and Istifgfaar),
------Verses of the Qur'an,
------Laws of Jursiprudence,
---------Can be performed with Jama'at or individually,
---------How and when to perform Namaaz e Istiqsa.

---Chapter [13] Namaaz e Khauf,
------Verses of the Qur'an,
------Laws of Jursiprudence,
------Method of performing Namaaz e Khauf.

---Chapter [14] Illness,
------Discussion on illness,
---------Illness is a great Ni'mat (blessing) from Allah Almighty,
------Virtues of visiting the sick,
---------16 Ahadith regarding the virtues of visiting the sick.

---Chapter [15] Death and Janazah,
------The onset of Death,
---------Remembering Death,
---------Death with Imaan.

------Laws of Jursiprudence,
---------Sunnat to place the dying person to his right facing the Qibla,
---------To continue with recitation of Talqeen in audible voice,
---------Sunnat to recite 'Surah Yaseen' and to make area fragrant with incense,
---------Female (family members) are allowed to be close to the deceased,
---------Tying some fabric from the jaw to the head to close the mouth,
---------Du'a when closing the eyes of the deceased,
---------Stopping the stomach from swelling,
---------Cover the entire body (mayyit) with a white sheet,
---------Words uttered at the time of death,
---------Be swift in fulfilling all debts of the deceased,
---------It is permissible to recite the Qur'an providing the body is entirely covered.

------Ghusl (bathing the deceased),
---------The ghusl, kaffan, and dafan (burial) should not be delayed without reason,
---------Inform all neighbours, friends and relatives when a person dies,
---------Making public announcements of death,
---------Regarding sudden deaths and funeral arrangements,
---------Rules regarding the deceased pregnant female and her unborn,
---------Method of bathing the deceased, step by step guide,
---------The person performing the ghusl should be reliable and in a pure state,
---------It is Mustahab to burn fragrance during ghusl,
---------Ghusl: Only men to men & women to women are permissible, apart from husband & wife,
---------Muslims should perform the ghusl if other family members are non-Muslim,
---------Other issues regarding permissibility,
---------Steps to take after the ghusl.

------The Kaffan (shrouding the deceased),
---------The shroud the deceased is Fard e Kifaayah,
---------The 3 categories of kaffan, (shroud),
---------The male kaffan has 3 pieces,
---------The female kaffan has 5 pieces,
---------The kifaayat kaffan pieces for male and female,
---------The size and length of the kaffan pieces,
---------The kaffan should be of good quality,
---------Dyed or coloured fabrics are not permissible for males,
---------Regarding the Na-Baaligh,
---------The deceased's wealth should pay for the kaffan,
---------The correct method for putting on the kaffan (13 steps in total),
---------Applying fragrance,
---------Other points and issues related with the kaffan and its purchase.

------Carrying the Janazah (Funeral bier) for Burial,
---------Every person should make an effort to carry the Janazah,
---------Sunnat for four persons to carry on 'kandha' - on shoulders,
---------Must be carried at a moderate pace,
---------Those accompanying, should silently walk behind only,
---------If it is forbidden for females to accompany the Janazah,
---------It is makruh to sit, until the Janazah has been brought down,
---------One should not return home until partaken in the Janazah Namaaz.

------The Janazah Namaaz,
---------The Janazah Namaaz is Fard e Kifaayah,
---------Jama'at (congregation) is not a sole condition,
---------Same conditions apply to Janazah Namaaz becoming waajib as applies to other Namaaz,
---------Two Types of Conditions (Pre-Requisites) in Salaat al-Janazah,
---------Facing Qibla, wearing shoes, impurities on the ground, etc,
---------The Imam must be in a state of ablution,
---------The Janazah (body) must be present before the Salaat is to proceed,
---------The Janazah should be in front of the musallees and facing the Qibla,
---------A few conditions related to the Salaat al-Janazah.

------Method and Rules for Janazah Namaaz,
---------2 things which are Rukn (essential); Takbir 4 times, and Qiyyam (stand),
---------3 things which are Sunnat e Muakkadah,
---------Method for performing Salaat al-Janazah,
---------Some praiseworthy Maathur Du'as, Arabic with English Translation,
---------Some points reagrding the takbeer,
---------Some points reagrding the saffs (rows),
---------Who can and cannot perform the Salaat al-Janazah ?
---------The masbooq and the Salaat al-Janazah,
---------If more than one Janazah is taking place?
---------It is Makruh e Tahreemi to perform the Salaat al-Janazah inside a Masjid,
---------Not permissible to delay the burial in order to obtain a bigger crowd ?
---------What if the Janazah is at the time of your daily Fard Salaah?
---------Some rules regarding the deceased if it's a newborn baby,
---------Some rules regarding Dar ul Harb and Dar ul Islam.

