Naimat al-Bari : Urdu,
Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, [
16 Volumes]
*[A4+] Hardback -16 Volume Set,
Sahih Bukhari by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari,
Sharh (
urdu) by Allama Ghulam Rasul Saeedi,
Published in Pakistan.
Description :
Naimat ul Bari is the excellent
sharh (
commentary ) in
urdu by Shaykh al-Hadith wa Tafsir; Allama Ghulam Rasul Sa'idi of '
Sahih Bukhari'
in 16 Volumes.
The authentic collection (Arabic: الجامع الصحيح, al-Jaami al-Musnud
al-Sahih or popularly al-Bukhari's authentic (Arabic: صحيح البخاري,
Sahih al-Bukhari) is one of the six major hadith collections. (Hadith
are oral traditions recounting events in the lives of the Beloved
Prophet Muhammad,
May Allah bless him and grant him peace. Considered as the most trusted collection of
hadith and it has been called
"The most authentic book after the Noble Qur'an.
The book covers almost all aspects of life in providing proper guidance
of Islam such as the method of performing prayers and other actions of
worship directly from Prophet Muhammad,
May Allah bless him and grant
him peace. This work of many years by Imam Bukhari,
May Allah be pleased
with him, who before writing any
hadith in his book performed ablution
and two units of prayer asking guidance from Allah Almighty. Then he
would do the necessary research and investigation, observing if the
hadith fits in to his strict criteria of authenticity and if
he is sure that the
hadith is authentic, he wrote it in the book.
Imam al-Bukhari : These prophetic traditions were collected by the scholar al-Imam
Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari,
May Allah be pleased with him [810/870]
and published during his lifetime. He was a scholar from from the region
Bukhara, hence the name by which he is known. Al-Bukhari belonged to
Shafi'i School. He traveled widely throughout the Abbasid empire
for sixteen years, collecting those traditions he thought trustworthy.
It is said that
al-Bukhari collected over 300,000
hadith and transmitted
only the 2,602 traditions that he believed to be
Imam Muslim was amongst the students of Imam
May Allah be pleased with them.
Shaykh al-Hadith
Allama Ghulam Rasul Sa'idi is one of the most talented and
outstanding scholars of the Indian sub-continent, whose writings and
religious endeavours have for years brought guidance and benefit to the
entire Muslim
Ummah. He sought knowledge from the renowned
scholars of his time, and was a disciple to the likes of Allama Shaykh
Ahmad Sa'id Kaazmi, Allama Mawlana Ata Muhammad and Allama Mufti
Muhammad Hussain Na'imi. This educational foundation was certainly a
determining factor in his expertise in several religious disciplines.
By far, Allama Ghulam Rasul Sa'idi's biggest contribution is in the field of Islamic literature. He wrote
Sharh Sahih Muslim, which has won universal aclaim for it's depth and clarity, he has completed the exegesis of the entire Qur'an, named
Tibyaan al-Qur'an and here before you
Naimatul Bari the
sharh, commentary of
Sahih al-Bukhari.
*Please Note,
Cover Colour: the 1st 7 volumes are different in colour to the final 7. This is not uncommon in terms of printing of
urdu books for the sub-continent.