------The Grave and Burial,
---------To bury the deceased is Fard e Kifaayah,
---------It is impermissible to bury the deceased at the spot or chamber where he/she has passed away,
---------Rules regarding the length and height of the grave,
---------The grave is of two types,
---------It is impermissible to place a 'grass mat' inside the grave,
---------It is makruh to place the deceased inside a 'western' coffin,
---------Some conditions regarding caskets,
---------Placing baked bricks on the side of the grave is Makruh,
---------Who should assist and go inside the grave?
---------How to lower the Janazah,
---------Lowering the female Janazah,
---------Du'a to recite when lowering into the grave,
---------The Janazah's face should be turned towards the Qibla,
---------Placing sand on top of the grave, and what to recite,
---------Refill the grave only with the sand that was removed to dig it,
---------The shape of the grave should be raised with a hump,
---------Sprinkling water onto the grave,
---------If a person has passed away on a ship, and are distant from the shore?
---------It is permissible to build domes over graves of the Ulama & Sadaat (Sayyids),
---------It is Mustahab to recite verses from Surah al-Baqarah,
---------Remaining at ther graveyard after burial,
---------It is impermissible to bury more than one person inside a grave,
---------It is Mustahab to bury the deceased in the city where he/she passed away,
---------It is permissible to have your own kaffan ready, but not to dig your own grave before you die,
---------It is strictly forbidden  to walk or sleep over a grave,
---------Do Not tread over graves to get close, but pray Fatiha from a distance is best,
---------To appoint a Hafiz to recite the Qur'an is allowed but not for a fee,
---------To keep the Shajrah or Ahad Nama in the grave is permissible,
---------Some points regarding writing Bismillah Shareef on the forhead and chest.

------Ziyaarat e Quboor,
---------To Visit the Graves is Mustahab once a week,
---------Preferred days are Jum'ah, Thursday, Saturday or Monday,
---------To travel and journey towards the graves of the Awliya is permissible,
---------Regarding females and permissibility?

------Manner of performing Ziyaarat e Quboor,
---------The correct procedure in order to do Ziyaarat of Graves and Shrines,
---------How to approach, what to recite,
---------What to recite when visiting the graveyard (Qabrastan),
---------Sending Thawaab,
---------It is impermissible to kiss the grave or to do tawaf,
---------To make Talqeen to the deceased is permissible according to the Ahle Sunnat,
---------What the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wa Sallam, said to recite when a Muslim brother passes away, Du'a, with English translation,
---------What AlaHadrat, alayhi ar-Rahman, has added ...
---------Placing fresh flowers on the grave is permissible,
---------Do not remove or pull grass from the grave.

------Ta'ziyat (Condoling the Bereaved),
---------Taziyat is Masnun and beneficial,
---------Taziyat is from the time of death upto 3 days,
---------It is Mustahab to condole with all close relatives of the deceased,
---------One loses all rewards of patience and hardship by wailing loudly,
---------Neighbours & relatives of the deceased should provide food for the day & night,
---------It is totally impermissible for family members of the deceased to have a feast (that is invite many people) on the third day,
---------The food prepared for the teeja (3rd day) is usually done so from the wealth of the deceased.

------Noha (lamenting),
---------It is not permissble for females to gather and lament together loudly,
---------To make Taziyat in the Qabrastan (cemetery) is a Bid'at (innovation),
---------For men to wear black clothes for 'saug' (for mourning) is not permissible,
---------To cry loudly, wail and to exaggerate is Haraam,
---------To cry silently is permissible,
---------To tear at or rip clothes, pull faces, loosen/untie hair, beat the chest, are all practices of Jaahiliyat (from the days of ignorance),
---------To mourn for more than 3 days is not permissible but a woman can mourn her husband for 4 months and 10 days,
---------9 Ahadith regarding Noha (lamenting).

---Chapter [16] The Shaheed (Martyr),
------Verses of the Qur'an,
---------Seven different types of Shaheed,
---------28 further situations, where one is honoured,
------Who else receives the Thawaab (reward) of a Shaheed,
------Laws of Jurisprudence,
---------What is a Shaheed according to Fiqh terminology?
---------The Shaheed who dies in battle,
---------Other situations,
---------The Janazah of a Shaheed,

---Chapter [17] Namaaz in the Sanctified Kaaba.
------Praying Jama'at in Masjid al Haraam Shareef.

---Endorsement by AlaHadrat Shah Imam Ahmad Rida Khan, alayhi ar-Rahman.

More Hanafi Fiqh.




*This work is now completely translated and is in the process of being fully published via separate volumes once funding is in place.
---Volume 1,2,3 available to order !
---Volume 16 also available to order !

Published by: Kutub Khana Amjadia. Off-mint. Minor imperfections (creases, rips, etc) in finish and overall appearance.









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  • Written by: Allama Amjad Ali Azmi

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